Use "mallows" in a sentence

1. Palmer's Abutilon (Abutilon palmeri) is a relatively rare species of the Malvaceae Family (mallows) native the southwestern U.S

2. Like all Abutilons (cousins of mallows) it wants to think it is living in a slightly-shaded bog

3. ‘Flowers range from peonies, delphiniums, various brooms and gorses, mallows, asters and periwinkle through to Buglosses, mandrake, daises, narcissi, irises and orchids.’ More example sentences ‘Viper's bugloss was introduced from Europe in colonial times.’

4. Family (a) Malvaceae mallows; mauves (b) Poaceae grasses; gramines (c ) Lamiaceae mints; menthes: Common name: (a) Kulotkulot (Filipino); Chinese burr; Burr bush; Paroquet bur; Diamond Burrbark (English); Daupang (Sul) (b) Dawa (Filipino); Common millet; Italian bristle grass; Italian foxtail; Foxtail bristlegrass; Foxtail millet (English) (c) Suob-kabayo (Filipino); Bush-tea-bush; Pignut