Use "method of serial dilution" in a sentence

1. Leucothrix mucor Oersted, the primary cause of filamentous gill disease in cultured shrimp, was treated with Algicides and surfactants by a serial dilution method

2. Improvement of analysis method of dilution ratio on BOD.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of the powder dilution method are discussed.

4. 19 Method: MIC of determination of Galla chinensis against MRSA and MRSE was performed by agar dilution method.

5. Using dilution - plate method , the inhibiting effect of vanillin to the epiphyte was mensurated.

6. ◦ Reorganizing the interface for Nancy's quasi-serial access method (Braille).

7. 29 Method Antibacterial activity of Prunus mume Sieb et Zucc against 308 strains of clinical isolates were determined by agar dilution method.

8. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by agar dilution method using multipoint inoculator.

9. 8 Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by agar dilution method using multipoint inoculator.

10. 29 Methods The recovery rate test of aspergillus niger was carried out in compound ketoconazole cream by using neutralization method and medium dilution method.

11. System and method for paying insurance benefits by using cigarette serial numbers

12. Emphatically studies now the popular serial communication agreement and the serial communication electric circuit design and investigates examines the miscount method realization.

13. ◦ Reorganizing the interface for Mary's serial access method (when she requests it).

14. Three sequential treatments, an antibiotic cocktail, serial dilution, and plate spreading, were applied to strain YC001 and we confirmed Axenicity using molecular and physiological methods

15. Method and device for activating functions of a powered-off device via a serial data bus interface

16. The dilution method is an antiBiogram used to determine the most effective antibiotic concentration to employ against a strain of bacteria

17. 20 Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of penicillin, ceftriaxone, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin and spectinomycin were determined by an agar plate dilution method.

18. Conclusions ATB Hemophilus influenza susceptibility test and broth dilution method could be used in Hemophilia influenza susceptibility test.

19. A 100–250 mL sample is fortified with isotopically labeled analogues of the method Analytes that function as isotope dilution standards

20. Saturation vapour pressure of the dilution air

21. Any dilution of standards must be resisted.

22. Relative humidity of the dilution air

23. When assessed by the gas dilution method, additional information on gas mixing and ventilation inhomogeneity can be obtained.

24. Absolute humidity of the dilution air

25. The exhaust dilution system shall consist of a transfer tube, a mixing chamber and dilution tunnel, a dilution air conditioning, a suction device and a flow measurement device.

26. Dilution of groundwater falls behind of soil desalinization.

27. The total amount of raw exhaust gas is mixed in the dilution tunnel DT with the dilution air

28. The total amount of raw exhaust gas is mixed in the dilution tunnel DT with the dilution air.

29. The dilution ratio is calculated from the dilution air flow rate and the split ratio.

30. Author used the method of documentary metrology, counted and analysed 388 species subject serial of documental data base in water-saving agriculture.

31. Serial killers.

32. Storage device of serial attached small computer system interface/serial advanced technology attachment type

33. Serial number of the ammeter

34. A filter Dilution Air Filter (DAF) for the dilution air, which can be preheated if necessary.

35. For quantitative determination of Antibacterial activity the agar dilution method is more appropriate, where Antibacterial activity of plant extracts was shown at lower concentrations compared to

36. Rd = relative humidity of the dilution air, per cent

37. Combustion pretreatment-isotope dilution mass spectrometry

38. Local Serial Printer

39. A method and apparatus of providing power to an external Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) device via a computing device are described here.

40. 6 All samples were assayed at a 50% dilution in immunoassay buffer and corrected for dilution after subtraction of the assay detection limit.

41. This is a serious dilution of their election promises.

42. There are additional parameters --ignore-serial-bits (default) and --keep-serial-bits.

43. Dilution-stable cement grinding additive composition

44. dilution factor for a 5 ml aliquot of ash solution.

45. De-humidifying the dilution air before entering the dilution system is permitted, if the air humidity is high.

46. Only an available dilution ratio is compounded in this method, which is of reliability, accuracy and adaptability and adapt to analysis and monitoring of BOD in each hospital sewage.

47. Serial Fax/Modem printer

48. We have serial monogamy.

49. A method for mapping the serial 0 and 1 pulses received at a known clock rate from a Delta Sigma Modulator.

50. Deletion of ‘Abor’ in serial No. 1, as it is the same as ‘Adi’ in Serial No. 16.

51. The bit-serial signal (131) conforms to either the serial advanced technology attachment protocol or the serial attached small computer system interface protocol.

52. Amount of dilution gas or excess air per mole of exhaust

53. Dilution air filter (Figures 11 to 19)

54. The drug's effectiveness is increased by dilution.

55. Volume of the dilution air sample passed through the particulate sample filters.

56. It's an innate thing called "goal dilution."

57. Blots were probed with monoclonal antibody supernatant at a dilution of

58. Dilution air, inlet air, exhaust, and sample flow meters

59. There is also a section on isotope dilution analysis.

60. It is possible that as far as the genusEnterobacter is concerned the differences between the results of the disc and serial dilution tests only occur in strains which do not belong to theEnterobacter cloacae species (i. e.Enterobacter aerogenes, Enterobacter liquefaciens).

61. The sample is passed through an SPE cartridge containing polystyrene divinylbenzene with a positively charged diamino ligand to extract the method Analytes and isotope dilution analogues.

62. Serial advanced technology attachment (sata) and serial attached small computer system interface (scsi) (sas) bridging

63. There is no question of any dilution and deviation of our stand.

64. Not all Andalusians are blue: birds with two copies of the gene have near-total dilution, and are off-white; birds with no copies have no dilution, and are black; those with one copy have partial dilution, and are blue.

65. SAS serial attached SCSI A faster, serial version of the SCSI interface (as opposed to the original SCSI parallel architecture).

66. He's not a serial killer.

67. He gave his serial number.

68. Use after controlled fermentation and/or appropriate dilution

69. It is an optimized mix of protein-Blocking components, with no dilution required

70. The quality of dilution water, which if contaminated leads to incorrect BOD values.

71. & Local printer (parallel, serial, USB

72. (n) simple addition of water or dilution or dehydratation or denaturation of products;

73. Counterfeit scopes often use a fake serial number, all identical serial numbers, or incorrect numbering convention

74. Crystallization is a serial process

75. Local printer (parallel, serial, USB

76. Currency notes have serial number.

77. Hdabsolute humidity of the dilution air, g of water per kg of dry air

78. Devoting maximum diplomatic effort to dilution and delay.

79. Determination of magnesium by atomic absorption spectrometry after appropriate dilution of the extract.

80. Heats of mixing and activity coefficients at infinite dilution are predicted poorly.