Use "mendacity" in a sentence

1. Politicians are often accused of mendacity.

2. It also accounts for his mendacity and dishonesty.

3. A measure of diminished intellectual capacity and increased financial mendacity.

4. SUBPRIME, adj. A measure of diminished intellectual capacity and increased financial mendacity.

5. Can he can bear duty the offense of a mendacity marquis now?

6. Let's not deceive ourselves. It is purely mendacity that what is called 'sporting spirit issue'.

7. We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press.

8. The fixation of commentators and practitioners with them is telling, though not mainly about mendacity.

9. It was that the incentive for mendacity is growing, as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises.

10. But if mendacity alone were grounds for resignation, the halls of Capitol Hill would be eerily, and permanently, quiet.

11. Kolakowski, modern Poland’s most acclaimed philosopher, quickly learned that mendacity was the true building block of Communism, and he withdrew from it in horror.

12. So dogs may be able to sniff out bombs. But they can't pick up the smell of mendacity.

13. And every president and prime minister who repeated this mendacity as an excuse to avoid a ceasefire has the blood of last night's butchery on their hands.

14. Yet, periodically, politics is dominated by lies. This seems to be one such time. The fixation of commentators and practitioners with them is telling, though not mainly about mendacity .

15. 15 And every president and prime minister who repeated this mendacity as an excuse to avoid a ceasefire has the blood of last night's butchery on their hands.

16. But "Homicide" only occasionally portrayedits perps and gangsters as fully realized characters, and never went as far indepicting amoral mendacity or flat-out corruption among the cops themselves.

17. 22 But "Homicide" only occasionally portrayedits perps and gangsters as fully realized characters,[] and never went as far indepicting amoral mendacity or flat-out corruption among the cops themselves.

18. U.K. jurors in the U.K. justice system like to see a live witness to see whether they can pick up the telltale signs of mendacity -- the blink, the hesitation.

19. U. K. jurors in the U. K. justice system like to see a live witness to see whether they can pick up the telltale signs of mendacity -- the blink, the hesitation.