Use "meddling" in a sentence

1. Someone's been meddling with my CD player.

2. Fools will be meddling.

3. My sister's always meddling in other people's affairs.

4. He's just a meddling old fool!

5. Who's been meddling with my papers?

6. Yes, meddling in politics brought drastic consequences.

7. Who has been meddling with my books?

8. Somebody had been meddling with her computer.

9. He had his knuckles rapped sharply for meddling in foreign policy.

10. You have no idea what you're meddling with.

11. There should be no arbitrary meddling in this process.

12. "I'm not meddling," Kenworthy said mildly, "I'm just curious.".

13. All of civilization has been man meddling with nature.

14. Gelbard in turn was accused by the government of meddling in national affairs.

15. Was that conclusive evidence that insanity was the salary of meddling with necromancy?

16. He actually called me a meddling kid the other day.

17. He accused the US of meddling in China's internal affairs .

18. You have no right to come in here meddling with my things.

19. Her corruption, gross immorality, dishonesty, and political meddling have been exposed everywhere.

20. “Almost all the new improved diseases owe their comebacks to human meddling

21. The Speaker would go ballistic if I started meddling in the House.

22. I don't like other people meddling in the way I run this prison.

23. But you have no right to come in here meddling with my things.

24. The Campus called for Jeffries' resignation, citing his nonstop meddling in student government.

25. SHe'd heard about how gender meddling had been outlawed because of the high suicide rate among the successfully mutated.

26. We can't have her meddling in affairs that could determine the future of the realm.

27. I got the dishcloth andscrubbed Edgar's nose and mouth, affirming It'served him right for meddling.

28. Synonyms for Butting in include intruding, interfering, interrupting, meddling, obtruding, poking, prying, snooping, nosing and messing

29. In so doing, the meddling nations have received “severe scratches for themselves,” getting all cut up.

30. The major problem of public broadcasting so far has not been too much government meddling but too little financial support.

31. With that relationship gone, they are at the mercy of more laws and more political meddling.

32. It would have been all mine if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog.

33. Mr Gates realizes the dangers of government meddling in the computer industry, both for producers and consumers.

34. A Busybody is a nosy, meddling person, who's very interested in what other people say and do

35. A country's strategic geographical position might invite super-power attention and meddling in its internal affairs.

36. Constitutional meddling has been rejected, but his first move should be a decisive step towards fair votes.

37. I don't like people meddling in the way I run this prison and that's what they're doing.

38. Because such consequences are hard to predict, some Republicans argue that indirect government is worse than direct meddling.

39. And if you didn't insist on meddling in large affairs that affect the globe, you would actually be charming.

40. My spies tell me that meddling Mechanist has been removed from the picture. I only wish I had that tin-man's shell to gloat over!

41. But the Almoravid empire betrayed its veiled humility in later banning and burning Al-Ghazali's books against political meddling in religion

42. Fred Upton Frederick (Fred) Stephen Upton Moderate Democrats warn leaders against meddling in Iowa race House Republicans who Backed Trump impeachment warn

43. Catapulting Russian-Meddling Propaganda The fresh orgy of anti-Russian invective in the lickspittle media (LSM) has the feel of fin de siècle

44. At Voice of America, An Apparent Case of Political Meddling By Trump's Pick Michael Pack, who leads VOA's parent company, ordered a political Appointee to …

45. 22 But they are still subject to frequent meddling. If they are favoured, state-controlled banks will provide them with cheap loans and bureaucrats will nobble their foreign competitors.

46. 22, Was that Conclusive evidence that insanity was the salary of meddling with necromancy? 23, This is hardly Conclusive evidence for one theory or another

47. The ancient laws of Champerty and barratry, which, broadly speaking, discourage outsiders from encouraging or meddling with other people’s litigation claims, were once considered a …

48. Amid ongoing federal investigations into the extent of Russian meddling and possible collusion by the Trump campaign, some have suggested there may be grounds for Annulling…

49. Can this Bespectacled family man battle meddling military officials and run a country in crisis? The Sun (2016) A Bespectacled man in a white coat came in

50. In sum, Carpetbaggers were seen as insidious Northern outsiders with questionable objectives meddling in local politics, buying up plantations at fire-sale prices and taking advantage of Southerners

51. Konat and co-prosecutor Roger Davidheiser have alleged throughout the trial that Ackley wanted Jensen, 53, dead for meddling with his children and later killed Dittrick, 29, after Confiding in her about the crime

52. This setback, which was blamed on Son Sann for his alleged meddling in military matters (particularly his unwillingness to cooperate with Sihanouk's forces), aggravated long-standing conflicts within the KPNLF.

53. 9 The turnabout is a bid to ease the rancor of the past week that flared after Karzai, seeking to rally national support, accused the West of meddling in his nation.


55. Abusiveness poliklorirani dibenzofurani entailment intervention, meddling, put in a word, interfere enslavement struds (c.) to knock about for half an hour remission Dur verurteilen heretics helvetti, horna слово high spirited unosan Host server computer programme neoclassicism turbot in garlic sauce morning call audibility limits and

56. This persecution is not because of political meddling but ‘on account of the name of Jesus Christ,’ because his followers adhere to him as Jehovah’s Messianic King, because of their obeying Christ ahead of any earthly ruler, because of their loyally adhering to his Kingdom and not becoming involved in the affairs of human governments.

57. A Cop out is when a story builds to a certain climax and the writer suddenly wusses out and chooses a different, less ambitious or less satisfying ending, or worse, chooses not to end the story at all.This may come out of Executive Meddling, Real Life Writes the Plot, Creator Breakdown, lack of talent, or simply an incomprehensible creative choice.