Use "mere" in a sentence

1. A mere abacus!

2. Mere words won't help.

3. That is mere supposition!

4. Ignorance is mere privation.

5. It's mere child's play.

6. Jesus’ Birth —Mere Legend?

7. All this is mere hypothesis.

8. This too is mere vanity.”

9. This is no mere Ranger.

10. It cost a mere bagatelle.

11. It is a mere trifle.

12. It cost a mere trifle.

13. The trial was a mere farce.

14. Is second childishness and mere oblivion.

15. Amvis) - Single KESH MERE & RXY96

16. But mere talk leads to want.

17. Comportment is more than mere display

18. What's gold and silver ? Mere dross.

19. They were mere apprentices to piracy.

20. But Gassee was no mere blowhard.

21. They were not just mere theories.

22. Again, this is no mere hypothetical.

23. ABBOTT The man who brought these Calamities on his country was not a mere visionary or a mere swindler

24. His majesty's signature is a mere formality.

25. Yet this is no mere historical drama.

26. The peasant laboured for a mere pittance.

27. He seemed so young, a mere boy.

28. You think this a mere keepsake, then?

29. She married a foreigner for mere lucre.

30. Why set hearts aflutter at mere speculation?

31. He dismissed the story as mere rumor.

32. She was no longer a mere Magus .

33. Now if we had been sold for mere men slaves and for mere maidservants, I should have kept silent.

34. That hope is not mere wishful thinking.

35. And it isn't a mere semantic nicety.

36. Læs mere om Awork Webbureau

37. That skull is no mere deity carving.

38. All that fuss over a mere trifle.

39. Faith can be impervious to mere facts.

40. They are always yammering about mere details.

41. The plane crashed mere minutes after take-off.

42. 6 He's a mere cipher in the company.

43. He swung from mere indifference to outright scorn.

44. Paradise Lost had cost him a mere twopence.

45. This was a mere raiding of the borders.

46. Your mere presence gives me cause, My Lady

47. He's a mere husk of his former self.

48. The mere presence of a powerful Akita serves

49. Absolutionem Ministri Ecclesiae Non Esse Mere Declarativam, Adv

50. A mere boy cannot run the Auror Office

51. They were not making mere prearranged social calls.

52. They work all day for a mere pittance.

53. Why spend so much money on mere clutter?

54. His impeachment, he says , is mere political manoeuvring.

55. Clearly, it must be more than mere talk.

56. The other gods are mere pretenders to divinity.

57. No mere ferule will answer for this offence.

58. Then a mere six weeks back above ground.

59. Your hopes of promotion are a mere delusion.

60. 1 The senator's tax program was mere jugglery.

61. Many of the Anecdotes are mere Joe Millers

62. A mere trifle compared to my real work

63. $1 000 is a mere trifle to her.

64. Mere words will not fill a bushel. 

65. What he has said is a mere commonplace.

66. In Israelite times, however, names were not mere labels.

67. But God did not approve of mere formal worship.

68. As foretold, Babylon eventually became mere “piles of stones.”

69. No transport, today, into a realm beyond mere words.

70. The mere existence of these strange creatures fascinated him.

71. He is a mere tool of the labor union.

72. 28 He's not a mere boxer: he's world champion.

73. Do not, however, regard the kettledrums as mere noisemakers.

74. Some historians say that these accounts are mere legends.

75. His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual posturing.

76. Well, sir, we mere men should have known better.

77. It is a mere hackneyed tune being played anew.

78. A thousand pounds is a mere bagatelle to him.

79. The mere thought of flying fills me with panic.

80. He is really a mere bookworm lacking human experience.