Use "masculinity" in a sentence

1. Bureaucratizing Masculinity Bureaucratizing Masculinity Chapter: (p.101) Chapter 7 Bureaucratizing Masculinity Source: Violence Workers Author(s): Martha K

2. Complicit masculinity might also involve admiring and striving for the qualities of hegemonic masculinity

3. Kenseikai multiradical masculinity Nutting Acaulescence

4. The grand Boubou defines African masculinity

5. Conception was external proof of masculinity.

6. Human masculinity is beautifully balanced by human femininity.

7. I don't think his masculinity is in question.

8. 21 The book is subtitled 'A Psychology of Masculinity'.

9. 4 I don't think his masculinity is in question.

10. He felt it was a threat to his masculinity.

11. Toxic masculinity can be thought of as “hyper masculinity,” a narrow and repressive description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by violence, sex, status and aggression

12. I talked about this masculinity that one need not perform.

13. The students associated science with masculinity and arts with effeminacy.

14. The old ideas of masculinity do not work for most men.

15. “The Codpiece is a whimsical representation of masculinity,” he said

16. Children's ideas of masculinity tend to come from their fathers.

17. TomBoyishness: 1 n masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women) Synonyms: hoydenism Type of: masculinity the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for men

18. In Masculinity and Power Arthur Brittan analyses this state of affairs

19. TomBoyishness - masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women): 2

20. It was an understanding of masculinity that Gerald had already embraced.

21. Boyishness definition: being characteristic of a boy synonyms: masculinity antonyms: femininity, femaleness

22. Testosterone itself, the very elixir of masculinity, increases susceptibility to infectious disease.

23. Two - someone who isn't constantly trying to define himself by his masculinity...

24. A serious feminist critique of masculinity and male power was long overdue.

25. Androgyny is a type of gender presentation that mixes masculinity and femininity

26. Psychology, like other discourses, associates subjectivity with femininity, and objectivity with masculinity.

27. Femininity, masculinity and youth cultures are also discussed in chapter sections 2 and

28. People who said that this dynamic “mimicked heterosexuality” were simply comparing Butches to men, which couldn’t be farther from the truth! Butch masculinity was — and still is — a unique kind of masculinity.

29. These values include a macho version of masculinity and an embracing of violence.

30. Any animal with a solitary set of chromosomes is hence doomed to masculinity.

31. In the mutual relationship, this Actualizes concretely the nuptial meaning of masculinity and femininity

32. And it completes an equation between some idea of elemental work and essential masculinity.

33. Wiley's portrayal of masculinity is filtered through these poses of power and spirituality.

34. “Many mistakenly equate masculinity with harsh domination, toughness, or machismo,” said the speaker.

35. Duggin says her Bewhiskered clients often associate facial hair with power and rugged masculinity

36. He has often been phoned by cold callers trying the masculinity trip on him.

37. Purists conceived of masculinity as a never-ending battle, requiring constant watchfulness and careful supervision.

38. For his old-fashioned masculinity is the cause of continual merriment on my part.

39. The reason is that, unlike femininity, relaxed masculinity is at bottom empty, a limp nullity.

40. It's a cliche to say that science is associated with masculinity and the arts with femininity.

41. Young Brattish behaviour ignored by family can lead to toxic masculinity as a grown up

42. Codpieces were speedily hijacked for the purpose of proving masculinity in the most blatant of manners

43. Buckism to Barackism is about Black masculinity and manhood in the age of President Barack Obama

44. This book is a searing vision of the wounds our century has inflicted... on traditional masculinity.

45. 28 The reason is that, unlike femininity, relaxed masculinity is at bottom empty, a limp nullity.

46. Social disapproval of excessive masculinity may be expressed as "machismo" or by neologisms such as "testosterone poisoning".

47. Excessive consumption of beer affects masculinity and leads to belly growth, enlarged lacteal glands and decreased potency.

48. 7 Clearly, physical beauty, body shape, size, or strength do not of themselves impart acceptable masculinity or femininity.

49. Ideas about masculinity formed an inherent part of the mindset of societies in which Crusading happened, and of …

50. Androgyny is a state in which gendered behaviours, presentations and roles include aspects of both masculinity and femininity

51. On the nurture side of the debate, it is argued that masculinity does not have a single source.

52. Surely the physical definition implicit in Ascribing masculinity to the divine is a contradiction of omnipotence in and …

53. Simply combining methods associated with femininity and masculinity, does not challenge the discourses of gender which support these associations.

54. Androcentrism is a new kind of sexism that, rather than just favoring men over women, favors masculinity over feminist universally

55. In joint athletics, girls subvert the masculinity of the weaker or slow-developing boys without gaining significant athletic reward themselves.

56. A man who can not attain his manhood through an affirmative role resorts to the lowest terms of masculinity.

57. Most refuse to defy the cultural definition of masculinity, to overcome their fears, or to relinquish their male privilege.

58. Androcentrism is a new kind of sexism that, rather than just favoring men over women, favors masculinity over feminist universally

59. This masculinity was emphasised by her uncompromising coiffure, her grey hair drawn tightly back and screwed into a straggling bun.

60. One can go to the thousands of human societies and find ingenious explanations for each incidence of masculinity and femininity.

61. Worn in courts across Europe primarily in the 16th century, Codpieces were a potent symbol of their wearer’s masculinity and virility

62. The focal phenomenon is the role of Aestheticized markets in contemporary formations of middle-class masculinity and femininity in the U.S

63. Men can still preserve their sex appeal well into old age Some men can maintain, if they embrace it Cragginess, weary masculinity

64. Orlich claims she was excluded from golf outings, and recounts displays of "masculinity" including a push-up contest on the trading floor.

65. Codgerettes? I definitely qualify!” Sherri Forrester and Mary Paschol, both of Piedmont North Carolina, also wondered whether masculinity is a prerequisite for codgerhood.

66. Hypernyms ("Boyishness" is a kind of): masculinity (the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for men) Derivation: boyish (befitting or …

67. Chauvinism as masculinity has been parroted constantly for so long now that a new generation of AFC sons from AFC fathers now resort to internalizing this doctrine and ego-investing themselves in avoiding anything even remotely construed as masculinity in a desperate attempt to identify with what other women repeating the same ideology

68. Convalesce Accounts of convalescing soldiers frequently establish the importance of literacy to recapturing traditional masculinity. From the Cambridge English Corpus The patient Convalesced …

69. Keeping a long beard is one of the main tenets of Sikhism, and again there are indications that the commandment relates to masculinity.

70. Boyishness - being characteristic of a boy masculinity - the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for men Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

71. “ _____ my loved Blacknesses & some Blacknesses I knew” is jam-packed with meditations on pop culture, beauty, masculinity, income inequality, and so much more

72. If, for black men, Afros signaled masculinity and black pride, for many young white men, long hair also laid claim to a meaningful identity

73. You-you impressionable teenager with a crush on the football captain and anxiety about your own masculinity-you just might be a born homosexual.

74. Boyish is a 12 part essay series delivered over the course of a year which discusses masculinity and the growing up experience for boys in India

75. "Berserker embraces the beautiful brutality of both Viking lore and Frontier tales, and it does so without resorting to tired tropes or toxic masculinity

76. China proposes teaching masculinity to boys as state is Alarmed by changing gender roles Boys in China traditionally are expected to be strong leaders, get …

77. Abolishing White Masculinity from Mark Twain to HipHop is a carefully detailed examination of the ways three white male American writers across a century—Mark Twain, F

78. Bluebeard’s problem is that he is all masculinity with none of the softer, sympathetic characteristics which, the tale seems to imply, make for a good husband.

79. Brad Pitt: ‘I just Bonged myself into oblivion’ The actor talks frankly about his future onscreen, masculinity and getting sober Thu, Sep 5, 2019, 09:50

80. Androcentrism refers to perspectives concerned with masculinity or men to the exclusion of other perspectives. The opposite of Androcentrism, which occurs when the feminine point of …