Use "meditative" in a sentence

1. You're very meditative today.

2. He also likes yoga's meditative side.

3. She was in a meditative mood.

4. Here , no longer meditative. I took over myself.

5. She stood looking at him with meditative eyes.

6. Dr. Wijk contemplated the picture in meditative silence.

7. She found him in a meditative mood.

8. Alpha waves. I was trying to induce a meditative state.

9. Music can induce a meditative state in the listener.

10. However, Coleridge's poems are not all so vibrant or meditative.

11. A stupid fellow is talkative; a wise man is meditative.

12. Over the next forty days, the liturgies would become increasingly meditative.

13. 10 synonyms for Cogitative: contemplative, deliberative, exCogitative, meditative, pensive

14. 26 His lyrical, meditative poetry speaks to nature and a sense of place.

15. His lyrical, meditative poetry speaks to nature and a sense of place.

16. Used as a meditative aid, it helps to calm the mind.

17. The Balancing requires a meditative state in order for the work to be done

18. Celtic harp and Native American flute blend in meditative, imaginative , free flowing, soothing music.

19. His spare but beautiful clothes put the audience in a meditative Zen state.

20. His meditative poems are his supreme achievement, many of which have become classics.

21. Becalm is a first person meditative experience for Windows, OSX and Linux

22. England, the most calculative is the least meditative, of all civilized countries.

23. Ascesis definition, strict self-discipline or self-control, as for religious or meditative purposes

24. Synonyms for Cogitative include contemplative, meditative, reflective, ruminative, pensive, thoughtful, ruminant, broody, deliberative and exCogitative

25. A clear exit Affair should be followed by therapeutic interventions that are meditative in nature.

26. Gaelforce has been recording sensual, meditative & empowering Audios for over 5 years

27. What was needed here, rather than meditative technique, was a pump-action shotgun.

28. Aquarelle is a meditative author's project in which your goals are blurred and nothing awaits

29. And in-between, they have a couple of hours of sort of meditative quiet in bed.

30. GREGORIAN CHANTS by ANGELIC CHOIR Pure Healing Touch 432Hz Healing Chanting MusicCopyright ⓒ 2018 Meditative Mind

31. Brooding definition: deeply or seriously thoughtful; synonyms: pondering, musing, reflective, ruminative, meditative, contemplative, broody, pensive, thoughtful

32. And in- between, they have a couple of hours of sort of meditative quiet in bed.

33. Within a few years, Father Campbell had guided more than twenty parishioners through the long, meditative process.

34. By contrast he is equally adept at setting a tone of meditative rapture in the slower movements.

35. “Beneficence is a beautiful novel, quiet and meditative, exquisite in its language, moving in its emotional reach

36. 29 By contrast he is equally adept at setting a tone of meditative rapture in the slower movements.

37. William Houston s watchful, meditative Hal confirms the impression that he is simply biding his time in the Eastcheap taverns.

38. Meditative techniques were designed to eliminate this struggle, to overcome the duality and to promote a more balanced mental condition.

39. Dan Arborise, Of Tide And Trail - Of Tide And Trail The soothing rhythms of this meditative pastoral echo those of the natural world

40. At once entrancing and meditative yet seductive and passionate the intense rhythms and sounds of Sitar Secrets will completely envelop and enthrall you!

41. Prepared in meditative silence, Samhain Bannocks were part of the display of hospitality shown to anyone dropping by during Halloween in Ireland

42. There are also several similar words to Cogitative in our dictionary, which are Contemplating, Contemplative, Deliberative, ExCogitative, Meditating, Meditative, Reasoning, Reflective, Ruminative, Thinking and Probing

43. Cornballs still possesses Peggy’s trademark sense of humor, but the moments that impress the most are when the music is somber and meditative.

44. When you reach a calm and quiet meditative state, that is when you can hear the sound of silence. Stephen Richards 

45. Reissue of a notable collaboration album originally released on Arya/Amplexus in 1996. Grassow's meditative drone-ambient meets Baghiri's hypnotic percussion and Gleisberg's cosmic electronics.

46. The Routledge Handbook of Yoga and Meditation Studies is a comprehensive and interdisciplinary resource, which frames and Contextualises the rapidly expanding fields that explore yoga and meditative techniques

47. Contemplative prayer begins with “centering prayer,” a meditative practice where the practitioner focuses on a word and repeats that word over and over for the duration of the exercise

48. Be aware of the many benefits of Chanting “om” including: creating positive vibrations, purifying the environment around you, allowing you to get into a deeper meditative

49. Bilocation is when the Mind of one’s Emotional Body consciously travels to a distant location while one’s brain and physical body are in a meditative state

50. is an homage to books, to the joys of reading, to the meditative experience of writing, and the escape that a good book can offer.

51. Brooding can also mean you're being extremely thoughtful, contemplative, meditative, musing, reflective, or ruminative — those are all good things. You have to look at the context to see if …

52. Creaked is proud to present this micro-opus which is at times dark, mysterious, meditative, funky, demented, and playful - an album that will reward careful headphone listening and sound system shaking alike

53. Charles, standing up, was at the back of the alcove, and the chemist, near him, maintained that meditative silence that is becoming on the serious occasions of life.

54. Perfect for various electronic music styles, movie and game scoring, art projects, and more, REAKTOR ANIMATED CIRCUITS invokes a future that ranges from dystopian paranoia to abstract, meditative electronic states.

55. Also, the Śūraṅgama Sūtra, a major Mahayana Buddhist text, describes fifty demonic states: the so-called fifty skandha maras, which are "negative" mirror-like reflections of or deviations from correct samādhi (meditative absorption) states.

56. This meditative practice is adapted from the Buddhist Brahmaviharas, or Heavenly Abodes, sometimes called the Four Abodes of the Buddha, which are loving-kindness, compassion, joy in the joy of others, and equanimity.

57. ‘This Concentrative meditation is a precursor to vipassana meditation, which has been referred to as ‘choiceless awareness’ or ‘mindfulness’.’ More example sentences ‘Recently there have been sophisticated investigations of expert meditators from various Concentrative practices such as Buddhism, Zen, meditative yoga, and Qi Gong.’

58. Aranyaka comes from the Sanskrit root word, aranya, meaning “forest.” This is because they were intended as texts to be read and studied by ascetics, or rishis, who had retreated to the solitude of the forest to deepen their contemplation and meditative practices.

59. She writes here about the inspiration for the cover artwork for The Constitutionals by Peter Robinson, which explores and celebrates the therapeutic links between reading, writing, walking and thinking through a fictional treatment of the meditative author’s convalescent wanderings around the town of Reading.

60. The Brassarts break into each other’s sentences as they list what attracts them to cycling: mountain vistas and the meditative hum of wheels on the road; the satisfying indulgence of a coffee after 40 cold kms and the camaraderie of racing friends up a climb

61. ‘Zekhr is a meditative Chant which repeats the name of Allah and his attributes, in order to bring one to a state of union with the Divine.’ ‘He went on, his words a Chant, and I closed my eyes and only listened.’ ‘Groups of men sing trance-like Chants to accompany belly dances.’