Use "materialized" in a sentence

1. Problems were expected, but they never materialized.

2. Suffice to say, a comeback never materialized.

3. And what about the materialized disobedient angels?

4. He materialized his ideas by building a model.

5. M39, the Cleaved appeared out of a newly materialized Space Hulk

6. Suffice to say[], a comeback never materialized.

7. Materialized Abstractions in the Montessori classroom are found throughout the Sensorial area

8. "They just sort of materialized out of the fog, these vast, godlike things."

9. When they appear in a sun-struck glade, it is as if they materialized on the spot.

10. At one time angels in materialized fleshly bodies visited Abraham and talked with him.

11. We put out the orange barrels, and people just materialized immediately into the street.

12. 5 Gilbert reappeared, sans Bob, but accompanied by Kevin who had materialized out of nowhere.

13. Many of the technologies are being transferred from interactive television, a much-hyped offering that has not materialized.

14. The rains failed for two years in succession and the fodder crops planted in the demonstration ranch never materialized.

15. It was rumoured that Apple would be sold to Sun Microsystems, but that deal never materialized.

16. The title “Black ball” is materialized through the son’s toy, creating an interesting metaphor-to-object representation

17. 7 When these superhuman creatures who materialized as men had relations with the daughters of men, what was the result?

18. There is sun, heavy silence, a pervasive scent of parched vegetation, a lizard materialized on a rock.

19. Use the Comment statement to add a Comment about a table, view, materialized view, or column into the data dictionary

20. Her characteristic compositions of spherical abstract forms were materialized in silver, gold, platinum, pearls and select natural gems.

21. His savings were spent, and his small business —which could have been a hedge against inflation— never materialized.

22. But no outside help materialized and after a few days he prudently took refuge across the border in Milan.

23. 15 The rains failed for two years in succession and the fodder crops planted in the demonstration ranch never materialized.

24. 17 It is both a materialized "living fossil" of the capital history of Beijing, and a symbol of the cultural Pekinese 's aesthetic sense.

25. Kerouac made no more money on The Town and the City, as his royalties did not exceed his advance and a movie sale never materialized.

26. But the Creepiest is also the most overlooked: A ghost ship that materialized out of a spectral fog on the Platte River

27. No, for just at the right time, the brothers heard of a local contractor who had similar lamps on hand for a project that never materialized.

28. The Bears gave defensive tackle Akiem Hicks permission to seek a trade, but nothing has materialized and it now appears Hicks will remain in Chicago

29. The artistic crossbreeding was more intense in the pictorial creation. This crossbreeding gathered, without ambages, the native heritage and materialized, without incisions, the historical continuity.

30. We knew the reaction would be ‘oh wow.’” A second album from the Afros never materialized, but allegedly a follow-up to Kickin’ Afrolistics was in the works.

31. Or you might grind “fine flour,” such as Sarah used to make “round cakes” for materialized angels or that Israelites used in grain offerings to Jehovah.

32. • A reduction in the ‘risk premium’ factored into prices: geopolitical tensions, though hardly absent, are seen to have abated somewhat, and fears of supply disruption have not materialized.

33. The result of these defects was that Africanization was effectively hindered: revenues from the sale of shares have not materialized, dividends from the investments have been insignificant, subsidies and continuing losses have escalated Government expenditures, and true Kenyanization [i.e

34. Acquiescence is one of the notions through which the said paradigm may be materialized.2 In international law, the term ‘Acquiescence’—from the Latin quiescere (to be still)—denotes consent

35. The audience watched the Conjuror as he made two cards selected by the audience and replaced in the pack leap forth at his command; another card was selected, named by the Conjuror, set on fire, and then reproduced from the ashes; another audience member's card was locked in a box and then materialized in the middle of a freshly cut loaf of bread.