Use "malarial periodicity" in a sentence

1. Prominent in development of Atebrin as anti malarial drug

2. ‘As such, increasing the periodicity in an Assibilated rhotic may

3. 18 Periodicity advance model of 1 - D slab symmetry detonation wave is investigated.

4. Both are Congruent with a yearlong periodicity, which is apparently neutralized in the main settlement

5. What does Ague mean? A fever, usually malarial, marked by regularly recurring chills

6. 5 Periodicity is the consequence of activity propagating through the closed loop.

7. Artemisinin (Qinghaosu), a sesquiterpene lactone, is a highly active anti-malarial (falciparum malaria) drug

8. Peptides derived from human tumour necrosis factor alpha and useful against intracellular malarial parasites

9. Terms used to describe patterns of Abnormal uterine bleeding are based on periodicity and

10. Also, there is a lack of evidence for the periodicity of population-wide screening activities.

11. Affine jests, neither malarial trisection, Buttstrapped semiexpanded dictatorship vs democracy essay persuasibility thruout nobody daffodil

12. Artemisia plant extracts have anti-malarial properties, but there's no evidence they can combat Covid-19.

13. Interest in its use as an anti-malarial has recently been revived, especially due to its low price.

14. In this case the typical pattern of the periodicity and the average size of the amphipodes are markedly changed.

15. The elements, if arranged according to their atomic mass, exhibit an evident periodicity of properties.

16. Artemisinin (NSC 369397), a widely used anti-malarial drug, is an inhibitor of HCV subgenomic replicon replication.; Target: HCV; Artemisinin (ART), a widely used anti-malarial drug, is an inhibitor of in vitro HCV subgenomic replicon replication

17. The periodicity of the phase angles permits approximation of the behaviour rule by a finite Fourier series.

18. Scientists investigated three generic bifurcation structures and obtained analytical expressions for the periodicity region boundaries using the map replacement technique.

19. Examples of Autocorrelated biotic factors are: periodicity in food supply, in predator or prey density, etc

20. Ague definition, a malarial fever characterized by regularly returning paroxysms, marked by successive cold, hot, and sweating fits

21. Chronobiology (ˌkrɒnəbaɪˈɒlədʒɪ; ˌkrəʊnə-) n (Biology) the branch of biology concerned with the periodicity occurring in living organisms

22. The Common Position also integrates the approach to adapt the periodicity of checks of undertakings to technical progress

23. The Common Position also integrates the approach to adapt the periodicity of checks of undertakings to technical progress.

24. For example, in algebraic topology, 8-fold real Bott periodicity can be seen as coming from the octonions.

25. Arenax Plus Tablet is used to treat acute and uncomplicated malarial infections in patients weighing 5 kg (11 lb) and above

26. The amplitude of the responses to yellow and white light allowed one to follow the lunar periodicity of one single fish.

27. The action is astringent, tonic, refrigerant, parturient, hemostatic, anti-septic, anti-Abortient, anti-gonorrheal, anti-leucorrheal and anti-malarial

28. They would also consider a Declaration on Regional Response to Malaria Control and Addressing Resistance to Anti-malarial Medicines.

29. The men had been camped for a month in swampy terrain, much of it malarial. Pure water was scarce.

30. A weekly periodicity of nuclei numbers is shown and the abundance of nuclei in different air masses is studied.

31. Synonyms for Ague include fever, malaria, miasma, miasm, paludism, jungle fever, fever and Ague, malarial fever, feverishness and affection

32. Apart from sapping your energy, anemia increases the risks associated with childbirth and makes a malarial attack more likely.

33. Anopheles gambiae is one of the best known, because it transmits the most dangerous malarial parasite species (to humans) – Plasmodium falciparum.

34. Calenture, or Cuban malarial fever, comes on rather suddenly with a chill of greater or less severity and a violent headache

35. Arenax Plus Tablet is used to treat acute and uncomplicated malarial infections in patients weighing 5 kg (11 lb) and above

36. The reproductive cycle has been estimated at 2 years with ovulation taking place in spring, though this periodicity is ill-defined.

37. The mosquitoes gradually grew resistant to DDT, while the parasites themselves became resistant to anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine and Atebrin.

38. Human outdoor sleeping behaviors, over-night in field shacks and going to bed after active peak of An. minimus (00pm) increased significantly malarial infection.

39. Autocorrelation function definition is - a function that describes the Autocorrelation of a quantity being continuously measured and that indicates the periodicity of the quantity

40. The mathematical model shows a quasi-periodicity and sufficient symmetry of the alternating thermal gradient across the canal, except for the first stimulus.

41. Artemisinin is an ancient Chinese herbal therapy for malarial fevers which has been recently found to have potent activity against many forms of malarial organisms, including chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum.Several Artemisinin derivatives have been developed for clinical use in prevention and treatment of malaria, some of which have been linked to rare instances of acute liver …

42. Artemisia Annua is essentially a plant that produces Artemisinin or qinghaosu. Artemisinin comprises anti-malarial agents that make its supplement effective against microbial attacks

43. Ague Meaning: "acute fever," also (late 14c.) "malarial fever (involving episodes of chills and shivering)" from Old… See definitions of Ague.

44. By Theorem 18, some known assertions concerning inheritance of Asymptotical periodicity, almost Asymptotical almost periodicity and Asymptotical almost automorphy under the action of finite convolution products ([5,16]), and the assertions (a)-(b) clarified above, this yields the following result (the uniqueness of solutions follows from the fact that [12, Theorem 2.10.7] holds in degenerate

45. Artemisinin is an ancient Chinese herbal therapy for malarial fevers which has been recently found to have potent activity against many forms of malarial organisms, including chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum.Several Artemisinin derivatives have been developed for clinical use in prevention and treatment of malaria, some of which have been linked to rare instances of acute liver …

46. Locke", title = "Effect of weird tails in 35mm Innsmouth sprocket periodicity distributions on re-tiered Bicyclical phase shifting using {C}thulhean logic",

47. Alternatively, the feature may pertain directly to the character of the river itself, as in the case of hydrological features such as velocity or periodicity of discharge

48. The phase angle difference between circadian periodicity and temperature cycle depended on a) the free-running frequency of the circadian oscillation, and b) the amplitude of the synchronizing temperature cycle (Kg.

49. Concepts such as the periodicity of the elements and chemical bonds in chemistry are emergent in that they are more than the underlying forces that are defined by physics.

50. Our investigations have now positively identified the presence of this periodicity on the low-angle X-ray diffraction patterns of some solvent treated and chemically modified mohair fibres.

51. Ague, a malarial disease transmitted by mosquitoes and characterized by intermittent fevers and chills, was a leading cause of chronic illness across America from the colonial period until 1900

52. Through medical research, doctors have found that there are periodicity and rhythms during a person's lifespan, although few doctors believe they correspond to those described as "Biorhythms".

53. In fact, if we look at the genetic code, it's the only disease we can see that people who lived in Africa actually evolved several things to avoid malarial deaths.

54. Adjective of or relating to biological processes that occur regularly at about 24-hour intervals, even in the absence of periodicity in the environmentSee also biological clock Word Origin for Circadian C20: …

55. Aerolites One of the many names given to those solid masses or stones which occasionally fall from the atmosphere to the surface of the earth. The assumption of their periodicity cannot, as yet, be considered as confirmed

56. Among the insect - borne diseases of man the most important are the malarial and yellow fevers , sleeping sickness , filariasis , bubonic plague , typhus , typhoid , cholera , dysentery , diarrhoea , myasis , oriental sore , sandfly fever and other tropical diseases .

57. Because of crystalline periodicity, significant directions within a crystal are determined by the rational intercepts with the Crystallographic axes and may be rendered in terms of Miller indices enclosed in brackets, e.g., [hkl] or [hkil].

58. ‘There was plAgue, too, Ague (probably a malarial infection), and various fevers.’ ‘Although he used the term Ague, true malaria cannot necessarily be inferred because Ague included any number of short-lived illnesses with chills and fever.’

59. Fine structure in the folded longitudinal acoustic (FLA) phonon peaks from high-resolution Raman spectra of Si/Si1−xGex superlattices has been observed. The observed FLA fine structure is attributed to fluctuations in the superlattice periodicity.

60. Atabrine: A synthetic antibiotic developed by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer in 1931, Atabrine (the trade name for mepacrine, also called quinacrine) was the first manmade substitute for quinine, the anti-malarial drug of choice at that time.

61. The emergence of the aberrant mutant T in malaria - ridden countries is now believed to be an evolutionary counterblast to malaria . For it seems that in a malarial region it is an advantage to have the thalassaemia trait .

62. ‘There was plAgue, too, Ague (probably a malarial infection), and various fevers.’ ‘Although he used the term Ague, true malaria cannot necessarily be inferred because Ague included any number of short-lived illnesses with chills and fever.’

63. In contrast, the African malarial mosquito had a very strong preference for biting the ankles and feet of this person, and that of course we should have known all along because they're called mosqui- toes, you see?

64. From the graphs of the tangent and Cotangent functions, we see that the period of tangent and Cotangent are both π \pi π.In trigonometric identities, we will see how to prove the periodicity of these functions using trigonometric

65. The Lanthanides and Actinides: Synthesis, Reactivity, Properties and Applications constitutes an introduction to and comprehensive coverage of f-block chemistry encompassing the following areas: periodicity, natural occurrence and extraction, separations, electronic structure, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, small molecule activation, catalysis, organic synthesis applications

66. ‘The apparent end of the Abkhaz election crisis should pave the way for resuming talks with Georgia on settling the territorial conflict.’ ‘The Abkhaz coast appears, fringed with palms, oleanders and groves of eucalyptus trees planted long ago by the Russians to dry out the malarial marshes.’

67. Anomphalous: without a navel anon: at once; immediately anonym: person whose name is not given; pseudonym anonymuncule: minor anonymous writer anopheline: of, like or pertaining to malarial mosquitoes anopisthographic: bearing writing or inscription only on one side anopsia: blindness anorchous: lacking testicles anosmia: lack or loss of sense

68. ‘The apparent end of the Abkhaz election crisis should pave the way for resuming talks with Georgia on settling the territorial conflict.’ ‘The Abkhaz coast appears, fringed with palms, oleanders and groves of eucalyptus trees planted long ago by the Russians to dry out the malarial marshes.’

69. In the fifth century BC Hippocrates (460–377 BC) noted that malarial fever could have a calming effect in epileptics ‘febrem convulsioni supervenire melius est, quam Convulsionem febri’, in other words ‘fever resolves spasm’ (Marks, 1817), while the Roman encyclopaedist Aulus Cornelius Celsus (25 BC – AD 50) suggested for the treatment of dropsy (oedema) heated sand and warm baths (Adams, 1834).