Use "micropylar" in a sentence

1. The micropylar haustorium consists of two cells with only one endopolyploid nucleus in each.

2. Synergid cells Two haploid cells located near the egg cell at the micropylar end of the embryo sac in flowering plants.

3. Antipodal cells: the three haploid cells that remain at the non-micropylar end of the EMBRYO SAC subsequent to division of the cells

4. These results suggest that the shape and the size of the micropylar apparatus is favourable for the sperm to penetrate the egg envelop and to block polyspermy.

5. The two polar nuclei move from antipodal end to micropylar end before sperm releasing in a gap between egg cell and central cell and subsequently taking off cytoplasm one after another.

6. Herein, we report that the Coleorhiza is the main physical barrier to radicle protrusion during germination of rice seed (a monocot seed) and that it does so in a manner similar to that of dicot seed micropylar endosperm

7. At the micropylar end 2-8 Archegonia are developed which has the neck and the venter; the venter encloses the egg and a venter canal cell.The neck encloses the neck canal cell.After pollination the pollen germinates and pollen tube extends to reach the neck of the

8. In the micropylar end of the seed, there are two separate membranous structures; the one closely adhering to the sclerotesta is the unvascularised part of the pleurotesta, derived from the inner layers of the integument whilst the other one represents the remains of the nucellus (perisperm), firmly attached to the female gametophyte and covering the Archegonium chamber.