Use "medially" in a sentence

1. The Cochlea lies in front and medially of the vestibule

2. The next step of operation was Biplanal medially opened wedge-shaped osteotomy

3. The Adductors insert medially the whole length of the femur, from hip to knee

4. Consonants regularly occur in strings or clusters without intervening vowels: initially, as in stain and strip, finally, as in fetch and twelfth, medially, as in dodging

5. Culmen cerebel´li (Culmen of cerebellum) the portion of the rostral lobe of the cerebellum that lies medially between the central lobule and the primary fissure.

6. The Brachial artery may diverge from its usual course along the medial aspect of the biceps and run more medially towards the medial epicondyle of the humerus

7. 29 In the seriously and medially burnt larch and scotch pine stand, the secondary insects inroad more quickly and the damage rate and insect population density are all higher.

8. Callots triangle The hepatobiliary triangle (or cystohepatic triangle ) is an anatomic space bordered by the hepatic duct medially, the cystic duct laterally and the cystic artery superiorly

9. Culmen cerebel´li (Culmen of cerebellum) the portion of the rostral lobe of the cerebellum that lies medially between the central lobule and the primary fissure.

10. Branchial plates narrow euribasal (length:width ratio 1.9-2); free anterolateral ledge and distal tip; dorsal lamella is present; Branchial opening is situated medially at the posterior margin

11. Its anterior third is partly articular, while distal (anterior) to the posterior articular facet is a rough depression that narrows into a groove medially to form the sulcus Calcanei

12. The crouching posture was found to be very similar to that of modern birds, and shows that early theropods held the palms of their hands facing medially, towards each other.

13. The tentacular sheaths situated at the end of the oral third of the body open medially; they terminate in an aboral open groove which can close up around the unramified tentacles.

14. Mesosoma: pronotum lacking sculpture; mesoscutum with fine transversely arcuate striae anteriorly, striae becoming longitudinal posteriorly; mesoscutellum convex, shiny, with longitudinal striae; propodeum long and low without a declivious posterior face, with fine striae in concentric ovals medially, transversely Bisinuate posteriorly, and

15. Most discs were displaced ventrally (31%). 22 of the studied 113 discs (19.5%) were displaced medially. 93% of the studied discs were not positioned correctly. 58 of the studied discs (58.6%) displayed flattening, in 8 (8%) we observed both flattening and disc adhesions.

16. ‘S5 Abuts the right heart border medially, while S4 extends to and comprises a portion of the lateral border of the right lung.’ ‘On the symphyseal side, the concavity Abuts a ridge that borders the straight symphyseal surface of the plate.’

17. ‘S5 Abuts the right heart border medially, while S4 extends to and comprises a portion of the lateral border of the right lung.’ ‘On the symphyseal side, the concavity Abuts a ridge that borders the straight symphyseal surface of the plate.’

18. Introduces 2 products in its EXPEDIUM[R] Spine System: the EXPEDIUM Favored Angle Screw, a thoracolumbar favored-angle pedicle screw that Angulates laterally or medially for easier rod capturing, and the EXPEDIUM Cobalt-Chromium (CoCr) Alloy Rod, designed to maintain deformity correction without compromising imaging compatibility.

19. Medical definition of bicipital Aponeurosis: an Aponeurosis that is given off as a broad medial expansion of the tendon of the biceps muscle at the elbow and that descends medially over the brachial artery to fuse with the deep fascia covering the origins of the flexor muscles of …

20. Axillary vein (Vena axillaris) The Axillary vein is a deep vein of the upper limb that is formed by the union of the brachial and basilic veins.It starts at the lower border of the teres major muscle and ascends medially through the axilla towards the 1st rib, where it is continued by the subclavian vein.