Use "metabolically" in a sentence

1. Furthermore, although subjects were metabolically rehydrated, unstimulated sAlivary flow rates remained significantly l …

2. All constructs contained viable, metabolically active cells in the investigated time period.

3. The invention relates to a method for adsorption of metabolically produced CO¿2?

4. Jefferson told me that it was your idea to put in a metabolically challenged aerobics studio next door.

5. Adipose tissue is a highly dynamic, metabolically active organ involved in a multitude of physiological processes

6. Ginseng UDP-Glycosyltransferases Catalyzing Protopanaxatriol and Biosyntheses of Bioactive Ginsenosides F1 and Rh1 in Metabolically Engineered Yeasts

7. It is assumed that this arrangement provides metabolically active surface for the exchange of materials, absorption, or excretion.

8. The absorption values obtained did not differ significantly from those of a group of 26 metabolically healthy controls.

9. Acclimatizing to heat and cold occurs in a similar fashion, with deep physiological adjustments becoming hormonally and metabolically ingrained over long stretches of time.

10. In general, Binucleate pollen, in which the germinative cell has not divided into sperm when the pollen is shed, is less active metabolically during dispersal and remains viable longer than

11. A Capillary is an extremely small blood vessel located within the tissues of the body that transports blood from arteries to veins. Capillaries are most abundant in tissues and organs that are metabolically active

12. This research project investigates the exchange of respiratory gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) and water vapour of pulmonate snails, particularly across the mantle and epiphragm which restrict evaporative water while the snail is Aestivating and metabolically depressed during hot, dry (summer) periods.