Use "melted away" in a sentence

1. Her resources have melted away.

2. Their fear and worry melted away.

3. Opposition to the government melted away.

4. So much snow has already melted away.

5. Her demeanor changed completely and her sternness melted away.

6. The snow soon melted away when the sun came out.

7. As the ice melted away,the river rose in dangerous floods.

8. So all the ingrained prejudice and hatred melted away before my eyes.”

9. The snow on top of the mountains melted away under the sun.

10. By the time the town constabulary had been roused, Feliks had melted away.

11. Before these fantastically attractive flowers of violet and red and yellow, unkindness melted away.

12. 27 The train sped on; the broad fields with their blue-green border trees,[] and the villages nestling in their shade flew past in a stream of pictures which melted away like a flood of mirages.

13. ‘The first shot we get of the title character is his puffing Breathlessly across a rooftop, face buggy-eyed.’ ‘I ran Breathlessly through the tide of darkness swiftly rolling in, and slowly the stalker melted away.’ ‘The artist danced animatedly, even Breathlessly, to the lyrics of aggressive nationalism.’