Use "management overheads" in a sentence

1. Administrative overheads

2. Those costs related to overheads in respect of information technology, personnel administration, postage, financial management and premises.

3. Administrative overheads (13%)

4. 17.3. Administrative overheads

5. Oyston was now moving across into the media, using the same formula of low overheads, tight management and aggressive advertising.

6. Administrative overheads (Note C.17.4)

7. Administrative overheads (13 per cent)

8. Heavy overheads reduced his profits.

9. Overheads and legal and administrative fees

10. overheads and legal and administrative fees

11. indirect costs to cover administrative overheads;

12. We need to reduce our overheads.

13. cutting of administration and overheads through organizational restructuring

14. Censors and transparency, the overheads go in both directions.

15. Jean Downie advised a 10% addition to cover overheads.

16. to avoid the direct insurers’ overheads and administrative costs,

17. Indirect costs (administrative, rent, overheads, transport and tuition costs for participants

18. But the picture is one of sluggish sales and high overheads.

19. Their offices are in London so the overheads are very high.

20. Using the CrossCheck software brings extra costs and overheads for journals.

21. Gases (petroleum), secondary absorber off, fluidized catalytic cracker overheads fractionator

22. The Contribution goes first to paying off overheads, then to profit

23. Indirect costs (administrative, rent, overheads, transport and tuition costs for participants)

24. In both contract races Hunslet benefited greatly from its low overheads.

25. 22. No allowance was made for differences in overheads and general expenses.

26. In other words, it is compensation for assets financed from the farm overheads.

27. No allowance was granted for claims in respect of overheads and general expenses.

28. We are having to cut our costs to reduce overheads and remain competitive.

29. Sub-letting may seem an obvious way to reduce overheads and generate income.

30. Gases (petroleum), secondary absorber off, fluidised catalytic cracker overheads fractionator; Refinery gas

31. If you move to a smaller office you will reduce your overheads.

32. - the admissibility of additional overheads and other operating expenses as eligible R & D costs,

33. It has everything that is nice about yachting without the snobbery, seasickness or overheads.

34. "for differences in overheads and general expenses, including research and development or advertising costs".

35. Overheads (administrative supplies). Costs are calculated on the basis of the number of invoices.

36. (20) Claims were also made for allowances in respect of overheads and general expenses.

37. It receives a substantial recurrent grant from the University, which covers its operational overheads.

38. They will cut office overheads by startling amounts and be the new cost leaders.

39. On top of that a percentage is added to cover the chemists' overheads and profit.

40. 576 Shop Overheads - Absorbed This account is designed to record amounts distributed from Account 575.

41. The GSA confirms that ESSP industrial organisation may lead to accumulation of overheads and profits.

42. They have employees, profits, overheads and customers to be supplied on a regular basis.

43. All other expenditure on administration and secretarial services is considered to be covered by ‘overheads’.

44. As the companies amalgamate and compete across wider areas they need to drive overheads down.

45. The reaction mixture is fractionally distilled to recover unreacted isoalkanes as overheads and alkylate as bottoms.

46. The cost of the inhouse Cedefop translation service is 1 279 600 ECU, excluding administrative overheads.

47. Using object replication, it automatically generates duplicate versions of objects on multiple disks with negligible overheads.

48. However Haines says that the processor count is unlikely to grow since the overheads become prohibitive.

49. The plan of 14 March 2002 also provided for a reduction in administrative costs and overheads.

50. As with labour costs, the surprising thing is that the total overheads haven't increased by more.

51. Hence, VAT on inputs attributable as overheads to Kretztechnik’s whole economic activity was wholly deductible.

52. The amalgamation has also helped Marsden tackle head-on the problem of cutting internal overheads.

53. The Azeotropic overheads from these successive towers are returned to appropriate points in the primary tower

54. All other differences in costs, including advertising and promotion, overheads and general expenses were provisionally not allowed.

55. The amount that is left after the retailer has paid his overheads is called net profit.

56. All other expenditure on administration, business travel and secretarial services are considered to be covered by "overheads".

57. (c) administrative overheads that do not contribute to bringing inventories to their present location and condition; and

58. b) Other current costs, which includes intermediate expenditures to support R&D, administrative overheads and on-site consultants

59. Gases (petroleum), secondary absorber off, fluidised catalytic cracker overheads fractionator, if they contain > 0,1 % w/w Butadiene

60. The second is their enormous libraries of films(Sentencedict), which usually produce enough money to cover their overheads.

61. The unit cost of most modern computer systems like these comprised about 80% materials, 15% overheads and 5% labour.

62. But many people in the South East who enjoy large salaries also have large fixed debts and overheads.

63. Access management device, access management method, and access management system

64. There are obviously more overheads when the client group is geographically dispersed rather than grouped together in a home.

65. Hereafter the emphasis would be on distinguishing between development and welfare expenditure on one hand, and administrative overheads on the other.

66. Management accountancy, Business administration, Personnel management

67. Even tiny firms of six men in dingy offices with low overheads were able to compete by slashing prices to the bone.

68. Childminding is a responsible and demanding job and Childminders have lots of overheads to meet such as insurance, safety equipment, toys, food

69. Hence other methods were tried in order to reduce the memory overheads, and comparisons were made across a number of different methods.

70. The contractor is paid for the actual costs he incurs plus a previously agreed lump sum for his overheads and profit.

71. Scope: Hydroelectric reservoir management . Hydroelectric reservoir management.

72. Beachside Management Company provides comprehensive management services

73. Administration & management of pension funds, asset management, financial advisory services relating to asset management

74. Local Broadcasts can be used as a general purpose pub/sub event bus in your app without any overheads of system wide Broadcasts

75. They also include a systematic allocation of fixed and variable production overheads that are incurred in converting materials into finished goods

76. They also include a systematic allocation of fixed and variable production overheads that are incurred in converting materials into finished goods.

77. Management and accounting control Systems management and documentation

78. • Soil Management, with $5.0 million in funding, covers soil management practices including carbon sink management.


80. Methods: To build up interior management mechanism and induct crisis management to the nursing management.