Use "medici" in a sentence

1. Medici trade secret.

2. Medici Ventures has invested $8 million into Bitt, a Barbados-based company.The equity investment into Bitt effectively gives Medici control of the company

3. What quarrel could Carlo de Medici have with him?

4. The Medici have their spies, as do we all.

5. A holy crusade financed by the ungodly Bank of Medici.

6. The picture shows a symposium in the Medici Palace.

7. And we all know how the Medici approach matters of state.

8. The first map to depict the Azores was the Medici Atlas (1351).

9. Sculptures of the "Madonna and Child" and the Medici patron saints Cosmas and Damian were set over his burial.

10. He established the Medici Oriental Press (Typographia Medicea), which published numerous books in the Arabic script.

11. Analogismus equidem postremum locum inter alia Medici instru-menta habet, & magis quam experientia decipere potest

12. “Admittis,” inquit, “muliebre consilium? fac, quod medici solent, qui, ubi usitata remedia non procedunt, temptant contraria

13. In 1596 Pope Clement VIII sent him as the papal legate to France where Maria de' Medici was queen.

14. Basements and ground floors were often rusticated, as at the Palazzo Medici Riccardi (1444–1460) in Florence.

15. The building acquired its current name when the Medici duke's residence was moved across the Arno to the Palazzo Pitti.

16. In the same year, the Medici were expelled from Florence as the result of the rise of Savonarola.

17. Bless you for coming to pay respects to my poor father, ignored while the rest of Florence grieves Giuliano di Medici.

18. The family originated in the Mugello region of Tuscany, and prospered gradually until it was able to fund the Medici Bank.

19. While Savonarola intervened with the French king, the Florentines expelled the ruling Medici and, at the friar's urging, established a "popular" republic.

20. In Florence, the arrangement was unofficial, as it was not constitutionally formalized before the Medici were expelled from the city in 1494.

21. Los medidores de espesor Centesimal se indican para la medición de diferentes tipos de material y la lectura

22. Charles VIII moved it back from 1497–1515, but it was moved to Pisa again when the Medici family returned to power.

23. Tandem illum Livia uxor et: 'Admittis' inquit 'muliebre consilium? Fac, quod medici solent, qui, ubi usitata remedia non procedunt, temptant contraria

24. » Interpellavit tandem illum Livia uxor, et : « Admittis, inquit, muliebre consilium ? Fac quod medici solent ; ubi usitata remedia non procedunt, tentant contraria

25. At the center of the amphitheater and rather dwarfed by its position is the Ancient Egyptian Boboli obelisk brought from the Villa Medici at Rome.

26. CATHERINE DE' MEDICI HONORE DE BALZAC Thereto likewise came Alwin decked out in his best raiment, and many others were there Apparelled also in their best.

27. Vertical mobility terminologically catherine de' medici semirevolutionist eudaemonistically cultural anthropology Anacreontically college of education queen elizabeth islands lower palaeolithic hypersophisticated nonformidability superangelically monopolistically rehospitalization

28. Built on the site of an Etruscan settlement, Florence, the symbol of the Renaissance, rose to economic and cultural pre-eminence under the Medici in the 15th and 16th centuries.

29. According to legend, it was the visit of Catherine De Medici that convinced glovemakers to add perfume to foul-smelling leather gloves to make them more pleasant to wear.

30. Senonché, tornato in sé e Confidatosi coi medici che lo curano amorevolmente, ha potuto fa avvertire in tempo utile tutti coloro di cui aveva letto il nome nella lista

31. Florence grew to prominence amongst the Italian city-states through financial business, and the dominant Medici family became important promoters of the Renaissance through their patronage of the arts.

32. His marriage in March 1518 was arranged by the pope with Madeleine la Tour d'Auvergne, a royal princess of France, whose daughter was the Catherine de' Medici celebrated in French history.

33. Of “HIV-infizierte Menschen ohne andere STD sind unter irksamer Antiretroviraler Therapie sexuell nicht infektiös.” Schweizerische Ärztezeitung/ Bulletin des médecins suisses / Bollettino dei medici svizzeri 89.5 (2008): 165–69

34. In 1513 Pope Julius II died and his successor Pope Leo X , a Medici, commissioned Michelangelo to reconstruct the façade of the basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence and to adorn it with sculptures.

35. Tags: argital, Aroph Spagiria, Flora, stefano riva, Wala, WELEDA Stefano Riva Consigliere Associazione per l’Agricoltura Biodinamica, ha condotto la sessione Valore nutrizionale dei prodotti agricoli a cui erano presenti medici, ricercatori, professionisti del settore farmaceutico e aziende.

36. In the catalog to the 1986 exhibition in Casa Buonarroti, Filippo Buonarroti e la cultura Antiquaria sotto gli ultimi Medici, Daniela Gallo assumes he must have collected most of the Etruscan art in the collection.

37. Tags: argital, Aroph Spagiria, Flora, stefano riva, Wala, WELEDA Stefano Riva Consigliere Associazione per l’Agricoltura Biodinamica, ha condotto la sessione Valore nutrizionale dei prodotti agricoli a cui erano presenti medici, ricercatori, professionisti del settore farmaceutico e aziende.

38. Her Barrenness gave reason to fear a divorce in case her husband should ascend the throne. CATHERINE DE' MEDICI HONORE DE BALZAC Only here and there, separated by vast intervals of Barrenness, could be seen minute streaks of verdure

39. He was a student of the sculptors David d'Angers and the painter Paul Delaroche, Cavelier won the Prix de Rome in 1842 with a plaster statue of Diomedes Entering the Palladium.The young sculptor lived at the Villa Medici from 1843–47.

40. Ceae ferrum, qua Baccillum inuersi teli ad occipitium per ingluuiem subit, puer in mollitiem decorus insur- git inque flexibus tortuosis eneruam et exossam salta- tionem explicat cum omnium qui aderamus admira- tione: diceres dei medici baculo, quod ramulis se- 15 miamputatis nodosum gerit, serpentem generosum lubricis amplexibus inhaerere.

41. By the end of the 16th century, there were at least 16 major estates, with at least another 11 of secondary interest (mainly agricultural or owned by the Medici family for a short time), together with a constellation of farms and hunting lodges throughout Tuscany.

42. One of his masterpieces, and not reflective of the style of his canvases, is the airy fresco in Palazzo Pitti, where on order of Ferdinando II de' Medici, between 1639 and 1642, Furini frescoed two large lunettes depicting the Platonic Academy of Careggi and the Allegory of the Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent.

43. Auger Ferrier (1513-1588), who was the personal physician of Caterina dé Medici (1519-1589), the Queen of France (1547-1559), uses term "pudendagra" (from "pudenda", external genital organs; and "Aegritude", disease) on titling his work (56), and so did Valencian Gaspare Torella (1452-1520) in his two works (5,57) to define the disease that is

44. Cuando se Consideren las necesidades y expectativas del cliente, la organización debería considerar lo siguiente: a) los tipos de características de productos, que posteriormente determinan los tipos de mediciones, los medios de medición adecuados, la exactitud requerida y las habilidades necesarias; b) el equipo, el software y las herramientas requeridos; c) la localización de puntos de