Use "meaningfully" in a sentence

1. McGinnity nodded meaningfully at George Gobbin.

2. Busy life, let me lead a meaningfully.

3. Living meaningfully is actually a combination of several things.

4. "I was once as bewildered as you are," she said meaningfully.

5. Betulaceae Ugrian meaningfully isadnormal hallowedly wardwite presumedly tofile vaporings Acrasias estrildine commentatorial

6. "I have a knack for making friends, you know," she added meaningfully.

7. Cabell cleared his throat meaningfully and smiled, one hand on the youth's shoulder.

8. He glanced meaningfully at the other policeman, then he went up the stairs.

9. In most movies, something happens; in “Archipelago,” many things happen, quietly yet meaningfully

10. "Who's your publisher?" — "Lockett Press," she said, and she raised an eyebrow meaningfully.

11. Also prohibited is any refusal to engage meaningfully with the opponent.

12. The commitments made at Doha have been either fully implemented or meaningfully acted upon

13. Expect meaningfully crafted dining experiences and of course some friendly Banter amongst friends & family.

14. Although in the brief life, you can also experience personally a lot of try meaningfully.

15. I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma.

16. We need to fine-tune the steps that we can meaningfully take.

17. This in effect denied them their right to participate meaningfully in elections.

18. He said and paused, letting his words sink meaningfully into my mind.

19. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated with the browser.

20. Because Amnesics are capable of reporting dream experiences (4, 5), the question can be meaningfully addressed

21. " Don't you have a class now? " I nod meaningfully to Ling, and we walk out together.

22. Oh, you've had minor reverses in school or love, but you haven't failed meaningfully.

23. This page contains sub-categories and keyword pages contextually, grammatically and meaningfully related to the keyword/phrase agp.

24. This page contains sub-categories and keyword pages contextually, grammatically and meaningfully related to the keyword/phrase aluminum.

25. The learner is lost, and the educational designer can not meaningfully map out the routes associated with a big bucket.

26. At long last the question of access across Teen Bigha to Dahagram and Angarpotha has been meaningfully addressed.

27. This page contains sub-categories and keyword pages contextually, grammatically and meaningfully related to the keyword/phrase astigmatism.

28. In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them.

29. At Google, we think that Ai can meaningfully improve people’s lives and that the biggest impact will come when everyone can access it

30. Kim bit his lip and stared at the floor as his father rose to look meaningfully in their direction.

31. Pizzicato strings meaningfully point several more times to the opening theme, the significance of which has now been revealed.

32. The application should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as de jure invalid.

33. That ominous expression of sympathy from pebbled-glassed Jules, who took her hand and asked her meaningfully how she was?

34. 17 The application should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as de jure invalid.

35. 28 The learner is lost, and the educational designer can not meaningfully map out the routes associated with a big bucket.

36. Acadian Asset Management is a leading institutional investment manager and a collaborative, creative firm where all employees have the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to our mission.

37. Instead, they settled on, “A Coincidence is a surprising concurrence of events, perceived as meaningfully related, with no apparent causal connection.” From a purely statistical point of view,

38. Accommodations are changes to materials or procedures that enable students with disabilities or English language learners (ELLs) to participate meaningfully in learning and testing

39. What is the Busywork dilemma? The Busywork dilemma is where students perceive that assigned learning activities or assessments are not meaningfully contributing to their learning

40. We tend to share the views expressed in these works. We use them as a frame-work for suggesting how venture capital research may meaningfully develop in the future.

41. In a press release, Peter Wall, CEO of Argo Blockchain, said that owning the Texas acreage will enable the firm to “meaningfully” expand its mining capacity on a large scale.

42. Someone who lives for meaningfully for 30 years has lived a a much longer life than one who drifted through life for 60 years. RVM 

43. At the time of Kepler-10c's discovery, Spitzer was the only facility capable of detecting shallow transits in the Kepler data to an extent at which the data could be meaningfully analyzed.

44. She's been able to produce record economic growth and meaningfully move many people out of poverty, specifically putting a meaningful dent in poverty by moving over 300 million people out of indigence.

45. Avocation Therapy, LLC provides recreation therapy to support individuals with disabilities in their five domains of physical, emotional, cognitive, social, & spiritual health as they meaningfully access & contribute to their greater community.

46. The ALIF technique meaningfully expands the repertoire of the spinal surgeon especially for the treatment of non-union after interbody fusion, in patients with epidural scar tissue at the index level and spinal infections.

47. Media, specifically digital storytelling (DST), can be deployed and developed to Amelioratethe difficulties that teachers can experience in trying to reflect meaningfully on their learning from their teaching practice, and in the overall development of their professional identity as educators

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49. In response to another question, he said that the Panel could not comment meaningfully on the sale in countries of airconditioners that did not meet international standards; enforcing such standards was a matter for the importing and exporting countries.

50. Apophatic is a classical Greek word meaning “removed from speech” or “unsayable,” so that an Apophatic theology is one holding that you cannot use human language to speak meaningfully about God, because He (and strictly speaking even the word “He” cannot be used regarding God) is unknowable and completely “other.” In

51. Catcher in the Rye is the story of Holden Caulfield's expulsion from Pencey Prep and his journey back home to New York City, where he bums around for a few days trying to get someone to listen to him and meaningfully respond to his fears about becoming an adult —

52. While at the forum, Admoni also participated in the panel, "Caregiving in the New Economy," and in the session, "The Story Behind the Photo: Robot Caregivers." "The domain of accessibility is a really motivating domain to work in, because we have the capacity to meaningfully change people's lives," Admoni said.