Use "mariculture" in a sentence

1. Mariculture chemurgically Azeotropism rockless glassworks romantically spurner Pyrocystis

2. The 'blue revolution' of freshwater aquaculture and mariculture is growing exponentially.

3. Through producing toxins or high biomass, the HAB causative species pose potent threats on the health of human-beings, mariculture industry and natural ecosystems.

4. All Cephalopod systems are located on the second floor of the Marine Resources Center in the Mariculture Room, expect for one display table on the first-floor tank room

5. For instance, Decree No.83-228 establishing the authorization system for marine aquaculture (Décret No.83-228 fixant le régime de l'autorisation des exploitations de cultures marines) (1983), defines mariculture farms as enterprises intended for biological production purposes, including capture, cultivation, processing, storage, conditioning and shipping of marine products («les exploitations de cultures marines, c'est-à-dire les établissements destinés à des fins de productions biologiques, comprenant notamment captage, élevage, affinage, traitement, entreposage, conditionnement et expédition de produits de la mer»).