Use "martyr" in a sentence

1. Stop playing the martyr.

2. Don't be a martyr.

3. She's a martyr to migraine!

4. She's a martyr to rheumatism.

5. She's a martyr to her arthritis.

6. She's a martyr to her nerves.

7. He was a martyr to gout.

8. So skip acting the martyr and scram.

9. Don't make such a martyr of yourself!

10. The Apologists Martyr Justin the Philosopher

11. He was a martyr to fatigue.

12. The martyr lies in the cemetery.

13. He is a martyr to rheumatism.

14. John like to make a martyr of himself.

15. Making him into a martyr was my idea.

16. Primarily in what sense was Jesus a martyr?

17. St. John Boste Priest and martyr, b

18. He would be a martyr to them.

19. He was posthumously accepted as a martyr.

20. So skip acting like a martyr, and scram

21. We all like to play the martyr sometimes.

22. If he dies, he will become a martyr.

23. Gishtahu: The Auspice role of the cannibal and martyr

24. Martyr Anodes is part of the CMP Group of Brands

25. 26 I feel like a martyr to this vacuum cleaner.

26. Ego is the self-righteous martyr inside each of us.

27. When are you going to quit acting like a martyr?

28. I think she rather relishes the role of martyr.

29. I feel like a martyr to this vacuum cleaner.

30. Don't make a fuss but don't be a martyr.

31. Cathy's mother had been a martyr to her gruff, domineering husband.

32. A simple plaque marks the spot where the martyr died.

33. Where the martyr"s fire Appalleth, Lo, they pass unharmed

34. The feast day of the Roman martyr Felix is 29 July.

35. Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility.

36. Outsiders to the relationship might call the Codependent a martyr.

37. He was a martyr to the cause of racial harmony.

38. The hangman who feels joy and the martyr who sobs.

39. Julian Borger reports Mapmaking martyr For some people, maps are an obsession.

40. He began to associate with Justin Martyr, perhaps becoming his pupil.

41. 6 Ego is the self-righteous martyr inside each of us.

42. If we get too rough, we'll make a martyr out of him.

43. The martyr laid down his life for the cause of national independence.

44. Archturncoat Martyr man what a lie enough times so far! Large performance venue

45. Shop Canada Metals Martyr Anodes, Sea Shield Anodes and aftermarket replacement Anodes …

46. She fought against racism all her life and died a martyr to the cause.

47. He makes a martyr of himself whenever it's his turn to do the housework.

48. If the Mockingjay were gone, the rebels would already be using her as a martyr.

49. 10 She fought against racism all her life and died a martyr to the cause.

50. After death , he was posthumously awarded the title of martyr by the military command.

51. The frontispiece to Eikon Basilike showed Charles I as a martyr, kneeling in prayer.

52. He's hardly a bloody martyr for being hit by a carton of juice, is he?

53. If he was to be a martyr to this strange woman's caprices, then so be it.

54. 1564–1590), English Catholic priest and martyr; Dalton Bales (1920–1979), Canadian politician and lawyer

55. Martyr Anodes provides high quality, low cost marine cathodic protection for boats, marine structures, and boat equipment

56. 1 The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule begins. 

57. And, since he had died for truth, he was a martyr, for this was what martyrdom meant.

58. Cool Hand Luke was a powerhouse prison saga, casting Newman as the rambunctious convict turned Christ-like martyr.

59. Abbatial coats of arms, tombs and the urns of the Sants Màrtirs (Martyr Saints) complete this rich heritage.

60. Now my youngest brother is only eight, and I will not let him play martyr for Khaled as well.

61. Swift says Justin Martyr ‘takes it as a matter of course that Christians refrain from violent acts.’”

62. A martyr of tolerance, I think she would like not to just purse her thin prim lips.

63. He was celebrated there as a martyr, and his grave became a shrine, a sacred site, a pilgrimage centre.

64. If you kill him now, on the tip of 100 Roman arrows, you make him a martyr to the mob.

65. Cranmer and Martyr realised that a successful enactment of a reformed ecclesiastical law-code in England would have international significance.

66. The Holy Martyr Azes and with him 150 Soldiers suffered at Isauria, in Asia Minor, under the emperor Diocletian (284-305)

67. Abel was the second son born to Adam and Eve.He was the first martyr in the Bible and also the first shepherd

68. Labour leader Frank Rogers was killed by CPR police while picketing at the docks, becoming the movement's first martyr in British Columbia.

69. The Lamb of God, the doe-eyed martyr to vicarious atonement, vanished, and in his place stood a virile Battler for human rights

70. He was named after the Christian martyr Saint Alexander, whose birthday was usually celebrated on June 9 – ten days after Aleksandr was born

71. The libertarian ​ “ revolution,” Bullhorned along by the likes of Alex Jones, would have Crowley as a martyr-artiste, murdered by the state

72. It appears that about 166 C.E., after the death of Justin Martyr, Tatian either founded or associated with an ascetic sect called the Encratites.

73. He was ordered to stand before the council in the Star Chamber on 14 September and on that day he said his final goodbye to Martyr.

74. Man Beheads Teacher on the Street in France and Is Killed by Police The victim was immediately depicted as a martyr to freedom of expression

75. She has been hailed as a martyr and a national hero among some Palestinians, while in Israel and some other countries she is seen as a terrorist.

76. In the early church, the Apologists, such as Justin Martyr and Tertullian, defended the moral superiority of Christianity over paganism and pointed out Christianity’s fulfillment of Hebrew Bible prophecies

77. On Saturday, December 7, the Feast of the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon Concelebrated the Divine Liturgy with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus

78. Justin Martyr, a second century Christian apologist, in his Hortatory Address to the Greeks, said that Plato got the idea that time was Created along with the universe from Moses:

79. For his dedication to the African nation of Libya, and his fight to advance the ideals of Pan-Africanism, Gaddafi will live on as a martyr and an African hero

80. LIFE AND LABORS OF ELDER JOHN KLINE, THE MARTYR MISSIONARY JOHN KLINE But one must go forward before one can Backslide, and Kedzie was on the way up the slippery hill