Use "materially" in a sentence

1. Poor Materially but Rich Spiritually 8

2. Providing for Your Family Materially

3. This would materially affect US security.

4. Bottomry differs materially from a simple loan

5. The object has no real value, materially or emotionally.

6. A loving father provides for his family materially and spiritually

7. Well, the circumstances of the recording are materially relevant.

8. Although poor materially, in what sense were Christians in Smyrna rich?

9. 3:1) Meanwhile, we need to support our families materially.

10. 10 Even more essential than providing materially is providing spiritually.

11. This has been done at great sacrifice materially and otherwise.

12. Does God require that they lead a materially austere life?

13. It finds no solid support anywhere, either materially or intellectually.

14. A husband must provide both materially and spiritually for his family

15. For example, did your parents have less materially in the past?

16. Though materially poor, Jesus’ earthly family was richly blessed by God

17. 5:8) Indeed, a man should provide materially for his family.

18. Synonyms for Anatomically include functionally, materially, structurally, constructionally, constitutionally, organizationally, tectonically, configurationally

19. In addition, I am able to work to provide for myself materially.

20. A father who truly loves his family will provide for them materially.

21. Whether we have much materially or not, we can have a neat appearance.

22. - a one-sided, materially unjustified distortion of competition to the advantage of debt-collection agencies.

23. To illustrate: A father has an obligation to provide for his family materially.

24. The woman who does it may gain materially, but she loses emotionally and spiritually.

25. As filtration processes are updated, an analysis is conducted to identify materially impacted campaigns.

26. Accepting Christ’s yoke does not free one from the obligation to provide materially for one’s family.

27. The city of Sodom, where Lot and his family lived, was materially prosperous but morally bankrupt.

28. Since such ones were well-off materially, what need did they have for the Messiah?

29. My half brother described them to me as neatly dressed but of little means materially.

30. 7 Conscientious Christian parents take seriously their Scriptural responsibility to provide materially for their families.

31. A stakeholder is as anyone who is materially affected by the outcome of the project.

32. Those who serve God know that it is important to provide materially for close family members.

33. The long-term asset allocation percentages are not expected to differ materially from the current composition.

34. “Trees are vital to man’s existence both materially and aesthetically,” states the book The Trees Around Us.

35. Providing for yourself materially may be less of an issue if an adult is caring for you.

36. 'ICT can actually transform and improve public services while materially reducing government debt burdens,' noted Mrs Kroes.

37. Compulsive Shopping: An unhealthy obsession with shopping that materially interferes with the daily life of the afflicted

38. 4 Construction costs are high everywhere, and our brothers in many lands have little to contribute materially.

39. This, of course, was an age-old phenomenon, present in all materially advanced societies in the past.

40. Cati never demanded more than I could give materially, nor did she reproach me for our simple lifestyle.

41. Does it seem that the person is materially well-off or that he struggles to obtain the necessities of life?

42. (James 2:1-9) True, we may accept members of our congregation whose situation differs from ours materially.

43. Items of a dissimilar nature or function could be aggregated provided such items are individually not materially relevant.

44. Why do we have an innate craving for things that, in reality, contribute little materially to our survival?

45. Although I was of little means materially, Father would say to them: “Ottilie is richer than you are.”

46. Altered Check: A check or another negotiable instrument that has been materially and maliciously Altered to effect a fraud

47. 7 Showing hospitality to “orphans and widows” does not always involve making up for what they may lack materially.

48. Jean-Claude explained that in addition to supporting his family materially, he needed to care for their spiritual welfare.

49. On the other hand, whether a righteous person has much or little materially, his upright activity leads to life.

50. For a file of this size, no value has been altered materially due to the simplification of using Poisson values.

51. Determined not to profit materially from God-given powers, Elisha came out to meet Naaman but would not accept any gifts.

52. (Matthew 4:1-4) His meager possessions were evidence that he did not profit materially from the use of his power.

53. Stated as a general principle, Anamorphosis is the idea that multiple meanings can be materially and mutually supported within the same material circumstances

54. Reflective Material - Reflective tape or paint used with good judgment for signs and markings will materially aid in the prevention of after-dark accidents.

55. The Afterword situates the subject of ‘making Milton’ in the broader context of Milton’s value, that is, of making Milton matter, historically, intellectually, and materially

56. This trend is merely a reflection of the fact that in many materially prosperous lands, there is a growing hunger for spiritual direction in life.

57. In planning my audit, I accept some small amount of risk that my audit procedures will fail to detect whether the financial statements are materially misstated.

58. In article 9 (8)(b), the words “was materially inaccurate or materially incomplete” in the English text had been translated into Spanish as “adolece de inexactitudes u omisiones graves” (“contains serious errors or omissions”), which raised the question of whether, if the word “may” were replaced by the word “shall” as proposed, disqualification would be automatic only if the error or omission in question was serious.

59. In a warm outpouring of brotherly love, many Witnesses from other parts of the country offered to accommodate those brothers, even though they themselves were limited materially.

60. It shows tragically that those people who voted to leave the European Union were those who actually benefited the most materially from trade with the European Union.

61. The operations of the Banditti at Inlet contributed materially towards the establishment in 1846, of the village of Lee Center, further to the northwest on the Chicago road

62. (Philippians 4:12; 1 Timothy 6:6-8) In fact, a godly person with common fare and attire may be much happier than some who are materially prosperous.

63. Antipope, in the Roman Catholic church, one who opposes the legitimately elected pope, endeavors to secure the papal throne, and to some degree succeeds materially in the attempt

64. Papike (1968) redefined aegirine-Augite from a neotype location, although the validation of aegirine-Augite did not materially alter the original description except to restrict the crystal structure.

65. Note that you can be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) if you materially misrepresent that the material or activity is not infringing the copyrights of others.

66. …and the second as the Consequent; q ⊃ p is known as the converse of p ⊃ q. Finally, p ≡ q (“ p is [materially] equivalent to q ” or “ p if and only if q ”) is to count …

67. Anita, who became a mother at the age of 18, remembers that although her single mother worked hard to provide for her materially, Anita still felt the emotional void created by the absence of her father.

68. * If either Party at any time following entry into force of this Agreement: (A) does not comply with the provisions of Article 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9; or (B) terminates, abrogates, or materially violates a safeguards agreement with the IAEA;

69. What we know from our own subjectivity and agency, evolutionary biology, and the emerging sciences of brain and behavior point in the direction of human Beings as wholly materially composed individuals—yet composed individuals of a very special, emergent kind.

70. An application for Asylum of an alien may be considered, notwithstanding subparagraphs (B) and (C), if the alien demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Attorney General either the existence of changed circumstances which materially affect the applicant’s eligibility for Asylum or extraordinary circumstances relating to the delay in filing an

71. English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "Bibulous "It is a good plan to be provided with a quantity of soft Bibulous paper, in which specimens can be wrapped when collected, and this will materially assist in their preservation when transferred to box or basket.

72. Counsel for the Government of Brazil and ADICAL stated that, in light of various press reports which claimed that a number of domestic producers did not support the Association's undertaking or had not been consulted on the issue, they had sought the names of SMAC members which were claiming to have been materially injured.

73. As regards the safety measure of arrest it is provided for by Section 272 (2) (1) of the Criminal Procedure Law, that in addition to other grounds for the application of procedural sanctions, arrest may also be applied to a person being held on suspicion of, or accused of the committing of an especially serious crime, if the crime was directed against a minor, a person who was or is materially dependent, or dependent in another manner, on the suspect or accused.

74. It is provided for in the Section 152 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Law that in cases if a psychologist indicates to a person directing the proceedings that the psyche of an underage person or of a minor who has been recognised as a victim of violence committed by a person upon whom the victim is materially dependent or otherwise dependent, or a victim of sexual abuse, may be harmed by repeated direct interrogation, such direct interrogation shall be performed only with the permission of the investigating judge, but in a court – with a court decision.