Use "malcontents" in a sentence

1. Spies, criminals, and malcontents.

2. 21 The strike was engineered by a handful of malcontents.

3. The strike was engineered by a handful of malcontents.

4. Silence gave the malcontents the chance they wanted.

5. Five years ago a band of malcontents, mainly half-educated radicals, seized power.

6. Don't assume that we are all Luddite malcontents afraid of change.

7. He attributes the statue controversy to a handful of malcontents.

8. All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontents.

9. And if that doesn't work, the Aliterate malcontents resort to book burning demonstrations

10. His eldest son James, who had been living in Stirling castle, was persuaded to join the malcontents.

11. Acolytes are Hylian malcontents used by the Order of the Wizzrobe as cannon fodder infantry

12. Every time I full a vacant office , I make ten malcontents and one ingrate.

13. Mordovia is the cesspit into which are flushed the malcontents and malefactors of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

14. Whether or not the carnage in Bombay is India’s 9/11, the information now available abundantly confirms that it was not the act of domestic malcontents – another "Oklahoma City.”

15. ‘The Bindlestiffs of that era had a very strong network and used their unified power to demand fair wages and social treatment.’ ‘From their own point of view, the critics were right: Rhode Island was a cesspool of malcontents, outcasts, Bindlestiffs and religious …