Use "mandates" in a sentence

1. Mandates oversight without adding red tape.

2. The Constitutionality of federal mask mandates

3. Each state mandates coverage and provides benefits .

4. Highlights of implementation of UNESCO’s core mandates in India

5. The mandates for IICA mentioned above are not exhaustive.

6. Accountability mechanisms should have relevant gender expertise to fulfil their mandates.

7. The Committee created four ad hoc groups and adopted their mandates.

8. DISTURBING Video Shows Australian Police Brutalizing Children Over Mask Mandates

9. Automatize mandates that all carriers meet the insurance requirements of all Automatize customers

10. Masks required at Bur per mandates by State of CA, CDC, and TSA

11. Your Excellency will, therefore, employ your mandates against the Apparitors in that manner

12. This Act mandates the procurement of electricity from renewables by all distribution companies.

13. Would avoidance of mandates ab initio, in reality, preclude substantive negotiations on core issues?

14. The Bible mandates abstinence from sexual relations outside of marriage, saying: “Flee from sexual immorality.”

15. Coca-Cola Circumvents Constitution with TERRIFYING mandates on diversity Glenn LOVES Coca Cola

16. We encouraged fora to further engage with ABAC on their workplans and mandates, where appropriate.

17. There's also mandates for those dead geostationary spacecraft to be moved into a graveyard orbit.

18. For reasons mentioned above, most implementation and enforcement of the rights and mandates Crated …

19. · National institutional mandates and work plans accommodate the environmental aspects of water resource management.

20. In the current absence of an elected Government, there is the issue of legitimacy and mandates

21. For exam-ple, Minnesota mandates that every insurance policy include toupees for people who go bald.

22. No wonder that many today assume that the Bible mandates rigid restrictions against open intellectual inquiry.

23. The spirit of fairness, however, mandates that we should treat all papers equally and with candour.

24. League of Nations mandates were established under Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

25. • Other federal government departments possess specific mandates and accountabilities that support INAC's commitment to execute its responsibilities.

26. It was pointed out that all mandates had common problems that should be addressed together.

27. It was pointed out that all mandates had common problems that should be addressed together

28. Corporate law mandates that Qatari nationals must hold 51% of any venture in the Emirate.

29. Monetary policy will continue to support economic activity and ensure price stability, consistent with central bank’s mandates.

30. Contactless Payment Rules: What Your State Mandates There is a lot of information being thrown at U.S

31. Some central banks have legal mandates, and the legal mandate does not include looking at after-effects.

32. Many Task Force entities have engaged in this activity, in accordance with their mandates and available resources.

33. In order to address the mandates of SOX, many of companies start to cogitate a continuous auditing.

34. Unjustified reductions or across-the-board cuts could adversely affect mission operations or endanger the fulfilment of mandates.

35. The definition of institutional mandates and accountabilities for the provision of various types of services is in progress.

36. The conceptual shift to a focus on poor people required clear mandates with appropriate accountability mechanisms.

37. (By "the contrarian version", they mean buying when the conventional rule mandates selling, and vice versa.)

38. The Group would scrutinize the budget to ensure that adequate resources were allocated to the implementation of mandates.

39. Unique among certification standards, SFI mandates innovative and impactful Conservation research that builds knowledge and improves forest outcomes.

40. Group Campsites will be closed until further notice in accordance with the State of Hawaii group gathering mandates

41. All decisions and mandates of the General Assembly should continue to be honoured and respected throughout the process.

42. The ACB and Police cooperate with respect to investigations and no issue has arisen regarding their respective mandates.

43. Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1977 mandates employers to insure themselves and the workers against occupational injuries and/or diseases.

44. Section III traces how various special procedures have addressed gender and women’s rights issues in their respective mandates.

45. WMV HD mandates the use of WMV 9 for its certification program, at quality levels specified by Microsoft.

46. HIPAA mandates that every Baa contain certain basic elements, and it enumerates these in a good amount of detail

47. Due to ongoing COVID-19 mandates from Governor Inslee the Assessor’s office staff will be working from remote locations

48. In Capitalism, goods or services are distributed based on societal mechanisms instead of government controls or mandates

49. Improved levels of efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of mandates and enhanced accountability by programme managers

50. The Nihon Shoki entry of 15 April 683 (Tenmu 12th year) mandates the use of copper coins.

51. It also mandates a certain level of law - enforcement to prevent laxer jurisdictions from becoming cybercrime havens.

52. 20 Each state statute that mandates reporting of child abuse or neglect specifies the procedures reporters are required to follow.

53. The United Nations mandates, the Tutsi elite class, and the Belgian colonists contributed to the growing social and political unrest.

54. 3 The U.S. Constitution mandates that the executive branch will seek the "advice and consent" of the Senate to treaties with foreign powers.

55. Bicoastal Recruiting Partners is a boutique financial services recruiting firm that executes on selective mandates with blue chip clients both domestic and abroad.

56. 14 The U.S. Constitution mandates that the executive branch will seek the "advice and consent" of the Senate to treaties with foreign powers.

57. In fact the latter share political affinities connected to the wish to secure for all Members the untrammeled exercise of their mandates.

58. Like Kroger, Walmart has Benefited from mandates that excluded essential businesses from shutdown orders, and it also saw a massive increase in online sales

59. A refuge policy mandates that a certain percentage of the acreage be planted with conventional hybrid corn that excludes the Bt genetic enhancement.

60. Axemann Brewery is committed to complying with all mandates and upholding all best practices to ensure a safe environment for our guests and our staff.

61. Due to the increasing amounts of Covid-19 Infections, and in Accordances with Governor Inslee's mandates, we're rolling back our hours beginning Monday, November 16th.

62. It also means that local party officials can effectively choke off information to Beijing, blinding the central authorities as to exactly how their mandates are carried out.

63. Lastly, one of the mandates was that the Secretariat had been asked to do a paper on networking the Commonwealth on trade, sustainable development and aid architecture.

64. Read more about Copperas Cove ISD announces continuation of face coverings Governor Abbott lifts mask mandates, expands business capacity to 100% Tue, 2021-03-02 19:07 david_morris

65. The references to United Nations actors in the proposed amendment had an admonitory tone and gave the incorrect impression that mandate holders were operating outside their mandates.

66. From the challenge of ensuring well-ordered mobility of productive human resources, to the necessity of adequate consultations with Troop Contributing Countries before framing mandates for UN Peacekeeping Operations.

67. If the Contagiousness of people without symptoms does not drive the spread of SARS-COV-2, then restrictions like lockdowns and mask mandates on the general public don't make sense.

68. The Joint Bycatch Working Group aims to address mandates of relevant resolutions; provide updates on Bycatch mitigation measures and their effectiveness; review information on illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing; and provide

69. Furthermore, the mandates must be clear and achievable, supported with adequate resources and designed in consultation with the parties to the conflict, the States hosting such operations and the troop-contributing countries

70. The Airable Mask is a highly breathable accessory for those who lead active lifestyles, but need a way to adhere to face mask mandates in a comfort-focused manner

71. BrookingS – The Brookings City Council this week will have second readings on two ordinances and also consider a resolution that could change the COVID-19 mandates and restrictions in the city.

72. Afflatus Inc is a hugely inspired Executive Search firm, where the research team, the partners, the client servicers, all excel and bring hundreds of man years in satisfying your firm’s mandates

73. For all the Bellyaching about nanny state mask mandates and climate-change armageddon, the biggest threat we face today is rooted in the earnest and ardent political activities of those who have

74. A few respondents commented on what they saw as the lack of clear mandates: "the Reserves need to have unique roles defined for them and then be funded to accomplish those roles."

75. The mounting crush of Cases in fall and winter, however, prompted officials of both parties to tighten mask mandates and reimpose restrictions on gatherings to try to squelch the spread.

76. In the United States, State laws require birth certificates to be completed for all Births, and Federal law mandates national collection and publication of Births and other vital statistics data

77. In any dissolution matter regarding child Custody and visitation where there is a dispute, (Family Code section §3170) mandates that the case be set for child Custody recommending counseling prior to the court hearing

78. Atlanta — Georgia's governor, who has opposed local mask mandates and even sued over one in Atlanta, has signed a new executive order that Allows local governments to enact mask requirements to

79. The Committee played a key role in steering the Organization towards greater inclusivity, transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in delivering its mandates, back door deals could not be part of that exercise.

80. The Council could encourage United Nations agencies that have mandates and programmes in the field addressed by the conferences to ensure that their governing bodies are extensively involved in the preparations of the review