Use "might-have-been" in a sentence

1. He might have been a priest.

2. They might have been water buffalo.

3. Harriet, as might have been expected, behaved admirably.

4. Perhaps destitution might have been preferable to this.

5. She might have been sent by the enemy.

6. It was terrifying. We might have been killed.

7. Shifting sands might have been a more apt title!

8. These might have been adaptations to support wing feathers.

9. That might have been forgivable while Maurice was alive.

10. There might have been an infringement of the rules.

11. One thought it might have been a senior prank.

12. Confusingly, a car bought here might have been registered elsewhere.

13. If I hadn't, it might have been years or never.

14. The money might have been used to more beneficial ends.

15. She was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing.

16. He might have been attached in some way to tote.

17. If you'd stayed at Exeter, you might have been master builder.

18. Was it possible that his death might have been not accidental?

19. Unsub's stressor might have been a rape that never got reported.

20. He might have been, like Gandhi, an apostle of passive resistance.

21. It might have been a physical affliction, such as poor eyesight.

22. A pirate who might have been a Susan in his Dreams.

23. So I' m afraid she might have been kidnapped or something?

24. Franco gave them a look which might have been faintly disapproving.

25. These conditions might have been the effect of the Little Ice Age.

26. He might have been a monster ready to make off with me.

27. You can imagine that the man might have been uncomfortable in crowds.

28. Historically, CMOS designs operated at supply voltages much larger than their threshold voltages (Vdd might have been 5 V, and Vth for both NMOS and PMOS might have been 700 mV).

29. After all, there might have been quite a few of them as well.

30. He might have been seriously injured if it had not been for Bert.

31. Latvia and Lithuania considered that translation might have been addressed in bilateral agreements.

32. One possible disposition might have been erasure of the tapes for re - use.

33. 22 He might have been a monster ready to make off with me.

34. 19 What civil laws might have been tempered with mercy as a result?

35. All were so shabby they might have been worn by a dressy tramp.

36. At most , their forelegs grow vestigial spurs where wing membrane might have been.

37. Had he broken away more decisively earlier, the outcome might have been different.

38. His lengthy absence from work fuelled rumours that he might have been sacked.

39. He might have been listening to Moses when he came down from the mountain.

40. As a consequence it might have been present in the putative progenitors of mitochondria.

41. Boom town is a good motion picture that might have been a great one

42. In the past, we might have been accustomed to speaking harshly and acting unkindly.

43. Of course, Moses might have been going senile and got a bit mixed up.

44. His left jab might have been the cleanest scoring punch of the entire championships.

45. Eventually, Charles apparently conquered his physical infirmity, which might have been caused by rickets.

46. Tigress might have been a termagant, but without her what home could he have?

47. You mean, it might have been made to look like a thief s handiwork?

48. He might have been murdered by a former client or someone harbouring a grudge.

49. Might have been the other way around: Stalin acting as a Svengali on Lenin.

50. It is also a matter of debate as to where Khaba might have been buried.

51. Audiences of the time might have been forgiven for thinking the dance was a spoof.

52. There are always alternatives, and I might have been able to lay something on him."

53. It might have been the blazing fire in the corner of this very upmarket restaurant.

54. Perhaps even as Acerbic a critic as Kennan might have been pleased by the result

55. If his Ability had been measured, the outcome of the competition might have been different.

56. 15 They say they have only tenuous evidence Gary might have been involved in drugs.

57. Two years ago, an average gross margin might have been £200 / acre, he points out.

58. Archeologists want to understand why people lived where they lived, what life might have been

59. In fact, I might have been offended by that implication, but instead I am perplexed.

60. 24 Tigress might have been a termagant, but without her what home could he have?

61. Margaret's life might have been brightened up by a smug, self-amusing gurning garden gnome.

62. (link) You might have been aiming for the word Agnomen, which is what Romans called nicknames.

63. 23 It might have been anticipated that only the most reputable forensic scientists would be used.

64. They said it might have been prevented as had he received the dental care he needed.

65. (Genesis 3:24) Intriguing as this might have been, any spectators stayed at a respectful distance.

66. Had Britain plunged merely into mourning I suppose it might have been creditable, but also surprising.

67. 16 It looks like an elegantly wrapped present that might have been purchased at Fred Segal.

68. In the second extract he might have been risking telling a home truth to his government.

69. Why do I get the feeling that the actual restraining order might have been your idea?

70. The countryside then was so changeless t might have been a picture pasted against the window.

71. In them the gene might have been positively disadvantageous because it left them less socially intuitive.

72. His large eyes might have been girlish had it not been for his unusually heavy eyebrows.

73. Nu might have been a village schoolmaster, or a teller of tales, respected for his piety.

74. For example a false start a running event might have been a whipping of the violator.

75. Tatham might have been a natural but Magill had been the achiever in the secret world.

76. 25 With a bit American fashion drumbeating , I might have been regarded as a whiz kid.

77. Or that he might have been a Jew whose parents converted to escape the Spanish Inquisition.

78. She might have been less dismissive of my talents if he could have seen my latest achievements.

79. If Alex had reacted Aggressively, the situation might have been entirely different, but Alex kept his head

80. Yet without fairly radical surgery, the long-term health of the company might have been in jeopardy.