Use "meridional" in a sentence

1. In Spanish, it is known as rana arborea meridional ("southern tree frog").

2. Mexico is a federal republic formed by 32 federal entities that take up the meridional part of North America.

3. Coma can also cause the meridional and sagital lines to diverge from each other (as can a comatic or Astigmic color errors)

4. It is defined in the same way as given earlier for inCompressible machines, i.e., Φ=cm / U, where U is the mean blade speed and cm the average meridional velocity.

5. The results show a significant anisotropy for monocular collinear facilitation between the blured and the clear meridians, being lower in the Blurriest meridian than in the clearest meridian, resembling the meridional amblyopia results

6. So far, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has been Acquiescent in the face of Mugabe's abuses.: Hasta ahora, la Comunidad del África Meridional para el Desarrollo (SADC) ha sido condescendiente con los abusos de Mugabe.: Under the dictatorship judges were normally Acquiescent to, when not complicit in, the repression of the dictatorial regime.

7. They investigated the South American low-level jet in a warming climate due to Anthropogenic influence and found an increase in the meridional moisture transport from the Amazonian region to the south part of Brazil, where the Uruguay River basin is located, mainly because of an increased temperature gradient between tropical and subtropical South America.

8. BHP Billiton En marzo del 2005, BHP Billiton anuncia una oferta de 7300 millones de dólares por la compañía minera WMC Resources, dueña de la mina de uranio Olympic Dam en Australia Meridional, operaciones de níquel en Australia Occidental y Queensland, y una planta fertilizadora también en Queensland