Use "middle ear" in a sentence

1. In most cases, the bones of the middle ear and the middle ear cavity are misshapen.

2. Speech processors for hearing implants, in particular middle-ear implants

3. Palatoplasty could improve the humour immunity and middle ear function.

4. an active pathological process, acute or chronic, of the internal or middle ear;

5. The eardrum separates the outer ear from the middle ear and the ossicles .

6. (1) an active pathological process, acute or chronic, of the internal or middle ear;

7. The stapes (or stirrup) is the final link in the middle-ear transducer chain.

8. One with chronic middle-ear infection risks an acute flare-up of his illness.

9. This traps fluid inside the middle ear , behind the eardrum , allowing germs to breed .

10. Moraxella Catarrhalis strain 7169 is a clinical middle ear isolate (Faden et al., 1997)

11. An Aural polyp is a growth in the outside (external) ear canal or middle ear

12. The solution is the eardrum, or tympanic membrane, and the tiny bones of the middle ear.

13. 28 The deformities of the external and middle ear and their interrelations with embryology were analysed.

14. OM is an acute or chronic inflammation of the middle ear, to which children are highly susceptible.

15. Noun Columellae 1 Zoology An ossicle (small bone) of the middle ear of birds, reptiles, and amphibians

16. The indications are acute and chronic inflammatory changes, cholesteatoma and tumor, the “postoperative middle ear”, and malformations.

17. This tube opens every time we swallow and relieves any pressure build- up in the middle ear.

18. Conductive hearing loss can be caused by problems in the external ear canal or in the middle ear

19. B) Gas Expansion: The body contains air in the middle ear (inside of the ear drum) and sinuses.

20. Aural Atresia is the lack of a fully developed ear canal, eardrum, middle ear space, and ear bones

21. Infected Adenoids can cause other health problems, including middle ear infections, sinusitis and difficulty with breathing, especially at night.

22. Antibiotics have led to a substantial decrease in the number of infants developing acute mastoiditis from middle ear infection.

23. 5 With the otoscope, the doctor can see your eardrum , the thin membrane between your outer and middle ear.

24. The primary purpose of impedance Audiometry is to determine the status of the tympanic membrane and middle ear via tympanometry

25. Immittance Audiometry -- This test measures the function of the ear drum and the flow of sound through the middle ear

26. The resulting impairment in mucoCiliary clearance means patients suffer from chronic progressive lung disease, bronchiectasis, rhinosinusitis and middle ear disease.

27. Acute Otitis Media Definition Acute suppurative infection of the middle ear, often preceded by a viral upper respiratory tract infection (URTI).

28. The hospitalization rates for Pacific Island children presenting acute rheumatic fever, pneumonia and middle ear infections are well above the national rates

29. Mastoid Antrum an air space in the mastoid portion of the temporal bone communicating with the middle ear and the mastoid cells.

30. Otitis media with effusion is the presence of middle ear fluid for six weeks or more from the initial acute otitis media.

31. Vibrations or sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate and these vibrations move through the middle ear to the inner ear.

32. After determining preoperative (acoustical) BERA threshold, the middle ear was opened and the piezoelectrical transducer coupled to various ossicles or the perilymph.

33. The primary function of your middle ear is to transfer the movement of your eardrum to the fluid that fills your inner ear.

34. 21 When the cause of deafness is not solely in the outer and/or middle ear, high frequencies are likely to be affected.

35. Postoperatively she developed recurrent tubal malfunction and middle ear effusions on the left side, with no improvement after adenotomy, tonsillectomy, and grommet insertion.

36. Objective:To investigate the influence of drying the ear canal by cleaning the focus of infection in the posterior tympanum in middle ear operations.Sentencedict

37. Potential medical complications associated with Achondroplasia include lower extremity long bone bowing, middle-ear dysfunction, obstructive sleep apnea, and, more rarely, cervicomedullary compression, hydrocephalus, …

38. The diagnostic spectrum includes 49.8% infections of airways and the middle ear, 13.4% unspecific symptoms, 9.8% acute enteritis, 3.7% ingestions, and 23.2% miscellaneous diseases.

39. At this point the sound waves cause the eardrum to vibrate, and the eardrum, in turn, causes the three bones in the middle ear to vibrate.

40. There is a striking relation to the fact, that the acoustic reflex attenuates the transmission through the middle ear essential for frequencies lower than 1500 cps.

41. The job of the middle ear is to transform the acoustical vibration of the sound wave into mechanical vibration and pass it on to the inner ear.

42. Bullous myringitis (BM) is a relatively common infectious condition characterized by bullae or vesicles on the tympanic membrane without affecting the contents of the external or middle ear.

43. The Cochlea is one of two main structures that make up the inner ear. The inner ear is located behind the eardrum and next to the middle ear

44. This was most often demonstrated in the superior semicircular canal region and through a connective tissue string, which connected the posterior semicircular canal ampulla with the middle ear.

45. The cochlea is filled with fluid and is connected with the middle ear by two membrane-covered openings, the oval window (fenestra vestibuli) and the round window (fenestra Cochleae)

46. The Cochlea is filled with fluid and is connected with the middle ear by two membrane-covered openings, the oval window (fenestra vestibuli) and the round window (fenestra Cochleae)

47. The Cochlea is filled with fluid and is connected with the middle ear by two membrane-covered openings, the oval window (fenestra vestibuli) and the round window (fenestra Cochleae)

48. The cochlea is filled with fluid and is connected with the middle ear by two membrane-covered openings, the oval window (fenestra vestibuli) and the round window (fenestra Cochleae)

49. Moraxella Catarrhalis is one of the main causes of middle ear infections in babies and small children. It is also the cause of upper respiratory tract infections, and sometimes pneumonia

50. These quick drum movements are indicative of pressure equilibrations between the outside air and that in the middle ear and are caused by a momentary opening of the Eustachian tube.

51. Moraxella Catarrhalis is a fastidious, nonmotile, Gram-negative, aerobic, oxidase-positive diplococcus that can cause infections of the respiratory system, middle ear, eye, central nervous system, and joints of humans

52. 26 Result:Four kinds of cells concluding ciliated cell, no secretory granule and no ciliated cell, no ciliated cell with secretory granule and platycyte were found in fetal middle ear epithelium mucosa .

53. In vertebrates, it may refer specifically to: Antrum follicularum, the cavity in the epithelium that envelops the oocyte Mastoid Antrum, a cavity between the middle ear and temporal bone in the skull

54. It is divided into two subsystems- the peripheral Auditory system (outer ear, middle ear and inner ear) and the central Auditory system (from the cochlear nucleus up to the primary Auditory cortex).

55. Speech processors in the nature of processors providing electrical stimulation signals based on sensed acoustic or electric signals for cochlear implants, middle ear implants, skull mounted hearing implants and auditory brainstem implants

56. But the theriodont's jaw hinge had a longer term significance — the much reduced size of the quadrate bone was an important step in the development of the mammalian jaw joint and middle ear.

57. Ampicillin is used for treating infections of the middle ear, sinuses, stomach and intestines, bladder, and kidney caused by susceptible bacteria.It also is used for treating uncomplicated gonorrhea, meningitis, endocarditis and other serious infections

58. Congenital Atresia, the absence of the external ear canal, is a birth defect which is almost always accompanied by abnormalities of both the middle ear bones in various degrees, as well as the external ear

59. The Axial skeleton forms the central axis of the body and includes the bones of the skull, ossicles of the middle ear, hyoid bone of the throat, vertebral column, and the thoracic cage (ribcage) (Figure 1)

60. It included the basal part of the bony separation between the cochlear coils plus the adjacent bony area between the cochlea, the middle ear promontory, the vestibule and the inferior part of the internal auditory canal fundus.

61. In 1970–1974, tympamoplastics of type I–III were done in 95 patients with adhesive processes of the middle ear (epithelized tympanon, scarred adhesions of the chain, sclerosis of the tympanon etc.) following chronic inflammation or cholesteatoma.

62. ▪ Surgery: The brochure Tinnitus, published by The British Tinnitus Association, states: “Sometimes tinnitus is caused by a disorder in the middle ear, and occasionally by an abnormality in blood vessels or muscles in or near the ear.

63. The peripheral system includes the external ear (Auricle and ear canal), the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, the middle ear (three small and connected bones: malleus, incus, and stapes), the oval window boundary, and the inner ear (vestibular system and cochlea)

64. The mastoid Antrum (plural: mastoid antra) (also known as tympanic Antrum or Valsalva Antrum) is an air space (up to 1 cm in size) lying posterior to the middle ear and connected to it by a short passageway, the aditus ad Antrum.

65. Ampicillin is a penicillin antibiotic used for meningitis, renal system infections, bladder infections, endocarditis, intestinal infections, uncomplicated gonorrhea, belly infections and middle ear infections, as long as those were induced by sort of germs expected to be susceptible to the results of the medicine.

66. Important factors for preserving residual hearing are: Special atraumatic soft electrodes Smallest possible acoustic trauma due to cochleostomy drilling Smallest possible mechanical trauma due to drilling and electrode insertion Avoidance of inflammatory and fibrotic reactions (contamination with blood, bone dust, middle ear bacteria, etc.)

67. The cause of a conductive hearing loss can be a defect of the eardrum (chronic otitis mediia, cholesteatoma, trauma), but also a fixation or discontinuity of the ossicular chain (chronic inflammation, trauma, malformation) or a deficiency in the aeration of the middle ear cleft (serous otitis media, adhesions).