Use "middlemarch" in a sentence

1. There were many crass minds in Middlemarch.

2. Lydgate returns to Middlemarch, overjoyed now with what he once sought to avoid, a dependence upon Bulstrode.

3. When their eyes meet she envisions the fulfillment of her dream of marrying a man with aristocratic connections not from Middlemarch.

4. 15 Her favourite female character from fiction was Dorothea, "that priggish lioness from Middlemarch; her favourite motto from Camus: 'courage in one's life and talent in one's work.'"

5. The residue of the property was to be devoted to the erection and endowment of Almshouses for old men, to be called Featherstone's Alms-Houses, and to be built on a piece of land near Middlemarch already bought for the purpose by the testator, he wishing--so the document declared--to please God Almighty.