Use "mantes" in a sentence

1. As the army advanced toward Mantes it burned and looted everything that lay in its path.

2. The Byran family lived in Lancashire, Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire.As a Norman name, they claim descent from Beuron, near Mantes, Normandy, where the family lived prior to coming to England with the Norman invasion

3. Tome4 :Aviset Mémoireenréponse auxobservations del’Autorité environnementale (Ae-CGEDD) Eole : Prolongement du RER E à l’Ouest – Tronçon Nanterre / Mantes-la-Jolie Dossier de demande d’autorisation au titre des articles L.214-1 et suivants du Code de l’environnement

4. Head Office Buffet Crampon 5 rue Maurice Berteaux 78711 MANTES-LA-VILLE - France Phone: +33 (0)1 30 98 51 30 [email protected] Offices & Showrooms BUFFET Crampon FRANCE SHOWROOM : 203 bis boulevard Saint Germain 75007 Paris - France Phone: +33 (0)1 45 48 56 13 [email protected] SHOWROOM DOUBLE REEDS BUFFET Crampon AND …