Use "make out" in a sentence

1. I can't make out your writing.

2. I can't make out what she wants.

3. How did you make out this morning?

4. Does that mean we can make out?

5. I couldn't make out what she meant.

6. How did you make out with them?

7. Let's make out we don't see her.

8. Make out which Aquios water softener is best

9. How did you make out with your classmates?

10. Can you make out what he is saying?

11. Please make out a bill for these goods.

12. Can you make out what that sign says?

13. I couldn't make out what he was saying.

14. We just make out as best we can.

15. I'm going to make out a receipt for you.

16. It was difficult to make out the manager's handwriting.

17. I couldn't make out what he was driving at.

18. When you make out the bill, please tell me.

19. No one can make out how the fire started.

20. I can't make out the number?it's very faint.

21. From what I could make out, health and safety.

22. The article was included to make out a book.

23. I could make out the gutted hulk of the tanker.

24. I could make out a dark figure in the twilight.

25. 29 I'm going to make out a receipt for you.

26. Why don't you go make out with your cross-eyed girlfriend?

27. I couldn't make out what I had done to annoy her.

28. 16 It is hard to make out what criteria are used.

29. I'll put a leather jacket, make out with an aerobics instructor.

30. Well, actually, Jesse and I did make out a little, but...

31. " French kiss, make out finger bomb, no skorts hand job Cameron. "

32. What do you plan to make out of all this... miscellany?

33. Through the mist I could just make out a vague figure.

34. And you barely might be able to make out this hut here.

35. You can make out the stowage plan according to the loading list.

36. Biodegradable balloons aren’t as environmentally friendly as manufactures like to make out

37. I can still make out the angle of attack of each strike.

38. I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.

39. I'm sure we can make out a case for hiring another assistant.

40. Through the elaborate drapings, she could make out animals, children, and costumed characters.

41. I could hear muffled voices next door but couldn't make out any words.

42. I could make out the very vague shapes of trees in the starlight.

43. I could just make out the faint vibrating thum-thum of rock music.

44. Unable to withstand my importunity he would make out drafts for me to copy.

45. As best he could make out, the second army was composed of abyssal beasts.

46. 18 The speaker was squeaky, but I could make out what was being said.

47. In the fading light she could just make out the shape of a tractor.

48. Make out a timetable, when you're going to eat, pee, fart, cry and sleep.

49. It was so foggy that the driver could hardly make out the way ahead.

50. I could just make out the tiny points of a car's headlights far away.

51. Mike likes to make out that he's tough, but he's a pussy cat really.

52. I want to go to Alaska, I want to make out with a black chick!

53. When he squinted his eyes, he could just make out a house in the distance.

54. An advocate for John could make out a case for him on this score also.

55. It was impossible to make out anything through such triplex , especially in the rocking tank.

56. Even with the binoculars, I could barely make out the indistinct shapes gliding through the water.

57. Hoping to expand your make-out pool to include the preemie to nine-year-old demographic?

58. His lips seemed to be mouthing something, but Robert could not make out what it was.

59. I tried to make out the cover and thought it might be a recent anthology of poetry.

60. 27 What do you make out of the difficulty trying to ventilate her during a prior anesthetic?

61. 29 Even with the binoculars, I could barely make out the indistinct shapes gliding through the water.

62. - the requirement that agents must make out and sell tickets at the official fares indicated in the tariffs;

63. ° the requirement that agents must make out and sell tickets at the official fares indicated in the tariffs,

64. - the requirement that agents must make out and sell tickets at the official fares indicated in the tariffs,

65. 19 I was privately grateful that it was too dark to make out the edge of the precipice.

66. There was enough starlight coming in the window to make out the dim shapes of bunkbeds and rucksacks.

67. A. Then there's all the more reason to make out a covenant. let's say you pay tax at 40%.

68. 6 There was an unappealing gloom inside and he could just make out the empty pews enclosed by wood panelling.

69. 28 Even with the magnification of a monocular, I can barely make out indistinct humps gliding through the darkening water.

70. In the dim upper reaches of the roof, she could now make out a cylindrical object with a dulled metallic glint.

71. From what I could make out, Rabari was the more generic term, while Kaika designated a specific camel-breeding sub caste.

72. I don't have any cash on me, so could I pay with a/ by Cheque? Who should I make out this Cheque …

73. His writing is so diffuse and obscure that it is difficult to make out what it is he is trying to say.

74. Then he melted the ghee in the fire and the charcoal hissed so sharply that Gold Teeth could not make out his words.

75. Make sure that you add your reference number to "Google India Pvt Ltd" when you make out all cheque and demand draft payments.

76. She refused to violate her conscience and accede to the owner’s request that she make out false tax declarations, and as a result was discharged.

77. 26 Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 

78. 30 Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 

79. 24 Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 

80. The notion that “Afghani” denotes an Afghan citizen while “Afghan” denotes an Afghan resident or loyalist is, as best as Chatterbox can make out, pure invention