Use "method of residue" in a sentence

1. Residue analytical method


3. Method of residue differential pulse-code modulation for hevc range extension

4. Method for producing biological feed additive by utilizing cassava residue and alcohol waste mash

5. A method of RDPCM (Residue Differential Pulse-Code Modulation) coding incorporating unified Intra and Inter RDPCM coding is disclosed.

6. The method is presented for preparation metasilicate pentahydrate from residue after extracting magnesium from serpentine ore.

7. The indentation method of residue stress measurement depends on strain measurement around an indention caused by an impacting sphere.

8. No residue either.

9. The heat-shrinkable film according to one aspect of the present invention comprises the copolymer polyester resin comprising: a dicarboxylic acid-derived residue of a residue derived from an aromatic dicarboxylic acid; a diol-derived residue of a residue derived from 4-(hydroxymethyl) cyclohexylmethyl 4'-(hydroxymethyl) cyclohexane carboxylate; and a diol-derived residue of a residue derived from 4,4-(oxybis(methylene)bis) cyclohexane methanol.

10. The residue of the stock was sold.

11. A mutant TIMP-3 (Tissue Inhibitor of MetalloProteinase-3) polypeptide wherein an additional residue or residues, for example an alanine residue, precedes the N-terrninal residue of the TIMP -3 polypeptide; or wherein the residue corresponding to Threonine2 of TIMP-3 is mutated to Glycine.

12. Residue limits should be practical , achievable, verifiable, and based on the most deleterious residue.

13. The invention relates to a method for manufacturing a modified hydroxyethyl starch carrying a heptonic acid residue on at least one of its termini.

14. Yeah, teleportation event residue, man.

15. ISO 706:2004 specifies a method for the determination of the Coagulum content (sieve residue) of natural rubber latex concentrate and the majority of synthetic rubber latices

16. Rubber latex - Determination of coagulum content (sieve residue).

17. The Cryolite residue of toxicological concern is fluoride

18. Now we have a tremendous amount of residue.

19. It left a mealy residue.

20. Clauses dealing with Accruer of share(s) of residue Precedents

21. The residue will consist of cold, invisible, subatomic ashes.

22. Do you see any residue there?

23. The residue went to her granddaughter.

24. Calculate the weight of the residue by deducting the tare

25. Kalabi had explosive residue on his keyboard.

26. The phosphates are linked Anhydrously, the innermost phosphate residue and the sugar residue are linked by an ester bond

27. Calculate the weight of the residue by deducting the tare.

28. Wipe off residue with a damp cloth.

29. The residue of the estate was divided equally among his children.

30. " i knew I was Looking at the residue Of pure evil.

31. Residue of a most rare and terrible poison was found inside.

32. Residue: sum of alpha and beta endosulfan sulphate expressed as endosulphate

33. Leaves neoprene articles free of organic residue, Chlorine and salt deposits.

34. Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels (mg/kg)

35. The flies leave a sticky residue on crops.

36. Embolism, spiral and residue, Crepuscules, pinnacle pentacle tentacle

37. Collodion Remover or acetone to remove Collodion residue

38. Anthracene oil, acid ext. ; Anthracene oil extract residue

39. Quantization processes for residue differential pulse code modulation

40. You or explosive residue on a terrorist's computer?

41. The anchor peptide includes an amino acid motif having at least one neutral polar residue and at least one basic polar residue.

42. How was I to get the residue of pride out of my pitcher?

43. The residue thereof remains such that in cross-section the magnetic core has an alternating layer of soft magnetic material and a layer of residue of a static friction reducing material.

44. The residue contained in the test tube consists of the sterol fraction.

45. There is a green residue in the bottom of the test tube.

46. Sweet potato residue is the by - product of sweet potato starch process.

47. Soot is merely carbon residue from coal and wood.

48. Drain and rinse with cold water to remove residue.

49. Deduction of the dry soluble residue content of a product from its refractive index.

50. 3¿ stands for a hydroxyalkyl residue with 2 to 12 carbon atoms and 1 to 10 hydroxyl groups or a glycosyl residue and X stands for a linear or branched alkylene residue with 1 to 6 carbon atoms.

51. We have analyzed protein structures for the occurrence of 18-residue Amphipathic helices

52. Coal is destructively distilled leaving a solid residue, coke.

53. Soap can leave a slight residue on your skin.

54. A small residue is retained tenaciously by the surface.

55. Residue is probably only a bar that camping zipper.

56. 4 The flies leave a sticky residue on crops.

57. Coke definition is - the residue of coal left after destructive distillation and used as fuel; also : a similar residue left by other materials (such as petroleum) distilled to dryness.

58. 14 The active iodine is then united to a tyrosine residue of thyroglobulin.

59. Bagasse is the fibrous residue after extraction of >90% of the solubles by milling

60. weight in grams of the residue after the first extraction (aliquot part of the extract

61. Therefore, the detection of ? ? - agonist residue has been strengthened in all countries of the world.

62. weight in grams of the residue after the first extraction (aliquot part of the extract),

63. Rape residue also justifies a cut, but not sugar beet.

64. Sugarcane trash is the field residue remaining after harvesting the sugarcane stalk while Bagasse is the fibrous residue left over after milling of the sugarcane, with 45-50% moisture content and consisting of a …

65. They ran the residue you scraped from both front doors.

66. Residue (47 Occurrences) Deuteronomy 3:11 For only Og the king of Bashan remained of the residue of giants: behold, his Bedstead was a Bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbah of the /r/residue.htm - 24k

67. Extract residues (coal), creosote oil acid; Wash oil extract residue

68. She must have inhaled some residue with her dying gasps.

69. 5 Much crystalline solid is found in the pyrolysis residue.

70. Just for some residue from one mickey-mouse Gold Mine.

71. Bouvet compares the corpus of the Changes to a precious residue left from antiquity.

72. Residue definition: sum of alpha- and beta-isomers and Endosulfan-sulphate expressed as Endosulfan

73. Objective: To observe the effect of cryosurgery on recurrent ovarian cancer at vaginal residue.

74. The residue is dissolved in 2 ml of acetone (4.2.6) for triacylglycerol (TAG) analysis.

75. Particulate carbohydrates are measured after sulfuric acid digestion of the residue on glassfiber filters.

76. If you remember, I found extremely high levels of neurotransmitter residue in Alkar's mother.

77. Mary scraped the residue of food from the plates before putting them under water.

78. After paying various bequest the residue of his estate is split between his children.

79. Buffing is the act of leveling out residue or excess of a certain applied product. In many cases it will either increase the gloss, or even out the residue to create an uniform look

80. In a 2017 study, for instance, researchers assessed the antibacterial and resistance modulatory activity of Aniseeds waste residue extract (ASWRE) and star anise waste residue extract (SAWRE) against 100 isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae, S