Use "malinowski" in a sentence

1. 5 Frazer's disciple, Malinowski, was of a very different mettle.

2. In M. Schneider-Hufschmidt, T. Khme & U. Malinowski (Eds.), Adaptive User Interfaces: Results and Prospects.

3. The picture of Malinowski is a wonderful illustration of what Genevieve Bell calls " Deep Hanging Out ":

4. Bronislaw Malinowski advogou uma importante teoria acerca do Contexto de uso.Ele precisou de um termo que expressasse todo um

5. Since Malinowski initiated the realistic ethnography, cultural writing of anthropology has been regarded as an objective and scientific description of culture.

6. Kroeber, Malinowski and Roheim in criticizing Oedipus Complex further proved the existence of "family complex", and its relationship with society, life-form and culture.

7. Other parts of my argument derive from Malinowski, Mauss and Levi-Strauss, as well as from various of my younger contemporaries.