Use "marxist" in a sentence

1. They were fanatical Marxist communists.

2. In the research of Marxist configuration, we cannot unscramble Marxist theory according to the only text.

3. Even Marxist critics are generally dismissive.

4. He writes from a Marxist perspective.

5. Marxist theories Marxist-based studies of crime are sometimes referred to under the titles of radical or critical criminology.

6. The party had a Marxist ideology.

7. Neo-Marxist philosophy of the Frankfurt School,

8. He was an outstanding Marxist military theorist.

9. 4 synonyms for Bolshie: Bolshevik, bolshy, Marxist, red

10. They still maintained that they were a Marxist party.

11. This revisionist thesis departs even further from Marxist assertions.

12. The Communists communist party of great britain (marxist-leninist)

13. 25 This has some affinity with the Marxist position.

14. Inculcation is the basic way of Marxist theory education.

15. The main voluntary agency dealing with literacy is Marxist.

16. Clout is a winking approximation of a key Marxist concept

17. The film retells the famous legend with a Marxist spin.

18. 7 synonyms for Communist: socialist, Red, Marxist, Bolshevik, collectivist, commie, Communistic

19. 7 synonyms for Bolshevik: bolshie, bolshy, Marxist, red, Bolshevist, Bolshevist, Bolshevistic

20. Zhang WenTian was an outstanding Marxist theoretician in our party's history.

21. December 2: Fidel Castro openly describes himself as a Marxist–Leninist.

22. Pragmatic considerations led the government to abandon pure Marxist policies.

23. The following theories broadly build on the Marxist interpretation of rebellion.

24. At the opposite end of the political spectrum are the Marxist theories.

25. A Communist country also referred to as a Marxist-Leninist state, is a country that is governed and administered by a single party based on Marxist-Leninist philosophy

26. You don't need another Marxist giving national resources to the people, do you?

27. What strengths do the Marxist approaches contain, whether they be structuralist or instrumentalist?

28. The Marxist consider the human as the most active factor in prolificacy .

29. September: Nur Mohammed Taraki, The Marxist president of Afghanistan, is deposed and murdered.

30. The fourth Marxist approach to diversity in liberal democratic politics is even more revisionist.

31. In this basic sense both historical materialism and Marxist political economy are undeniably structuralist.

32. Callinicos' Marxism has been repelled from the ramparts of pluralism for being ... well, Marxist.

33. The Communists communist party of great britain (marxist-leninist) Skip to navigation Skip to content

34. Understanding and grasp of Marxist philosophy, political economy, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory.

35. The memoirs and documentary editions published reflected a relatively wide range of Marxist approaches.

36. In a way that has been admitted or stated in public The group was Avowedly Marxist

37. The ideological basis for this system was the Marxist–Leninist theory of socialism in one country.

38. One approach, close to Marxist accounts, detects the dominance of big business and owners of capital.

39. In a more reflective mood, the Marxist explanation turned out to be almost vacuous, in detail.

40. Thirdly, the Government took a near-Marxist view of arguments about the freedom of the press.

41. The anarchist movement and its radicalism provided a crucial background for the introduction of Marxist ideas.

42. Soviet leadership has repeatedly made explicit that they shall not renounce their Marxist-Leninist goals.

43. The Marxist-Leninist ideology had raised high hopes in the hearts of millions of people

44. A Marxist or Freudian theory is so constructed that experience is sure to confirm it.

45. Writing in Breitbart, former Law & Order star Michael Moriarty accused Balcer of being a "Marxist agent provocateur."

46. Without doubt, a Marxist approach can be very illuminating when directed at particular cultural and intellectual phenomena.

47. Marxist feminism, like radical feminism, regards the relationship between the sexes as political: that is, about power.

48. It must be consciously incorporated into the strategy of building revolutionary Marxist parties in colonial countries.

49. However, the Marxist position is no more verifiable even if it constitutes a more rounded explanation.

50. Popper also compares the method of trial and error with dialectics and criticizes Marxist dialectics wrongly.

51. There are dangers for Marxist anthropology in both the Habermasian and the Sartrean approaches to dialectics.

52. So far there is little here that would run counter to what would be considered orthodox Marxist views.

53. In the Marxist view of capitalism, this is a conflict between capitalists (bourgeoisie) and wage-workers (the proletariat).

54. Falun Gong challenged the Marxist–Leninism paradigm, reviving an understanding based on more traditionally Buddhist or Daoist conceptions.

55. Thirdly in the eyes of the regime, victory demonstrates the superiority of Marxist ethics over the bourgeois variety.

56. It is based on the civil law system, with major modifications and additions from Marxist-Leninist ideology.

57. May 9: War breaks out in El Salvador between Marxist-led insurgents and the U.S.-backed government.

58. The third Marxist strategy, the development of a systematic account of within-class conflicts, is more revisionist.

59. Through this library Kollontai met Elena Stasova, an activist in the budding Marxist movement in St. Petersburg.

60. He was never to become a party member, and was not conversant with Marxist ideas in 19

61. Industrial and social recession, Marxist-style totalitarianism, corruption, poverty, inequality and failed central planning eroded the initial revolutionary fervour.

62. From a Marxist perspective, systems of stratification derive from the relationships of social groups to the means of production.

63. Lori Feagan and Lance Gurel both have direct ties to, and are supported by, Avowed local marxist groups

64. In Marxist economics, these owners of the means of production and suppliers of capital are generally called capitalists.

65. These are quite explicit in the Communist Manifesto as well as many other writings of many Marxist thinkers.

66. A major essay on the thought of the great Italian Marxist Perry Anderson’s essay “The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci,” first published in New Left Review in 1976, was an explosive analysis of the central strategic concepts in the thought of the great Italian Marxist

67. Filed Under: *Resisters' Log*, Banksters, Central Banking Planning Manipulation & Control, Failed State Strategy: America, Failed State Strategy: Foreign Nations, Financiers Generous with Our Property, How We Got Here, Marxist Crisis Strategy, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Strategy, Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem, Transnationalism & Globalism

68. For instance the following theories might be adaptable: the realism, the neofunctionalist Europe-science, or even a Marxist imperialism theory.

69. Most of the views dealt with in the following sections have been influenced by Marxist or Weberian theories of stratification.

70. Andropov was a Marxist-Leninist hard-liner who mistrusted the West and everything for which he thought it stood

71. Although still officially claiming to be a Marxist party, by 1914 it had become in practice a reformist party.

72. This group of people called themselves Marxist-Leninigts, but actually they had not learned an iota of Marxism-Leninism.

73. Both found their analyses in a non-reflexive mode which presupposes the truth of a Marxist analysis of power.

74. September 12: The pro-Western monarch of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, is ousted by a Marxist military junta known as the Derg.

75. June 25: Portugal withdraws from Angola and Mozambique, where Marxist governments are installed, the former with backing from Cuban troops.

76. Nevertheless, the events of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries established a crucial background for the diffusion of Marxist ideas.

77. By June 1947, the Central Committee of Yugoslavia began publicly condemning Hoxha, accusing him of talking an individualistic and anti-Marxist line.

78. For one thing, though Marxist influence on Progressivism is unknown or denied by modern believers, the historical chain of descent is clear.

79. Bourgeoisie definition: In Marxist theory , the Bourgeoisie are the middle-class people who own most of the Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

80. ‘This led to a labor theory of intellectual production that was Assimilable to the Marxist notion of the labor theory of value.’