Use "marches" in a sentence

1. This, these were very long marches.

2. MTT: Anthems, dance crazes, ballads and marches.

3. Similar marches were organized in other cities.

4. There's protest marches arranged for this weekend.

5. My mother was beaten and hosed down in marches.

6. You have to be for the long marches.

7. 12 An army marches on its stomach. 

8. This decline marches in step with a downturn in interest.

9. 5 He turns and marches away ponderously to the right.

10. Western music, especially military marches, soon became popular in Japan.

11. Used sit-ins and marches to Catalyze laws in the US

12. From there marches Cyrus the Persian, along with his mighty armies.

13. The young generation needs arms for its marches and sit-ins.

14. 24 Outside in the street student protest marches wander aimlessly by.

15. So, worldly anthems and marches are used to arouse patriotic fervor.

16. ... west in the winter of 1944 in the so-called death marches?

17. You know more than we who live in this backwater on the Marches.

18. The cracker of winter jasmine, knock the drumbeat that marches toward new century noisy.

19. 3 Time marches inexorably on and we still have not made a decision.

20. The protests, the marches, the uncompromising position that women's rights are human rights, full stop.

21. Still used today, Cadences are calls and songs used during drills, marches, and ceremonies

22. Both marches took place in Madrid, at the time governed by the conservative People's Party.

23. Antes que o Antes de que: iba Antes que tú; Antes de que te marches.

24. Antonyms for Ambles include strides, runs, stays, goes direct, marches, paces, walks, stalks, treads and steps

25. Characterization Marches On: Character's personality is different in later episodes than they were in the beginning

26. 11 In the late 1930’s, another form of witnessing activity opened up —information marches.

27. Any day now, we fully expect to hear some guy playing Sousa marches in his armpit.

28. Annunciation New Year Marches Along In 1582, along came Pope Gregory XIII who reformed the calendar

29. He marches to the entrance of the henabode and pokes out his head assertively: Ah ha!

30. The police commandos surrounding the compound retaliate with barrages of military marches delivered by portable speakers.

31. Picketing gave way to marches through factories, when workers would chase blacklegs and occasionally kidnap managers.

32. 12 They do not jostle each othereach marches straight ahead. They plunge through defenses without breaking ranks.

33. Schofield marches down the hall, grabs a seismometer and an oscilloscope and hauls them into a van.

34. Bringing Light to the Darkness Shadow in the Ice 10; Light the Braziers throughout West Bjora Marches

35. Bringing Light to the Darkness is a collection achievement for finding and lighting Signal Braziers within Bjora Marches

36. Forget car rallies, public meetings, hoardings, banners, corner meetings, ‘padyatras’ (on-foot marches) and door-to-door campaigns.

37. Aux Marches De Lorraine After two years of intensive work, French black metallers Abduction are now ready to lift …

38. The two December marches by right-wing women were important public relations exercises in support of hardliners in the government.

39. After turning back deep Muslim incursions, the Frankish Empire under the Carolingian monarchs, created the Marches of Gothia and Hispania progressively.

40. The "county or shire of Monmouth" was formed from parts of the Welsh Marches by the Laws in Wales Act 1535.

41. I also played recorded Bible talks on a portable gramophone and shared in placard marches through the main street of town.

42. 22 Instead of acquiescing, as most blacks had done in the nonviolent marches in the South, the crowd attacked the police.

43. The twin counterpoint battles of Imphal and Kohima at Burma's gateway to India Comprised long marches through dense jungles by both sides

44. Throughout the 1860 election, the Wide Awakes, a novel paramilitary-style organization, held mass rallies, marches, and demonstrations to combat slave power

45. The witnessing work intensified, with information marches of publishers wearing sandwich boards advertising recorded lectures held in Hilo and in Honolulu.

46. In the days before the arrival of the American army, thousands of the prisoners were forced to join the evacuation marches.

47. Activists have created a Facebook event with information on the different marches, where they encourage citizens worldwide to stand with Syria against oppression:

48. Si vous souhaitez contester une Amende forfaitaire majorée, vous pouvez également effectuer vos démarches en ligne sur ce site

49. However, it is important to note that marches held by other organizations did not get the same response from the people of Bensonhurst

50. 14 The feet of Roman soldiers were usually well shod for long marches along the hundreds of miles of Roman highways that crisscrossed the empire.

51. Alongside anti-vaxxers, Anticapitalists and ordinary citizens concerned about job losses and safety at reopened nurseries and schools, the marches have attracted neo-Nazis, hooligans and,

52. 20 He added gravely that if the opposition insists on holding unsanctioned protests and marches, "They will get it on the head with a truncheon.

53. 19 The group shucks its body armor and marches into an auditorium filled with poker-faced men in su its or clerical garb and women with covered heads.

54. In 2019, Angola made some progress in respecting the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, allowing several protests and marches to take place across the country

55. An "anti-Alphabetist'' movement begins, complete with marches and letters to the administration and by the middle of the semester, the protests are so powerful that I …

56. Aimless Sentence Examples Robert fled from Normandy and after Aimless wanderings obtained from King Philip the castle of Gerberoi, in the Beauvaisis, from which he harassed the Norman marches

57. Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths... (applause)... Our bruised arms hung up for monuments...... Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings...... Our dreadful marches to delightful measures

58. Fearful tugging, swagging and swaying is Conceivable, in this Sterbohol problem! No Conceivable advantage to the lemming is known to have ever resulted from these long and arduous marches.

59. Elle pousse du Coude, elle exhorte à l'enthousiasme Jeanne et la vieille dame debout au pied de l'escalier Il a monté deux marches ! Salacrou, Laurence L'ombre d'un roi

60. Instead, Antifascists have worked to root out fascist infiltration and “entryism” that seeks to pass as the merger of left and right, while also militantly opposing fascist marches and meetings

61. 1966, Edwin Sherbon Hills, Arid Lands: A Geographical Appraisal‎[1], page 72: The sand is usually very well sorted in Barchans, for it is constantly re-worked as the dune ‘marches

62. The young man is “passing along on the street near her [a prostitute’s] corner, and in the way to her house he marches, in the twilight, in the evening of the day.”

63. The Ancona is a breed of chicken which originated in the Marches, region of Italy, but which was bred to its present type mainly in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century

64. LGBT Activist Gilbert Baker designed the Rainbow Flag that is often used as a symbol of pride in LGBT rights marches while philosopher Tom Regan is a prominent proponent of animal rights movement

65. The Betrothed (1825) is one of the Waverley novels by Sir Walter Scott.Set in the Welsh Marches in the 12th century it is the first of two Tales of the Crusaders, the second being The Talisman.

66. Magazine engagé en faveur du « travailler ensemble pour innover plus vite », Alliancy sélectionne pour vous ces témoignages, ces démarches, ces visions prospectives et vous projette dans l

67. Borderlines Film Festival is the largest rural film festival in Britain, taking place each spring in venues across Herefordshire, Shropshire, Malvern and the Welsh Marches at art centres, village halls and back rooms of pubs

68. Definition of Backbeat : a steady pronounced rhythm stressing the second and fourth beats of a four-beat measure Examples of Backbeat in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Because time marches to its own Backbeat…

69. After him, riding three Abreast, were nine men-at-arms, all picked soldiers, who had followed the French wars before, and knew the marches of Picardy as they knew the downs of their native Hampshire

70. “Demonstrating is a right (in) our constitution, but because of COVID-19, special measures are needed,” Foreign Minister Sabri Boukadoum said on Algerian state radio, in apparent reference to the heavy security and the year-long halt to the marches.

71. Bourses, aides et logement A partir du 20 janvier 2021, vous commencez à formuler vos vœux sur et vous devez également effectuer vos démarches sur pour faire vos demandes de bourse/logement et demander …

72. Hans Carling composed over 500 pieces of music in different styles (jazz, classical, string quartets, baroque, blues, medieval, marches), but his greatest creation was passing along his love of entertainment to his children, who—in turn—have passed it along to their

73. ‘France Acclaims the diplomatic efforts of Britain and the United States, which allowed this result to be achieved.’ ‘In our sixth annual awards, the Doors team Acclaims the people and events that are revving up the next digital revolution’ ‘The world Acclaims the hero who marches to …

74. Which isn't to say Charmer is a garish, neon-colored, new wave revival record; she still has a fondness for stately midtempo marches like "Slip & Roll" and "Barfly," songs that threaten to slip into somnolence, keeping the album anchored in some measure of meditation.

75. Au moment ou le pays Affronte une crise financiere aiguE1/2, c'est la mobilisation de tous les acteurs qui est requise afin de non seulement depasser ce cap difficile, mais surtout pour jeter les bases d'un developpement durable et sortir de la dependance aux fluctuations des marches mondiaux.

76. : of, relating to, or causing assimilation Examples of Assimilative in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web This argument undergirds the religious Assimilative efforts of the original colonists, the displacement and the ensuing death marches, and the Allotment Era legislation that sought to chisel away at tribal lands piece by piece.

77. Media d’influence sur la transformation des entreprises, engagé en faveur du « travailler ensemble pour innover plus vite », Alliancy sélectionne pour vous les témoignages, les démarches, les visions prospectives d’hommes et de femmes lancés dans une dynamique d’innovation.

78. Definition of Bandaged : wrapped or covered with a bandage a heavily Bandaged leg a Bandaged eye a Bandaged wound Examples of Bandaged in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Good Trouble includes footage from the historic 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches, led by Martin Luther King Jr., that show Lewis with Bandaged …

79. whereas Ibrahim Halawa is being detained for peacefully exercising his rights to freedom of expression and assembly and is considered by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience; whereas freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are indispensable pillars of any democratic and pluralist society; whereas Article 73 of the Egyptian Constitution stipulates that citizens shall have the right to organise public meetings, marches, demonstrations and all forms of peaceful protest;