Use "meccan" in a sentence

1. The Medinan stuff supersedes 'Abrogates' the Meccan stuff

2. The Meccan economy has been heavily dependent on the annual pilgrimage.

3. In respect of pilgrimage, however, he remained faithful to Arab and Meccan traditions.

4. However, it was also the time each year that disputes would be arbitrated, debts would be resolved, and trading would occur at Meccan fairs.

5. Khan collected scholarly opinions in the Hejaz and compiled them in an Arabic language compendium with the title, Husam al Harmain ("The Sword of Two Sanctuaries"), a work containing 34 verdicts from 33 ulama (20 Meccan and 13 Medinese).

6. In the spring of 624, Muhammad received word from his intelligence sources that a trade caravan, commanded by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, Chieftain of the Meccan Quraysh, and guarded by thirty to forty men, was travelling from Syria back to Mecca.