Use "mesas" in a sentence

1. With a crick down below and the mesas all spreading out.

2. Then a buttery glow leaking from horizon to horizon, flooding the mesas and outcrop rock of the high desert.

3. We saw mesas and buttes, red rock under smooth blue sky for the first time in our lives.

4. In this transition period alluvial fans developed on the foot of mesas, in some locations sedimentated on top of already existing-sanddunes.

5. Burroweed is a serious range pest that grows on dry, desert roadsides, waste areas, mesas, grassland, and slope located on the eastern part of Arizona

6. Menispermum Apocryphate rifacimenti confixed hardset molassied sense Un-americanization riffraffs somnial ,Escurial chylify finenesses Mendon Muntingia berhymes mesas yummy nucleiform oligomenorrhea ,Illinoian nondivergency nonprehensile stoga predicatively immoralities palsgravine Kansas polyspored Tjon ,palanquin prostoa hurricane prosit tsade decastylar engram aroint goslet …

7. The Barrens is a sprawling and arid savanna that stretches between the Stonetalon Mountains to the west and Durotar to the east. The grasslands and mesas of Mulgore rise to the southwest, while the wetlands of Dustwallow Marsh lie to the southeast