Use "meditating" in a sentence

1. What, are you meditating?

2. Additionally, many believers find meditating on Benedictions during

3. This article is about the meditating Baboon spirit

4. This involves hard work —reading, studying, and meditating.

5. 28 She sat quietly,( meditating on the day's events.

6. No doubt, meditating appreciatively on such things strengthened Abel’s faith.

7. Ohm. Ohm getting tired of meditating, but I think it's working.

8. Meditating Buddha Statue Buddhism Zen Peace Relax Calming Faux Stone Fiberglass

9. Cogitative definition, meditating; contemplating: The Cogitative faculty distinguishes humans from animals

10. Instead of meditating on your sins...... you are still harming humans!

11. (b) After meditating on Jesus’ illustration, what are you determined to do?

12. Bodhisattva Shakyamuni Meditating Buddha on Lotus Throne With Fire Sun Disc

13. By meditating, I try to Attune myself to the greater cosmos

14. He spent his time reading, meditating, attending church, gardening, hunting, and in amateur photography.

15. Whether she is meditating on the meaning of words (see: Bloodripe: peelsour

16. Why can meditating on Psalm 19:7 help you to serve Jehovah?

17. (b) Meditating on what scriptures can help us to abhor sexual immorality?

18. Give an example. (b) How can meditating on the yeartext selected for 2019 help us?

19. But after meditating on the cited scriptures, you will likely see the wisdom of Jehovah’s laws.

20. Meditating on 2 Peter 2:11 and on personal counsel from the elders made a big difference.”

21. Join the millions of people meditating with Abide, including Grammy award winning singers, church leaders

22. 4 By the bye, Charles, are you really serious in meditating a dance at Netherfield?

23. Reading such accounts, meditating on them, and visualizing the events can make the resurrection hope more real to you.

24. She explains what meditating on this scripture taught her: “It is wise to be practical and to plan ahead.

25. 13 In Romans chapter 15, Paul shows that meditating on historical examples can help us to adjust our attitude.

26. (Psalm 105:1) He even takes favorable note of those “meditating on his name.” —Malachi 3:16.

27. Meditating on the words in the scroll would affect Ezekiel’s deepest emotions and motivate him to speak

28. Meditating on Breath is a technique that focuses on the pace and depth of your Breathing, which can help prevent distractions

29. The Baboon spirit is an anthropomorphic resident of the Spirit World, often found meditating near the realm of Koh

30. (Psalm 2:1) The “empty thing” they keep “muttering,” or meditating on, is the continuation of their own sovereignty.

31. The anchoring figure of our statue collection is Buddha, the world-renowned teacher, philosopher and spiritual leader who achieved enlightenment while meditating

32. But that's no 'what I call Cannel, "grumbled Davie, glowering fiercely at the burning coal, as if meditating a fresh attack.

33. Buddha is the world-renowned teacher, philosopher and spiritual leader who achieved enlightenment while meditating under a fig tree in ancient India

34. There are also several similar words to Cogitative in our dictionary, which are Contemplating, Contemplative, Deliberative, ExCogitative, Meditating, Meditative, Reasoning, Reflective, Ruminative, Thinking and Probing

35. So to help practice living with these mysteries, the meditating monks used a collection of roughly 1,700 bewildering and ambiguous philosophical thought experiments called kōans.

36. The best props to help deepen your practices are Bolsters, while cushions can also give relief and help with proper support when meditating.

37. We ourselves can discern God’s will by delving into the Scriptures and meditating on the many Biblical accounts of Jehovah’s dealings with humans.

38. The lady trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished.

39. Classic elegance Buddha Statue, 100% cast stone, distressed gray finish, features a sitting and meditating Buddhas, detailed carving of facial features and garments, fiery headdress on top

40. The former King Edward the VIII abdicated the throne in order to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, an American divorcee. 19 "When I was meditating."

41. One type is Concentrative meditation, where the meditating person focuses attention on his or her breathing or on specific thoughts, and in doing so, suppresses other thoughts

42. Some of the things involved are reading God’s Word and meditating on it, praying to Jehovah, and thinking of ways that Jehovah has blessed you as an individual.

43. Additionally, many believers find meditating on Benedictions during their “quiet times” is a soothing balm which deepens the spirit, provides succor for the ailing heart, and strengthens the faltering soul.

44. Cogitative (adj.) late 15c., "having the power of thinking or meditating," from Old French cogitatif (14c.), from Medieval Latin cogitativus, from Latin cogitare "to think" (see cogitation)

45. Shown as a peaceful, meditating figure with his eyes closed, the Buddha was born on a full moon day and has a round face shaped like the full moon

46. 385, Perchance, when you are speculating why he is so Acidly disposed some morning, he is but meditating upon that other half-hour which he wanted in bed, to bring his wits and his

47. Given my propensity for skepticism when it comes to most of the paranormal piffle proffered by the prajna peddlers meditating and soaking their way to nirvana here, I was surprised the hall was full.

48. The combined benefits of constantly praying for the spirit, diligently engaging in meaningful personal study, prayerfully meditating on what we read, and regularly attending Christian meetings can help us to be “aglow with the spirit.”

49. Goethe said in an aphorism that only the meditating man can afford a pure conscience, while an acting man is Conscienceless. Thus literature stimulates us to think about basic ethical issues, without explicitly teaching us morality

50. Further, by meditating on Ps 106 verses 30 and 31, which describe Phinehas’ firm, courageous stand for righteousness, we are assured that Jehovah does not forget his loyal ones and that he rewards them abundantly.

51. (Romans 12:9) We can actually feel the way Jehovah feels about sexual immorality by meditating on key Bible texts, such as Colossians 3:5, which urges: “Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”

52. Or again their aim may be to bring together, for the purpose of listening to and meditating on the Word, for the sacraments and the bond of the agape, groups of people who are linked by age, culture, civil state or social situation: married couples, young people, professional people, etc.

53. Lord Cornwallis being Apprized of his ticklish and perilous situ- ation appears to be meditating his Escape through Carolina and the Marquis though much inferior in Numbers, is posting his Army in the most advantageous Manner to prevent him, or if that can't be effected, to check his Progress and harrass his Rear

54. So "his Burthen sang out" literally means "the chorus of his song was heard", and metaphorically it means that he is meditating happily on his situation as if he were singing a song, and this is the chorus, the refrain, of that song: the thing that sums up his happiness.

55. "Selah." - This word, in the judgment of the learned, is sometime vox optantis, the voice of one that wisheth, equivalent to amen; or vox admirantis, the voice of one admiring, showing some special matter; or vox Affirmantis, of one affirming, avouching what is said; or vox meditantis, of one meditating, requiring consideration of what is said.

56. I have been meditating a amicus attorney training texas to titillate your Antitrades, and this will pollard secretariate."There is a amicus attorney training and a unsnarl for unreceptive amicus attorney training texas" but finder, whose hysteresis is adsorbent institutionally the skin-tight mantichora and the sg fibrocalcific, the mid-day

57. * This word, in the judgment of the learned, is sometime vox optantis, the voice of one that wisheth, equivalent to amen; of vox admirantis, the voice of one admiring, showing some special matter; or vox Affirmantis, of one affirming, avouching what is said; or vox meditantis, of one meditating, requiring consideration of what is said

58. Or again their aim may be to bring together, for the purpose of listening to and meditating on the Word, for the sacraments and the bond of the agape, groups of people who are linked by age, culture, civil state or social situation: married couples, young people, professional people, etc.; people who already happen to be united in the struggle for justice, brotherly aid to the poor, human advancement.