Use "manhood" in a sentence

1. You've regained your manhood.

2. How much of my manhood is watery puke?

3. What is the true meaning of manhood?

4. I had come to manhood carefully.

5. His son has grown into manhood.

6. He will soon attain to manhood.

7. Careful you don't trap your manhood in your zip!

8. Sister Manhood had salvaged something which looked like dependability.

9. You'll soon pass out of childhood into manhood.

10. Gandhi forgot his own youth and young manhood.

11. Made out of envy of your own royal manhood.

12. He grew from adolescence to young manhood.

13. He began to go bald in early manhood.

14. Toxic masculinity can be thought of as “hyper masculinity,” a narrow and repressive description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by violence, sex, status and aggression

15. His youth and early manhood were spent in America.

16. It seemed they were fighting to prove their manhood.

17. What am I, impugning their manhood or something?

18. He had barely reached manhood when he married.

19. Each culture had a special ritual to initiate boys into manhood.

20. Her new-found power was a threat to his manhood.

21. The Civilised Savage explores the journey through modern manhood

22. Their manhood has cast away in Africa and Russia.

23. Peter Frechette plays Peter as emerging into manhood from a scruffy, boyish petulance.

24. 22 The transition from boyhood to manhood can be a confusing period.

25. Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle, old age a regret. 

26. The private life is dead... for a man with any manhood.

27. The nation's manhood died on the battlefields of World War I.

28. The transition from boyhood to manhood can be a confusing period.

29. He had much money to play with in his manhood.

30. They were failing lamentably to help their sons grow from boyhood to manhood.

31. Many societies have a special ceremony when a boy has reached manhood.

32. When their manhood is threatened, some men respond Aggressively, but not all

33. When a boy reaches manhood, he should behave like a man.

34. Sincerity, a deep genuine, heart-felt sincerity, is a trait of true and noble manhood

35. The disappointment of manhood succeeds the delusion of youth. Benjamin Disraeli 

36. How can we still remain young, as our children are sprouting into manhood?

37. 1 Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle, old age a regret. 

38. The young now grow up to mature manhood and grow no older.

39. Well, it takes a poisoner to introduce the poisoned mind to manhood.

40. 10 He was excommunicated in his early manhood from his synagogue on account of his unorthodox opinions.

41. 27 He was excommunicated in his early manhood from his synagogue on account of his unorthodox opinions.

42. But I made the balls a little larger as a tribute to my manhood.

43. 19 Grown to young manhood, Krishna killed his tyrant uncle and won universal renown.

44. Han thrust his manhood as big as his forearm into Miso's gaping mouth.

45. He was excommunicated in his early manhood from his synagogue on account of his unorthodox opinions.

46. The story is seen through the eyes of a boy on the verge of manhood.

47. At the age of thirteen the boys in the tribe are initiated into manhood.

48. 28 Peter Frechette plays Peter as emerging into manhood from a scruffy, boyish petulance.

49. Buckism to Barackism is about Black masculinity and manhood in the age of President Barack Obama

50. [The wedge] was there between the limbs, a little tight, when he attained his manhood.

51. A celebration is held for the boy at the age when he is considered to have reached manhood.

52. Notice the Bible’s direct answer: “Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood.”

53. Biblical manhood can be boiled down to five basic principles, which each man is expected to conform to

54. He spoke of pretty girls cooing to him on college campuses and of assistant coaches questioning his manhood.

55. Be wise, therefore, and heed this admonition: “Remember, now, your grand Creator in the days of your young manhood.”—Eccl.

56. Not that I'm insecure about my manhood or anything, but I need to hook up with a woman right now.

57. What have I got to say to a man whose idea of manhood is the same old sexist patriarchy?

58. A man who can not attain his manhood through an affirmative role resorts to the lowest terms of masculinity.

59. ‘The railroad Brotherhoods and their women's auxiliaries, however, deployed a ‘respectable’ style of manhood in their efforts to win train workers over to a temperate lifestyle.’ ‘Viewed this way, the railroad Brotherhoods ' language of temperance and respectable manhood was as much intended for public consumption as it was the uplift

60. 21 A story was even current to prove his manhood he had killed and castrated a boy belonging to the palace.

61. Why do you think he needs to have so many women around him - is it just a way of proving his manhood?

62. Many appear barely old enough to have undergone the traditional postadolescent ceremony in which their uncles pronounce them ready for manhood and twist the first turban around their heads.

63. In a surprising turn of events, historically derided as weak, effeminate and unworthy of manhood, the Brahmin has come under the lens for 'Brahminical patriarchy'.

64. “I am not overly pleased with worldly conditions that you and other young men are inheriting as you assume your role in moving toward manhood.

65. Babied! When Marshall turned nineteen years old he was fully ready to make his debut into manhood, but he was facing sort of a problem

66. While there are Butches who have a complex relationship with gender, it is a common misconception that butchness is a signifier of (eventually or present) manhood.

67. White is the Director and Producer of educational documentary films that offer narratives and perspectives from marginalized groups including, Buckism to Barackism: Re-Imagining Black Masculinity and Manhood

68. So, rather than attempt a detailed explanation of every aspect of Biblical manhood, our intent here is only to highlight the topic in broad strokes

69. For the family, this was cause for celebration because then the event, known as “Breeching,” was set in motion, signifying the boy’s step towards manhood

70. John Keats: His Life And Poetry, His Friends, Critics And Afterfame Sidney Colvin, Christianity The Science Of Manhood: A Book For Questioners (1875)Minot J

71. Battledored Vera" the growth to manhood of the boys created "a balance of power that kept the house more or less peaceful"; yet even this was shattered

72. “The Breeching ceremony stands out as one of the most significant milestones in a boy’s journey to acquiring manhood.” This seems to have been understood by even very little boys

73. An untouched child, he argued, “enters manhood so Bulwarked with stable work and emotional habits that no adversity can quite overwhelm him.” Now we know that, to attain that result, he should

74. Top 10 Mustaches That Brutalized Modern History Andrei Dina While the beard is depicted throughout history as the symbol of manhood and wisdom, nothing spells tyranny and despotism better than the …

75. Autology: An Inductive System of Mental Science, Whose Centre Is the Will, and Whose Completion Is the Personality; A Vindication of the Manhood of Divine Authorship of Nature (Classic Reprint) [Hamilton, D

76. 14 The eras of manhood that we look back to nostalgically as models of "when men were men" – I'm thinking, for example, of the Mad Men era – were times of stunning conformity.

77. IN HIS 1990 book Arbeit macht tot —Eine Jugend in Auschwitz (Work Kills You— Young Manhood in Auschwitz), Auschwitz survivor Tibor Wohl documents a conversation he overheard between two fellow prisoners.

78. ‘Historians, in other words, need to Apprehend and to understand the rough as well as the respectable manhood of American workers.’ ‘Knowing, by contrast, refers to mental states' faculty to perceive or Apprehend what appears.’

79. To safeguard the ideological Chasteness of social policies, promote instructive examples of civic manhood, and secure productivity, authorities turned the private realm into a potent site of intervention in the promotion of shared civic, sexual, and social ideals

80. The word "Consubstantial", was used by the Council of Chalcedon (451) also to declare that Christ is "Consubstantial with the Father in respect of the Godhead, and the same Consubstantial with us in respect of the manhood"