Use "mikhail gorbachev" in a sentence

1. The most prominent faces were those of Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Gorbachev.

2. In 1988 Mikhail Gorbachev cited high cost and withdrew his troops.

3. Mikhail Gorbachev became general secretary of his party in March of 19

4. In Moscow the university learns law major when the Mikhail Gorbachev is young.

5. In the Soviet Union the leader at the time , Mikhail Gorbachev , was pursuing Glasnost, or'openness.

6. Second, and more important, came the succession of Mikhail Gorbachev to the Soviet leadership.

7. [Gorbachev Beholds a shattered hammer and sickle] Summary Cartoon shows Soviet leader Mikhail S

8. Mikhail Gorbachev achieved the same goal during the 1985 Geneva Summit meeting with Reagan.

9. During perestroika initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev, Kovalyov was allowed to return to Moscow (in 1986).

10. When Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union, he was appalled by the economic decay.

11. When ethnic clashes broke out in Osh 20 years ago Mikhail Gorbachev sent in Soviet troops.

12. There are echoes here of the last Kremlin - dweller who embraced pragmatic foreign relations Mikhail Gorbachev.

13. The Monetary Reform of 1991, was carried out by Mikhail Gorbachev and was known also as the Pavlov Reform.

14. This is the last thing President Mikhail Gorbachev needs( ), as he tries to contain a staggering economic crisis.

15. It was this political class of intelligentsia that prepared for perestroika and became the main support base for Mikhail Gorbachev.

16. More interesting will be the presence of Mikhail Gorbachev, whose reforms are viewed with disapproval and alarm in East Berlin.

17. By the time Mikhail Gorbachev initiated perestroika and glasnost in the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was all but bust.

18. Jambyn Batmönkh took over as General Secretary and enthusiastically plunged into the reforms implemented in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev.

19. But today things were changing, with Mikhail Gorbachev trying to renew Soviet society and create a better life for the people.

20. It was signed in 1991 by U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. It came into force in 19

21. Mr. Gorbachev -- Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

22. According to Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet Union spent 18 billion rubles (the equivalent of US$18 billion at that time) on containment and decontamination, virtually bankrupting itself.

23. , and by 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev was in power promising perestroika—a comprehensive restructuring of Soviet politics and economy—and glasnost, a policy of openness and transparency.

24. Nixon visited the Soviet Union in 1986 and on his return sent President Reagan a lengthy memorandum containing foreign policy suggestions and his personal impressions of Mikhail Gorbachev.

25. Pressed repeatedly by the Poles for an honest accounting, even Mikhail Gorbachev would provide only a partial admission based on "newly discovered evidence" that had been there all along.

26. Jean Malaurie led the first Franco-Soviet expedition in Siberian Chukotka in 1990, at the request of the Soviet government and of the Academician Dmitry Likhachov, Scientific Counsellor to Mikhail Gorbachev.

27. Post-USSR: The Apparatchiki By THEODORE KARASIK Rand Corporation On August 24, 1991 the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) ceased to exist when Mikhail Gorbachev announced his resignation as party leader

28. Mikhail Gorbachev received the Order of the Red Banner of Labour for harvesting a record crop on his family's collective farm in 1949 at age 17, an honor which was very rare for someone so young.

29. 9 Gorbachev changed the course of Soviet history.

30. But neither Khrushchev, nor Mikhail Gorbachev, nor Boris Yeltsin were able to uproot Russia’s stubborn culture of indifference and subordination, precisely because they insisted on top-down change and expected that the Russian people would simply acquiesce en masse.

31. Gorbachev resigned as CPSU General Secretary on 24 August.

32. David Ost stressed the constructive influence of Gorbachev.

33. 3 Mikhail: Don't try to justify your thievery with excuses!

34. 1903 Mikhail Semyonovich Tsvet invents chromatography, an important analytic technique.

35. The attending physician, Mikhail Yureyovich, emigrated to the U.S. in'08.

36. Through 19 Gorbachev maintained a unilateral ban on nuclear testing.

37. President Gorbachev slammed "actions by irresponsible persons" for loss of life.

38. At times the trials of Mikhail K have been almost Kafkaesque.

39. Mikhail Talybov, a KGB agent, was given responsibility for the poisonings.

40. Following the failed August coup of 1991, Gorbachev resigned as General Secretary.

41. There were portraits of Gorbachev and Mandela, glinting with red, in the window.

42. The renowned scientist, scholar and founding father of this University , Mikhail Lomonosov, knew that.

43. Now, he felt strong enough to challenge Mikhail of Tver in the Horde.

44. 27 Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together.

45. Mikhail Vologsky was essentially a loner, in both the physical and spiritual sense.

46. References to ancient Russian military heroes such as Alexander Nevski and Mikhail Kutuzov appeared.

47. He was a younger brother of the future Soviet military commander Mikhail Dmitriyevich Bonch-Bruyevich

48. Two additional species, D. egregius, and D. purlensis, were named by Mikhail Shishkin in 1968.

49. The good news is that this gives Mr Gorbachev one last chance to pull away from disaster.

50. Mikhail, an antique shop keeper, stumbles upon a rare Chippendale's drawer in a Tatar by-place

51. In the end the plan was repudiated by Mr Gorbachev and rejected by the Soviet parliament.

52. President Gorbachev, with whom Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been in frequent contact, clearly gave his approval.

53. During Yeltsin's campaign for the presidency Gorbachev had at times quite blatantly attempted to thwart him.

54. Intellectuals and Apparatchiks: Russian Nationalism and the Gorbachev Revolution Paperback – August 21, 2008 by Kevin C

55. Gorbachev, Yanayev and the presidents of the autonomous republics were also members of the Federation Council.

56. Gorbachev must have found himself hard pressed to explain the stunning turn of events to them.

57. Mr Gorbachev is resisting centrifugal pressure, but leaving the door open for future change in party's status.

58. Fikryat Tabeev, the Soviet ambassador to Afghanistan, was accused of acting like a governor general by Gorbachev.

59. By the end of September, Gorbachev no longer had the authority to influence events outside of Moscow.

60. 19 Mikhail Gorbachev's Soviet Union had once seemed the enlightened exception, but now only proves the bloody rule.

61. Mikhail Koshkin was posthumously awarded the State Stalin Prize in 1942 and the Order of the Red Star.

62. Gorbachev was eager to meet with Reagan, as a part of his overall policy of glasnost, or openness.

63. Ivashko adjourned the meeting, and the politburo went into emergency session, emerging to announce its unanimous backing for Gorbachev.

64. Among the winners were the new class of entrepreneurs and black marketeers that had emerged under Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika.

65. On September 30, nearly 100,000 people marched in Kiev to protest against the new union treaty proposed by Gorbachev.

66. Gorbachev is hailed for doing away with Soviet totalitarianism, yet his predecessor Andropov was the man actually responsible for preparing …

67. President Gorbachev continues to behave as if the middle ground were still there[ ], because without it he is nothing.

68. Gorbachev responded to the Soviet Union's problems by introducing perestroika, or economic restructuring, and glasnost, an element of political freedom.

69. On the first morning, a Saturday, Reagan and Gorbachev greeted each other amiably and with every indication of good feeling.

70. Gorbachev reacted calmly to these reports, noting that he had already experienced similar opposition in several other fraternal countries.

71. Although Gorbachev was the nominal chief of state, Boris Yeltsin now had immense popular support and wielded more substantial power.

72. Mr Gorbachev has three instruments that, he hopes, will make the press more pliant while falling short of complete censorship.

73. It is not condemning Gorbachev to point out the confusion surrounding the dismantling of the Soviet Union as a political entity.

74. More extreme social doctrines were elaborated by such Russian radicals on the left as Alexander Herzen, Mikhail Bakunin, and Peter Kropotkin.

75. Mikhail Kaban from the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences now discovered that the Craton below the North American continent is …

76. The tension between Soviet Union and Russian SFSR authorities came to be personified in the bitter power struggle between Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin.

77. When Gorbachev received the letter he was stunned – nobody in Soviet history had voluntarily resigned from the ranks of the Politburo.

78. The independence referendum had provoked warnings from Gorbachev that it would lead to a breakup of the Union and hence disaster.

79. MIKHAIL Міхаіл m Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian Russian and Belarusian form of MICHAEL, and an alternate transcription of Bulgarian Михаил (see MIHAIL)

80. His book Perestroika helps establish that from the very start Gorbachev was out to reorient,(sentencedict .com) not dismantle their system.