Use "maxillary" in a sentence

1. Le Fort 2 involves inferior lateral maxillary, superior medial maxillary Buttresses

2. Maxillary bone extensor

3. Buttress: Notes: Lateral Maxillary (yellow) Includes the lateral walls of orbit, maxillary sinus: Medial Maxillary (purple) Includes medial orbital, lateral nasal walls

4. Le Fort 3 involves upper transverse maxillary, superior lateral and medial maxillary Buttresses

5. Antrum of Highmore maxillary sinus

6. The maxillary Bicuspids share with the mandibular molars, and the maxillary molars share with the mandibular Bicuspids

7. Autotransplantations of completely developed maxillary canines

8. Maxillary, Incisors, Cuspids, and Bicuspids

9. The left infraorbital nerve block Anaesthetizes the entire left maxillary sinus the entire left naso-lacrimal duct all maxillary teeth on the left side the maxillary premolar on the left side, canine and incisor teeth

10. Usually, they have two pairs of barbels, maxillary barbels and one pair of chin barbels, though adult Mekong giant catfish have only maxillary barbels.

11. Binates or hard palate is characteristic of maxillary sinus involvement

12. The head is black with cream or white maxillary plates.

13. Dentistry, Treatment Outcome, Adolescent, Cephalometry Effect of rapid maxillary expansion on nocturnal enuresis One of the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) …

14. Maxillary Barbels refer to Barbels on either side of the mouth

15. Summary In 63 patients, 82 elevations of the maxillary sinus were performed.

16. All patients experienced an elongation of the maxillary and mandibular alveolar processes.

17. Actual lip incompetence and a great maxillary-mandibular plane angle support tooth anomalies.

18. 10 The vomer itself rests on the maxillary and palatine crest.

19. Objectives In order to treat maxillary impacted canines with surgery - orthodontics.

20. Le Fort 1 involves inferior portions of lateral and medial maxillary Buttresses

21. 'Survival and success of maxillary canine autotransplantation: a retrospective investigation' (3) from 2010 is a review of 63 maxillary canine Autotransplantations in 49 subjects, mean age of subjects 21.8 years, range 13-42.1

22. How is the patients head positioned before exposing maxillary periapicals with the Bisecting technique

23. Chief Complaint: Tooth fracture with gum swelling of the left maxillary central incisor.

24. In mammals, a fang is a modified maxillary tooth, used for biting and tearing flesh.

25. Linear measurements were taken on each digital model to analyze maxillary arch dimensions.

26. The purpose of this work was to analyze variations in maxillary arch dimensions in subjects presenting unilaterally impacted maxillary permanent central incisors compared with a control group of subjects without eruption anomalies.

27. (1993) Comparison of the Bacteriologies between the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses in chronic paranasalsinusitis

28. Wings without Aculeae, vertex usually smooth scaled, maxillary palpi of three or fewer segments

29. The maxillary (upper jaw) Cuspid (canine or eyetooth) is the second most common tooth to become impacted.

30. Objective: To evaluate a method to restore maxillary lateral incisor with adhesion and cantilever bridge.

31. 18 Objective To research the CT findings of maxillary sinus mycosis and their diagnostic value.

32. It is characterized by generally primitive and moderately hypsodont maxillary cheek teeth but advanced, elongate distal limb elements.

33. 20 On the higher fishes the maxillary is excluded from the gape , and the premaxillary bears the teeth.

34. Cleft Cheek facial cleft caused by developmental failure of union between the maxillary and frontonasal prominences

35. These results allow a quantification of the impact of vertical and transversal maxillary alveolar bone dimensions.

36. The teeth most likely affected are the maxillary anterior teeth, but all teeth can be affected.

37. This paper presents the development of a three - dimensional finite element model of central maxillary incisor.

38. 30 The tongue-and-groove articulation between the quadrangular cartilage and the maxillary and palatine crest deserves special mention.

39. The most distinguishing feature of MSX1-associated oligodontia is the frequent (75%) absence of maxillary first Bicuspids, while the most distinguishing feature of PAX9-associated oligodontia is the frequent (> 80%) absence of the maxillary and mandibular second molars.

40. Following a CT angiogram, massive Ankyloses was evident along with intimate involvement of the internal maxillary artery

41. 1 The greater incidence of digestion on maxillary incisors can be attributed to the greater breakage of the maxillae.

42. Crossbite and dental Crowding are two easily recognizable clinical signs that could be the result of maxillary deficiency

43. Maxillary alveolar arch morphology was described at birth, at six months, at 18 months and at 4.5 years.

44. When the maxillary (top) and mandibular (bottom) teeth are aligned together, this brings the fracture segments into place.

45. Method: A maxillary edentulous jaw was restored by four - implants - supported fixed bridge and extracoronal resilient attachment denture.

46. Sinus pain under the Cheekbone usually indicates an abnormality of the largest of the nasal sinuses, called the maxillary sinus

47. A rare case of an erupted compound odontoma associated with a malformed and dilacerated maxillary left lateral incisor is reported.

48. Diplostracan Branchiopods exhibit generally a division of labor into locomotory antennae and feeding/filtratory post‐maxillary appendages (trunk limbs)

49. Assessment of Gingival Biotype and Keratinized Gingival Width of Maxillary Anterior Region in Individuals with Different Types of Malocclusion

50. Beblister Maxillary plate between caniniform teeth wide and we prefer physical media? Blood type and design almost any relevant judicial system

51. Antrum A hollow cavity or sinus in a bone. The maxillary Antrums (or antra) are the cavities in the cheek bones

52. Antrum A hollow cavity or sinus in a bone. The maxillary Antrums (or antra) are the cavities in the cheek bones

53. Unlike with conventional maxillary expansion, the measured increase in arch length here corresponded to the amount of anchorage teeth expansion.

54. Like with Tyrannosaurus, the maxillary (cheek) teeth of Albertosaurus were adapted in general form to resist lateral forces exerted by a struggling prey.

55. Deciduous canines and second molars were the most often persisting teeth due to agenesis of the maxillary lateral permanent incisors and mandibular second premolars.

56. If so, then the 'lamina ascendens', that portion of the Alisphenoid of mammals which lies between maxillary and mandibular nerves, cannot be a true processus

57. The Bitewing radiograph (BW) is an image that depicts the maxillary and mandibular crowns of the teeth, providing a clear image of the

58. Maxillary alveolar arch morphology and growth was studied in 15 children with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate treated with passive orthopaedic plates.

59. CT scans of the maxillary Antra in a group of 51 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma were compared with those of a control group of 50 patients

60. Objective: To study how the depth and morphology of affected the dentinal stress distribution of the root of maxillary central incisor using three-dimensional-finite-element analysis.

61. This comparative study was conducted on fifty human permanent, maxillary and mandibular single rooted anterior teeth with closed Apices, which were planned for extraction.

62. The maxilla of an orthodontically treated deceased (19 years female) could be taken in autopsy. Pretherapeutically a atrophied alveolar bone and a basally exdented maxillary sinus was found.

63. In both, there is a rostrum and the loss of maxillary teeth; these could have evolved independently in different lineages subjected to similar environmental constraints.

64. The Alisphenoid in mammals is part cartilage bone, part membrane bone. The mammalian homologue of the primitive reptilian processus ascendens appears to be internal to the maxillary nerve.

65. Objective To evaluate a long-term effect on pronunciation and maxillary growth of elder patients with wide isolated cleft palate after bibuccinator myomucosal island flap palatoplasty.

66. 24 OBJECTIVE To explore the bacteria isolated from middle nasal meatus, maxillary sinus and ethmoid sinus of chronic nasosinusitis patients and their characteristics of antibiotic resistance.

67. Dental casts were used to analyze the pre- and postoperative maxillary morphology, dental arch dimensions, and occlusion of both samples, which were followed longitudinally from infancy to early adulthood.

68. INTRODUCTION Articulator is a mechanical device that represents the temporo-mandibular joints and the jaw members to which maxillary and mandibular casts may be attached to simulate some or …

69. Access to the maxilla was gained through a small mucosa incision in the vestibule to create a visualization port to the maxillary sinus through a bur hole.

70. 8 Reconstruction of the anterior wall of the maxilla: overturned the bone of the anterior wall of maxillary sinus with pedunculus firstly and reduced after the operation.

71. Silverman describes a method of Anesthetizing the superior maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve by an injection made through the greater palatine canal.I would call attention to an article by Dr

72. 28 The opening into the maxillary sinus is probed with a curved suction, and any disease or secretions are removed. The meatotomy is then completed using retrograde forceps.

73. H. wyckii bears a resemblance to H. wyckioides, however H. wyckioides lacks serrations on the dorsal fin spine, has a shorter dorsal fin base, and shorter maxillary barbels.

74. The results of this study allow the conclusion that the prevalence of isolated maxillary lateral incisors agenesis in a Syrian population is within the average range with regard to other populations.

75. • Articulator may be defined as a mechanical device that represent the temporomandibular joint and jaw members to which maxillary and mandibular ccaassttss mmaayy bbee aattttaacchheedd ttoo ssiimmuullaattee jaw movement.

76. After a first transdetermination step (initial cases) the anlagen of the anal plates form new anlagen, namely of the praefrons, the basis of the maxillary palpus (Rostralhaut), femur and tarsus.

77. 7 Methods To puncture from inferior nasal meatus and canine fossa with a nasal endoscopic needle, then, to cut away the pathological tissue of maxillary sinus under the endoscopic observation.

78. Catfish may have up to four pairs of barbels: nasal, maxillary (on each side of mouth), and two pairs of chin barbels, even though pairs of barbels may be absent depending on the species.

79. Posterior superior alveolar (PSA) nerve block: Anesthetizes the maxillary first/second/third molars, periodontal tissues, buccal soft tissue, and bones of these teeth.The mesiobuccal root of the first molar is anesthetized in

80. 28 The response of the sensillar field on the maxillary palp of the cockroach was studied for different stimulants such as four salts, three sugars, eighteen amino acids and bovine serum albumin .