Use "messianic" in a sentence

1. Messianic Prophecy —The Majestic Cedar Tree

2. Jesus anointed 29 Jesus becomes Messianic “seed”

3. How abundant are Messianic prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures?

4. TEACHING BOX 8A: Messianic Prophecy —The Majestic Cedar Tree

5. “The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is a modern messianic movement

6. Additional Messianic prophecies will be examined in the next article.

7. 5 Politics is made of messianic visions and apocalyptic goals.

8. If England admitted them, the Messianic age might be expected.

9. (See also the box “Messianic Prophecy —The Majestic Cedar Tree.”)

10. Because the adjective Messianic means “having to do with the Messiah.”

11. He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb.

12. Other Messianic predictions point to a happy time for the human race.

13. Bsse-Radio - congregation and synagogue, songs, music, worship, praise, traditionals, jewish, messianic, shabbat

14. That is why they prefer Caudillos to political parties, messianic leaders to democratic institutions

15. Some Messianic Jews also wear beards to show their observance of the Old Testament.

16. This prophetic figure would be on the scene well before the Messianic King’s presence.

17. Now we have the starting point for Daniel’s Messianic prophecy, that is, 455 B.C.E.

18. This new magazine would be an additional adjunct in announcing God’s established Messianic kingdom.

19. 17 Following Armageddon, “living waters” will flow continuously from the seat of the Messianic Kingdom.

20. Ariel Ministries is a Messianic Jewish Organization dedicated to the teaching of Judaism and the Messiah

21. The Messianic King, Jesus Christ, straps on his sword and rides forth to conquer his enemies.

22. By all means, then, let us find delight in following the Messianic King —now and forever!

23. Prophets are appointed by Jehovah to deliver messages regarding judgment, pure worship, and the Messianic hope

24. 5. (a) How do the Scriptures show whose sovereignty is expressed by means of the Messianic Kingdom?

25. 13, 14. (a) How did the “messenger” help to prepare the way for the Messianic King?

26. Note, for example, this prophecy addressed to the Messianic King: “You have loved righteousness and you hate wickedness.

27. (Matthew 28:19, 20) What a privilege it is to contribute to the joy of the Messianic King!

28. The “kings of the entire inhabited earth” refuse to acknowledge the existence of this established Messianic kingdom.

29. These Antiphons address Christ with seven magnificent Messianic titles, based on the Old Testament prophecies and types of Christ.

30. Ahmadiyya (äh mə dē` yə), a contemporary messianic movement founded (1899) by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1839–1908), b.

31. However, as a whole, Israel rebelled against the Law covenant, rejected the Messianic Seed, and lost out on that prospect.

32. (Revelation 20:12, 13) These will have the opportunity to become permanent earthly subjects of the Messianic King, Christ Jesus.

33. In fact, Jehovah has already installed Jesus Christ as his chosen Messianic King on heavenly Mount Zion. —Revelation 14:1.

34. The movement / Awakening has accelerated in the last few years, mainly because of a shift within the Messianic Jewish community.

35. America's Churches are supposed to be uniting the nation, not dividing it with political rancor or elevating politicians to messianic figures.

36. And so I realized that actually the tech world is best understood, not as a business cycle, but as a messianic movement.

37. Yet, the miracles that Jesus performed while on earth were foregleams of the lasting relief humankind will enjoy under his Messianic rule.

38. 16 When Jesus went to the temple, High Priest Caiaphas did not anoint him to be the Messianic king independent of the Roman Empire.

39. Paul’s words show that the “administration” was functioning in his day, whereas the Scriptures indicate that the Messianic Kingdom was not established until 1914.

40. Jesus had explained that the Messianic Kingdom was to be established in the far-distant future, at the conclusion of the system of things.

41. Instead of being in tumult, or disorderly agitation of mind, they could rejoice at the prospects that the Messianic King would set before them.

42. Because “the princely rule” of that Messianic Kingdom will be ‘sustained by means of justice and righteousness to time indefinite.’ —Isaiah 9:7.

43. (Daniel 2:44) And the Messianic King-Priest and his associate king-priests will forever be honored because of their faithful service to Jehovah.

44. But that Messianic Kingdom is the means by which Jehovah’s own holy name will be vindicated and his grand purpose toward the earth will be fulfilled.

45. It involves the application of the Bible’s principles in daily life and also active service as proclaimers of the good news of God’s Messianic kingdom.

46. This prophetic dream had a larger fulfillment, pinpointing the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom, through which God would accomplish his will.—Daniel 4:10-37.

47. Yes, but the Messianic Kingdom was to be the means by which Jehovah would vindicate his sovereignty and fulfill his grand purpose for the earth.

48. Jesus knew that following his execution and resurrection, centuries would pass before he would be enthroned in heaven as the Messianic King to rule over mankind.

49. (Romans 8:16) This “daughter” of Jehovah, “prepared as a bride adorned for her husband,” will be brought to the bridegroom —the Messianic King. —Revelation 21:2.

50. Moreover, they would have to change without delay and exercise insight regarding the unequaled superiority of Jehovah’s sovereignty and the irresistible power of God and his Messianic King.

51. Babism was a 13/19th-century messianic movement in Iran and Iraq under the overall charismatic leadership of Sayyed ʿAlī-Moḥammad Šīrāzī, the Bāb (1235/1819-1266/1850).

52. Revelation 19:11-16 prophetically describes Jesus as the mighty Messianic King riding at the head of an angelic army and bringing destruction upon enemies of God.

53. Sullivan tries to say that “Christianism” is about the politicization of Christianity: the attempt to turn the gospel into a secular messianic program of ideological conformity imposed on the

54. Babism was a 13/19th-century messianic movement in Iran and Iraq under the overall charismatic leadership of Sayyed ʿAlī-Moḥammad Šīrāzī, the Bāb (1235/1819-1266/1850)

55. But at that time the earth will be under the absolute rule of the city “belonging to heaven,” the Messianic kingdom of Abraham’s most important Descendant, namely, Jesus Christ.

56. The Antiphons weave biblical imagery from the Hebrew Scriptures into a lovely theological tapestry celebrating the messianic titles of Jesus and what they might mean — yesterday, today and tomorrow

57. Also, instead of advocating Jehovah’s sovereignty through his Messianic kingdom, she was afterward absorbed in establishing a political peace arrangement, even dealing with the newly arisen godless Communist State in Russia.

58. Consolatory Sentence Examples They conclude (c) with Messianic or Consolatory passages on the future glory of Israel. Consolatory payment of £ 150 to Mr S for their poor handling of his case.

59. Cross questioning: Why Do Many Christians Believe Jesus Will Appear After Jews Rebuild the Temple? To understand, one must dig down to the bedrock of the messianic belief held by Zionist evangelicals.

60. Zechariah's Hymn: Benedictus (1:67-80) Praise for Messianic Redemption (1:68-75) Prophecy About John and Jesus (1:76-80) This hymn surveys God's plan through the forerunner and the anointed Davidic heir

61. The article showed that we are not asking them to abandon their Jewish heritage but merely to examine Jesus and the Messianic prophecies in the light of the truth, not by distorted traditions and false doctrines.

62. * [ 2:14 – 36 ] The first of six discourses in Acts (along with Acts 3:12 – 26 ; 4:8 – 12 ; 5:29 – 32 ; 10:34 – 43 ; 13:16 – 41 ) dealing with the resurrection of Jesus and its messianic import.

63. The boomer/Caliphist alliance wants all-consuming war for global fascist collectivism, by competing states or by one state, however they can accomplish it: “what difference, at this point, does it make?” The alliance is aggressive and messianic

64. The “throne” functions within the allowance of activity and time that Jehovah God granted to Satan the Devil to carry out his enmity against the Seed of the woman and to bruise the heel of the Messianic Seed.

65. It is among the best preserved examples of church building by the Adherents of Shakensm, a Messianic and healing sect founded in 1881 by John Slocum, a member of the Squaxin band who lived on a homestead outlying Olympia

66. 9 As Peter made clear, the Hebrew prophets came to understand that the Messianic prophecies were not primarily recorded for their profit but for the benefit of those who would actually be living at the time of Messiah’s appearance.

67. Matthew are quite in accordance with the scope and the tendency of the First Gospel, in which the spiritual character of the Messianic kingdom — the paramount idea of the Beatitudes — is consistently put forward, in sharp contrast with Jewish prejudices.

68. So these are the ones that survived the hardships and trials of the first world war, which the enemies used as a fine occasion to attack the anointed remnant and despoil them of their ambassadorship for Jehovah’s Messianic kingdom.

69. They are the Antiphons that accompany the Magnificat canticle of Evening Prayer from December 17-23.They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes, but

70. Since 1920 they had begun operating their own printing establishment in Brooklyn, New York, and this enabled them to come into possession of greater quantities of Bible literature, magazines, booklets, tracts, hardbound books, and finally Bibles themselves, at greater economy, to use in advertising the Messianic King and his kingdom.

71. This persecution is not because of political meddling but ‘on account of the name of Jesus Christ,’ because his followers adhere to him as Jehovah’s Messianic King, because of their obeying Christ ahead of any earthly ruler, because of their loyally adhering to his Kingdom and not becoming involved in the affairs of human governments.

72. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, whom according to Greg Hallet, is the illegitimate child of Edward VII,[1] was an ardent Zionist with the role of berating Bolshevism to form the fantasy of division within the Jewish Messianic cult so they could offer up their speciality of opposing sides they control allowing a theology for the Bolshevik, Karl Marx and his action, and the theology for the