Use "memoranda" in a sentence

1. Prepared legal memoranda and revised draft opinions.

2. The memoranda spelled out clearly the fronting scheme.

3. Generated letters, memoranda, reports, forms, newsletters and brochures.

4. I have some others, but have mislaid my memoranda.

5. Now it was difficult to get him to address memoranda.

6. Prepared legal memoranda, revised draft opinions, and handled trial duties.

7. Examples of the first type are inter - office memoranda and letters to clients.

8. There were memoranda, minutes of meetings, officialflies, notes of verbal di scussions.

9. Produced a variety of documents, including letters, memoranda, publication materials, forms, proposals and reports.

10. Information is contained in the D Memoranda, which can be accessed alphabetically. Program Record Number:

11. Many authorities have signed international memoranda of understanding, promising to exchange information in a crisis.

12. A programme of Memoranda of Understanding and Cooperation gives formal recognition to many of these relationships.

13. But North's memoranda were also aspirations, plans, dreams and imaginings, as much as schedules of facts.

14. Policy documents; accountability reports; memoranda of understanding; statistical reports and analysis. Program Record Number:

15. Our policy is that Information memoranda should be issued only on the instruction of the disposing entity.

16. June produces a file, containing all the correspondence and memoranda referring to the convention arrangements?

17. Correspondence refers to letters, memoranda, messages, email, forms, directives, issue papers, and other internal and external publications.

18. Forms and publications GST/HST Memoranda Series Notice 27-3 - Accommodation Rebates for Unregistered Non-Resident Suppliers

19. Internal memoranda An internal memorandum means any memo, note, message or similar communication that concerns account operation.

20. The talks lasted from 13 - 27 January 19 with ten formal meetings and a lavish exchange of memoranda.

21. He wanted to rage and swear, to shout down the telephone and fire off angry memoranda.

22. You don't have to say anything - here are the memoranda - don't bother with them till after the election.

23. Tables giving, inter alia, an analysis of candidates' staff reports for 1987-1988 accompanied those four memoranda.

24. The essay is well - written with a standard format of legal letters, legal memoranda and case briefs.

25. Overview: The materials consist of Audiotapes and transcripts of interviews, posters, flyers, reminiscences, memoranda, clippings assembled by Jodi L

26. Description: Data in this bank include correspondence, internal memoranda and reports, as well as absentee and rescission documentation.

27. The authors of reports and memoranda are now expected to decide how what they have written should appear to the reader.

28. This document included detailed memoranda on the transaction, prepared ostensibly for the new boss of Altus, Claude-Eric Paquin.

29. These memoranda are often cited by those who believe that Sarawak's and North Borneo's rights have been eroded over time.

30. Such was the power of the High Command that they were able to install a parliamentary government by a few sharp memoranda.

31. Memoranda of Understanding on renewable energy, counter terrorism, access to Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, IPR issues and agriculture are expected to be signed during the visit.

32. Hudson found the Custumal in a mid-fifteenth century volume of memoranda known as the Book of Pleas, and this was the version he included in his publication

33. ISS will continue to negotiate industrial security memoranda of understanding with new and emerging allies, as well as renewing those already in place with long-standing international partners.

34. Applicability Determination Index - a database containing EPA memoranda on Applicability and compliance issues associated with the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC).

35. Abides data it is essential that the numbers are correct , add up, and represent the decisions of the Chief of Staff or the directives of OSD as published in Program Budget Decisions or Program Decision Memoranda

36. They agreed that the Joint Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific & Technical Cooperation was an important mechanism for implementation of agreements and memoranda agreed upon, and underlined the need to increase the quality and level of trade and economic cooperation.

37. The Bluebook has two sections: The Bluepages section: citation rules for documents written by practitioners, like legal memoranda and court filings.; The Whitepages section: citation rules for legal academic publications, including law journal articles.; Since law school work focuses on academic writing, this guide describes and explains the rules in the Whitepages section.

38. Order to cause the exchequer to be transferred to Westminster, together with the rolls, tallies, memoranda and other things pertaining thereto and the rolls of the Bench, as the king wills that the exchequer shall be transferred thither and held there on the morrow of the close of Easter, and to Attermine until then all pleas touching the