Use "metamorphism" in a sentence

1. Almandine originated from regional metamorphism to which magmatic thermal metamorphism superimposed.

2. Rank-this depends on the degree of metamorphism.

3. Andalusite forms during the regional metamorphism of shale.

4. The process of alternating solid rock masses is called metamorphism.

5. Regional metamorphism produced parageneses of the almandine amphibolite facies.

6. Dynamical metamorphism under greenschist facies is the condition of mineralizing enrichment.

7. Metamorphism of the Carbonaceous material is expressed in the graphitisation process.

8. Thegenesis pertains to dynamo metamorphism hydrothermal metasomatic deposit under structural control.

9. Danba area has undergone multiperiod deformation, metamorphism and magmatism since Mesozoic time.

10. Lapis lazuli usually occurs in crystalline marble as a result of contact metamorphism.

11. Many references show that the water is indispensable to the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism.

12. Chlorite is also a common metamorphic mineral, usually indicative of low-grade metamorphism.

13. 22 Through late regional metamorphism, the phosphorite was turned into the apatite deposit.

14. These rocks are derived from gabbroic material, that has been altered by progressive metamorphism.

15. The ore-body is consisted of arduinite and clinoptilolite, obviously resulting from syn-deposition metamorphism.

16. Magmatic contact metamorphism can lead to the variations of distribution patter of REEs in coal.

17. Lecture 3 How to recognize equilibrium. Composition- assemblage diagrams; Contact metamorphism: the role of heat.

18. General characteristics for distinguishing apogranite greisens affected by regional metamorphism from metapelitic mica schists are given.

19. Granulite- and amphibolite-facies metamorphism was superimposed during the rapid uplift of high-pressure rocks.

20. The discontinous zoning is due to a two stage metamorphism of possibly Cretaceous to Tertiary age.

21. During this time they bake a zone, or Aureole, of contact metamorphism in the country rock.

22. Molybdenum occurs as colloidal sulfides with carbon, sulfur and clay, and forms molybdenite through thermal metamorphism.

23. 13 The middle Proterozoic crystalline schist series in the Panzhihua - Xichang region has undergone progressive regional metamorphism.

24. The probably flat thermal peak of the Early Alpine metamorphism had already been reached in the L.

25. The fossils data, deformation and metamorphism delineation of the studied strata into the Tianshuihai Group Complex.

26. Titanite from unsheared ARIC rocks crystallized during localized metamorphism and deuteric alteration between 2693 and 2683 Ma.

27. It crystallizedmainly at the magma stage, while a certain part of uraninite resultedfrom autometamorphism and all chemical metamorphism.

28. 10 Before Later Proterozoic era , in this area more than two times of thermodynamic metamorphism took place.

29. Although assemblages within sedimentary-volcanic environments are emphasized, the processes apply to any sulphide accumulation subjected to metamorphism.

30. Contact metamorphism of the hornblende hornfels and albite–epidote hornfels facies has been induced by the granitic intrusions.

31. Anthracite is a high-rank coal, representing a coal that has been subjected to the highest grade of metamorphism

32. This zone has also been mapped. The third metamorphism of Alpine age can be traced in limited areas.

33. The mineral assemblages of rocks correspond to medium-pressure metamorphism in the greenschist, albite-epidote-amphibolite and the amphibolite facies.

34. Ever since, thermal models have been used as plausi-bility calculations for chondrite metamorphism (or melting) in an Asteroidal body

35. Precambrian amphibolites and quartz-mica schists in the Saidapuram-Podalakuru area fall within the almandine-amphibolite facies of regional metamorphism.

36. Vesuvianite can be used to date the formation of skarn mineralizations and possibly also the metamorphism and metasomatism of Argillaceous limestones

37. Amygdaloids are particularly common among ancient volcanic strata that have been subjected to hydrothermal alteration in the zeolitic facies of metamorphism.

38. The amount of CO2 releasing is calculated and its relative calculation model is proposed during the contact metamorphism in carbonate rocks.

39. The strong silicified rock is a product of metamorphism and siliceous metasomatism of granite genetically correlated with Pangushan wolframite deposit.

40. Amygdaloids are particularly common among ancient volcanic strata that have been subjected to hydrothermal alteration in the zeolitic facies of metamorphism

41. Kyanite is one of the index minerals that are used to estimate the temperature, depth, and pressure at which a rock undergoes metamorphism.

42. Conditions of metamorphism of the Schneebergerzug and adjacent Altkristallin are characterised by a posttectonic staurolite- and kyanite-microblastesis in the northernmost Schneebergerzug-rocks.

43. The latter accompanied or followed by a metamorphism of almandine grade and strong synkinematic to latekinematic granitization during the span 1800-1520 m. y.

44. A study of remnant clinopyroxene grains from these formations has indicated general increases in δ18O of whole rocks during epidote–actinolite facies metamorphism of 0.4–2.0‰.

45. In 19 he won First Prize of scientific and technological achievements, Geology and Minerals Ministry for lead editing "Coal Geology Progress" and "Coal Metamorphism of China".

46. A crustforming event with calk-alkalic granitoid intrusions which with time moves westwards is followed by remelting and intrusion of alkali-intermediate granites and metamorphism.

47. The crystals occur in the disequilibrium assemblage calcite – phengite (2M1) – margarite – quartz – kaolinite – epidote –apatite found in Badshot marble from the almandine garnet zone of regional metamorphism.

48. Between the Naukluft nappes and the folded Nama rocks adjoining the southeastern front of the nappes there is an obvious step from higher down to lower metamorphism.

49. Slightly foliated, Amphibolites generally form during the regional metamorphism of igneous rocks primarily composed of ferromagnesian minerals, though other types of the rocks are also known to occur.

50. Its compositional limitation to rocks rich in Mg and Al, but poor in Fe2+, Ca, and alkalies does not allow the introduction of a new facies of metamorphism.

51. We suggest that the precious metals accumulated with chromite during crystallization of a S-poor magma, and were not remobilized in the relict chromite during the subsequent high grade metamorphism.

52. Brucite is formed when dolomitic-marble, or Mg-bearing limestone, is subject to contact metamorphism, periclase (MgO) is formed and hydrates to Brucite in the presence of water

53. From which, it is concluded that the Aegirine is a product of post-magmatic fluids reaction with wall rock dolomites, while the Riebeckite is forming in diagenesis to metamorphism.

54. Baddeleyite ( ZrO 2 ) is widely used in U–Pb geochronology but analysis and age interpretation are often difficult, especially for samples which have experienced post-intrusive alteration and/or metamorphism

55. Two grades of metamorphism, both subfacies of the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism, were mapped on the Araya Peninsula: 1. the quartzalbite-epidote-almandine subfacies, consisting mainly of a sequence of garnet and kyanite quartz-mica schists, interlayered with quartzites; and 2. the quartzalbite-muscovite-chlorite subfacies, which consists of chloritic phyllites, quartzmica schists and phyllites, metaconglomerates, calcareous quartz-mica schists, limestones and marbles, and calcareous epidote schists of volcanic origin.

56. Amphibolite facies metamorphism at Jack Hills is denoted by the presence of grunerite in BIF and the association of calcic plagioclase and hornblende in mafic schist and Amphibolite (Wilde and Pidgeon, 1990)

57. Subsequent metamorphism has obviously produced marked structural modifications and a limited textural rearrangement of the gold and its host-rock, thus obliterating to a certain degree the primary alluvial character of the metallization.

58. The final accretionary event involved addition of the Minnesota River Valley terrane (MRVT) from the south, and deposition and metamorphism of synorogenic turbidites of the Pontiac terrane during the ~2.68 Ga Minnesotan orogeny.

59. This result, at variance with the famous "reverse metamorphism model," better explains the abnormal metamorphic superpositions in the Himalayas and accounts for the lack of high-pressure assemblages under the thick, allochtonous High Himalaya Tibetan slab.

60. Corundum is a high-temperature mineral that forms naturally by metamorphism of alumina-rich rocks under amphibolite and granulite facies conditions, and at temperatures between 500° and 800°C (Simonet et al., 2008).

61. 1.12) formed under regional metamorphism or at contact metamorphic zone around intrusive igneous rocks.Andalusite is a rock-forming industrial mineral and belongs to Andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite group, important for the geothermometry and geobarometry of metamorphic rocks.

62. Seafloor spreading centers cycle seawater through hydrothermal vents, reducing the ratio of magnesium to calcium in the seawater through metamorphism of calcium-rich minerals in basalt to magnesium-rich clays (Wilkinson and Given, 1986; Lowenstein et al., 2001).

63. They range from spectacular km-size 4th folds with NE-vergency in basement rocks to small 5th folds with NW-vergency in Mesozoic cover rocks. 5th folds postdate a static episode of Lepontine metamorphism with growth of albite porphyroblasts.

64. The occurrence ofMiyashiro's andalusite-sillimanite type and low-pressure intermediate group of regional metamorphism in orogenic belts of widely different age merely signifies that in all these belts granitic magma that was formed in depth, rose to higher levels.

65. Post-triassic, during phase III, occured a dislocation metamorphism, and a local crystallization of sericite, albite, biotite, and microcline at the lower boundary of the greenschist-facies under low pressure (Abukuma-type). Phase IV was a jolting in west-east-direktion without recrystallization.

66. metamorphites, Mesozoic igneous intrusive rocks, Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary breccias, and Quaternary alluvia. The Precambrian Halloran Complex has been subdivided into the following formations: (1) Silver Lake Peak Formation, mostly quartzofeldspathic gneisses; (2) Cree Camp Formation, quartzites and metarhyolites; (3) Riggs Formation, metamorphosed carbonate rocks. This complex is intruded by dioritic rocks. Regional metamorphism produced parageneses of the almandine amphibolite facies. Metablastesis was a major phenomenon, partial fusion was a local one. The rocks are, therefore, metatexites. Regional metamorphism was followed by diaphthoresis, accentuated in a zone of dislocation.

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68. However, in neighboring kyanite- and alusite quartzites the typical cross sections of leached out alunite-group minerals as well as the mineral natrojarosite were discovered within the metamorphic quartz fabric, which appears to indicate that alunite-type minerals coexisted during metamorphism with quartz and kyanite.

69. The style of extensional quartz veins changed during deformation and metamorphism of greywacke–mudstones near Yellowknife, with successive types of veins accompanying a progression from steeply plunging, predominantly macroscopic F1, and F2 folds to mesoscopic F3 folds and subvertical S3 axial planar cleavages.

70. Moreover, according toMiyashiro regional metamorphism of his kyanite-sillimanite type (= Dalradian or Barrovian type) was common in Palaeozoic time, whereas that of his andalusite-sillimanite type and low-pressure intermediate group (Buchan type) took place in orogenic belts of Precambrian as well as Palaeozoic and Mesozoic age.

71. This U – Pb age provides a new geochronologic "pin" in the evolution of the Yukon – Tanana terrane prior to its Mesozoic accretion to the North American continental margin and, combined with recent 40Ar/39Ar muscovite data, indicates that high-pressure metamorphism at this time was a relatively short-lived event.

72. The actual occurrence of brannerite in Precambrian conglomerates must, therefore, be regarded with reservation and it is suggested that redistribution and subsequent adsorption of uranium on Ti phases during diagenesis and/or metamorphism of the conglomerates did not lead to the formation of authigenic brannerite, but rather resulted in microcrystalline leucoxene/rutile admixtures containing uranium in varying amounts.