Use "metritis" in a sentence

1. For adjunctive therapy in the treatment of puerperal septicaemia and toxaemia (mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome) with appropriate antibiotic therapy

2. In more benign form the condition may be one associated with abscesses, omphalitis, arthritis, endocarditis , dermatitis, enteritis, metritis, vaginitis, and abortion.

3. Common disorders that can occur include milk fever, clinical ketosis, displaced Abomasa, mastitis, metritis and endometritis, all of which reduce subsequent fertility.

4. Similarly, treatment of mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome with adjunctive treatment of Novem and an appropriate antibiotic was shown to be superior to an antibiotic therapy alone

5. It is used in swine as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug in case of respiratory infections and Mastitis- Metritis-Agalactia syndrome in the sow.

6. Clitoral sinus three to five of these cavities invade the glans of the clitoris in the mare; are the site of infection in contagious metritis in

7. showing acute lesions of broncho-pneumonia, pleurisy, peritonitis, metritis, mastritis, arthritis, pericarditis, enteritis or meningo-encephalomyelitis confirmed by a detailed inspection, possibly supplemented by a bacteriological examination and a search for residues of substances with a pharmacological effect.

8. (ii) showing acute lesions of broncho-pneumonia, pleurisy, peritonitis, metritis, mastritis, arthritis, pericarditis, enteritis or meningo-encephalomyelitis confirmed by a detailed inspection, possibly supplemented by a bacteriological examination and a search for residues of substances with a pharmacological effect.

9. In pigs it is used for non-infectious locomotor disorders to reduce the symptoms of lameness and inflammation, and also for supportive therapy in the treatment of septicaemia and toxaemia around farrowing (mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome) with appropriate antibiotic therapy

10. (ii) showing acute lesions of broncho-pneumonia, pleurisy, peritonitis, metritis, mastitis, arthritis, pericarditis, enteritis or meningo-encephalomyelitis confirmed by a detailed inspection, possibly supplemented by a bacteriological examination and an investigation for residues of substances with a pharmacological effect.

11. v(ii) showing acute lesions of broncho-pneumonia, pleurisy, peritonitis, metritis, mastritis, arthritis, pericarditis, enteritis or meningo-encephalomyelitis confirmed by a detailed inspection, possibly supplemented by a bacteriological examination and a search for residues of substances with a pharmacological effect

12. The objectives of this study were to 1) establish cow-level critical thresholds for serum concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) to predict periparturient diseases [displaced Abomasa (DA), clinical ketosis (CK), metritis and retained placenta, or any of these three], and 2) investigate the magnitude of the metabolites' association with these diseases