Use "materialistic" in a sentence

1. Children today are so materialistic.

2. Christmas has become materialistic and commercial.

3. She made him both soft and materialistic.

4. I don't think we are particularly materialistic.

5. I am hardworking and am non - materialistic.

6. By Aping the discourse of nineteenth-century materialistic

7. Many Protestant clergymen condoned a materialistic life-style.

8. Have you been affected by this materialistic “air”?

9. A materialistic environment can create intense peer pressure

10. This reversed the materialistic concept that conditions determine psychology.

11. You lawyers are so materialistic, you make me sick!

12. Why is it important to root out materialistic desires?

13. Materialistic dialectics is an important part of constituting Marxism.

14. Fruitless, materialistic pursuits can cause a person to “wither.”

15. I'm worrying something, girls in China is becoming materialistic.

16. In some cases, children are being raised in materialistic families.

17. Atomism has almost always been stated as a materialistic doctrine.

18. Less materialistic than other groups, and showing high tolerance levels.

19. But the problem is that we are not materialistic enough.

20. A materialistic outlook had diminished their enthusiasm for Jehovah’s worship.

21. They were still thinking of the kingdom in materialistic terms.

22. Those who succumb to its materialistic views suffer spiritual destruction.

23. Western societies are becoming more materialistic as their wealth increases.

24. For any who have a materialistic outlook, this is a challenge.

25. I am not materialistic and I am not snobby, I hope.

26. 8 The world around us is becoming more and more materialistic.

27. Not even overseers are immune to the temptation of materialistic pursuits.

28. Darwin challenged this approach with his revival of the materialistic alternative.

29. Because of the peer pressure that comes from a materialistic environment.

30. Today we live in a materialistic, pleasure-loving, and immoral world.

31. The Bible also teaches people to reject materialistic thinking and greed.

32. Marx's philosophy of history, however, is materialistic as well as dialectic.

33. Avaricious, acquisitive, covetous, rapacious, grasping, venal, Cupidinous, materialistic, mercenary, predatory, usurious, possessive

34. That force constantly pushes thoughts and inclinations in a materialistic, selfish direction.

35. They are materialistic and pushy, motivated by acquisition, competition, and getting ahead.

36. I no longer crave the immoral, materialistic lifestyle I used to lead.

37. 23 Marx's philosophy of history, however, is materialistic as well as dialectic.

38. A desire for more is engendered by the materialistic attitude of the world.

39. Others see us as overly materialistic, somewhat uncouth and lacking in social graces.

40. Arianism today is an interpretation of Christianity according to this whole materialistic, humanistic philosophy

41. When he did make an about-face he resisted the materialistic advances of Christendom.

42. He had never previously thought of himself as acquisitive or even as particularly materialistic.

43. 8 Television is a master seducer that promotes a materialistic and immoral life- style.

44. He was a reductionist who believed that everything could be explained in materialistic

45. She mocks the snobbish, hypocritical and materialistic views of many people and their narrow views.

46. Real gold is only a materialistic item that will get you nowhere in the afterlife.

47. 15 Modernity, then, is incurably materialistic but it can look towards either collectivism or individualism.

48. Synonyms for Cupidinous include greedy, acquisitive, avaricious, grasping, covetous, rapacious, grabby, materialistic, mercenary and venal

49. We produced more food, decade after decade, and saw the civilized nations becoming increasingly materialistic.

50. (Proverbs 1:11-14, Today’s English Version) Yes, greed, covetousness, and a materialistic outlook foster crime.

51. They include persecution, lies, deceptive worldly philosophies, materialistic attractions, and the temptation to engage in immorality.

52. We live in a materialistic society and our trained from an early steers to be acquisitive.

53. 20. (a) In what ways does the Bible warn us against a materialistic way of life?

54. We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive.

55. Some in South Africa, under the stress of adopting Western-style materialistic values, have attempted suicide.

56. Sad to say, the materialistic current of today’s society has likewise carried some Christians along with it.

57. (1 Peter 4:3-5) Such a person is satisfied with the results of his materialistic lifestyle.

58. 9 Their philosophy being materialistic and hedonistic, they scoffed at any thoughts of the world to come.

59. Or have the materialistic and prestigious attainments in the world absorbed more of your time and attention?

60. The idea of abandoning or even curtailing some materialistic pursuit or giving up a pleasurable interest is repugnant.

61. Thus, he warned against such things as immoral desires, a materialistic way of life, and grasping for prominence.

62. We are of the deeply held belief that many human beings have come to behave as materialistic tyrants.

63. Kids these days are very materialistic. They only seem to be interested in expensive toys and computer games.

64. We realise today that this reactionary generation grew up to be the most materialistic the world has ever known.

65. By such means, the Devil constantly tempts us with materialistic attractions that can appeal to our eyes, ears, and minds.

66. The conception about reacting mechanically to events is not a purely materialistic one, as it may seem at first sight.

67. Bourgie Newer, trendy slang version of the French term, " bourgeois ", meaning middle class people with materialistic capitalist attitudes

68. The Anabaptists maintained a high moral standard in a sober simplicity of life, basically free from materialistic goods and desires.

69. In contrast to these materialistic views, Aristotelianism considered all natural things as actualisations of fixed natural possibilities, known as forms.

70. (James 4:1) He answered that question by exposing their materialistic greed and added, “You go on . . . coveting,” or being “jealous.”

71. Austrian economics and ‘the other canon’: the Austrians between the Activistic-idealistic and the passivistic-materialistic traditions of economics Erik S

72. In contrast to a materialistic, competition-centered model of the world, the traditionalistic, idealistic model may, for men, be much more egalitarian.

73. 11 Movies, books, plays, TV programs —peppered with materialistic, me-first, sexually oriented commercials— promote the pursuit of unrestrained and uninhibited pleasure.

74. (Luke 12:15) This certainly is food for thought in our materialistic age, when people equate affluence and prosperity with happiness and success.

75. (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) By and large, we find the people of today’s materialistic society stabbed with economic, financial, and emotional pains.

76. This doctrine which I call Atomistic and which appears to be anti-historical, reveals from under a concealing cloak a strongly materialistic nature.

77. Meanwhile, the nation’s scientists are getting in on the act, but with rather more materialistic motives than the incoherent Blubbings of “our young people”

78. Meanwhile, the nation’s scientists are getting in on the act, but with rather more materialistic motives than the incoherent Blubbings of “our young people”

79. The Casteism that we find today is the materialistic form of designation that has become a way of oppressing the lower social orders of people

80. They argued that art was essentially a spiritual activity; to create the individual's place in the world, not to organize life in a practical, materialistic sense.