Use "major tranquilizer" in a sentence

1. Tranquilizer.

2. Benzodiazepine's a hard-core tranquilizer, man.

3. It's a fucking horse tranquilizer, champion.

4. Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative.

5. Probably, therefore, some substance in the tranquilizer inhibits fertility.

6. Ataraxics: Explanation: Apparently a type of tranquilizer

7. Now take a tranquilizer, go to sleep.

8. Some one joked about opening a tranquilizer concession.

9. A drug that reduces nervous tension; a tranquilizer.

10. And the red ones are tranquilizer and blood - splatter darts.

11. Not with a dose of League tranquilizer in your system.

12. You're a premature mid - life crisis. You need a tranquilizer.

13. Librium (Chlordiazepoxide) is a sedative tranquilizer that induces relaxation and anxiolysis

14. The plan was to shoot the bear with a tranquilizer.

15. They plan to sedate the giant mammal with a tranquilizer.

16. INSOMNIA ( CAN'T SLEEP? ) HONEY! Use honey as a tranquilizer and sedative.

17. Before or during transport, there shall be no use of synthetic tranquilizer or stimulant.

18. 5 synonyms for Anxiolytic: antianxiety drug, Anxiolytic drug, minor tranquilizer, minor tranquilliser, minor tranquillizer

19. Alprazolam definition is - a benzodiazepine tranquilizer C17H13ClN4 used especially to treat mild to moderate anxiety.

20. Asafoetida is a plant that has tranquilizers and tranquilizer properties in the people who have nervous and stress conditions

21. Antonyms for Analeptic include downer, sleeping pill, sedative, tranquilizer, depressant, calmant, tranquilliser, block, discouragement and hindrance

22. 28 I'll go and get you some cough mixture ( a sleeping pill, a laxative , a tranquilizer, a pain - killer ).

23. Anxiolytic - a tranquilizer used to relieve anxiety and reduce tension and irritability antianxiety drug , Anxiolytic drug , minor tranquilizer , minor tranquilliser , minor tranquillizer benzodiazepine - any of several similar lipophilic amines used as tranquilizers or sedatives or hypnotics or muscle relaxants; chronic use can lead to dependency

24. Religion is a tranquilizer of the soul that makes believers feel a sense of peace and happiness. Dr T.P.Chia 

25. Objective To explore the mechanism and therapy for mid-term pregnancy habitual abortion. Methods The patients were given tranquilizer, Antaiwan and cervix cerclage.

26. Another option, with reportedly mixed results, Thayer said, is adding tiny amounts of acepromazine, a prescribed tranquilizer, to a pet's food or water.

27. State medical records indicate that large concentrations of the tranquilizer Valium and the sleep aid Restoril were in his system that night, among other prescription drugs.

28. A major Category a major Category of vehicle Theft is one of the major categories of crime

29. Canis Major.

30. What major?

31. Major hangover.

32. Two major events precipitated a major resurgence in Norwegian literature.

33. Major radius

34. Major arteries.

35. There are garrisons in major cities and major army bases.

36. Chlorpromazine definition is - a phenothiazine C17H19ClN2S used chiefly as a tranquilizer especially in the form of its hydrochloride to control the symptoms of psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia).

37. Chlordiazepoxide definition is - a benzodiazepine C16H14ClN3O related to diazepam and used in the form of its hydrochloride especially as a tranquilizer and to treat the withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism.

38. Major Requirements Concentrations

39. Armed adventurists, Major?

40. Major radius (z

41. Major radius (x

42. Major hull damage, Captain.

43. Major Government Benefits Programs

44. Catchphrase Game Major Features

45. Major-accident prevention policy

46. What's the drill, major?

47. Oh, major shampoo explosion!

48. Major Ayurvedic classics: Brhattrayi

49. Major open access statements

50. * Major General John A.H.

51. – Architectural history major, Yale.

52. 'Halt!' the Major ordered .

53. It offers both a major and a minor in Archaeology, and a major in

54. You're a drama major?

55. He's a major asshole.

56. 12 Concerti, Op.7; RV Anh.142 (RV 465), Oboe concerto in B ♭ major RV 188 in C major RV 326 in G minor RV 354 in A minor RV 285a in F major RV 374 in B ♭ major RV Anh.141 (RV 464), Oboe concerto in B ♭ major RV 299 in G major; RV 373 in B ♭ major RV …

57. Each Consolation is composed in either the key of E major or D ♭ major

58. They are classified into four major systems: Principal Arterials, minor arterial roads, major and minor …

59. List of Major Trade Associations

60. He was later promoted Major.

61. Those are major-league toys.

62. Give them to me, major.

63. I was a dentistry major.

64. Crows are also major agricultural

65. Biophysics major careers and jobs

66. Q-8: – Major or minor

67. I'm actually an engineering major.

68. Not just to civilians, major.

69. You'll take your orders, Major.

70. There were no major snafus.

71. Major, dial the alpha site

72. Subject: Major-Accident Hazards Directive

73. to major in women's studies.

74. He styled himself Major Carter.

75. Criminology major careers and jobs

76. Major, dial the Alpha site.

77. Aging is another major concern.

78. Good old American dollars, Major

79. Major-accident prevention and information

80. - Major Accident Hazards Decree(33),