Use "major term" in a sentence

1. The major effect from acute (short-term) inhalation exposure to Chloroform is central

2. Liberal arts Advisees are students in their first five terms and these convert to major Advisees when they declare a major (or a first major) during their sixth term

3. The Government of India has allocated long-term financial resources for this major project.

4. At the same time, a major upward adjustment took place in long-term interest rates.

5. In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities.

6. 4 In the longer term, the new Child Support Agency represents a major policy shift.

7. The term also describes one of the two major cell types of the endosperm, the Aleurone layer

8. And even major corporations may have short-term financing needs that do not justify a new issue.

9. Major financial reforms are underway to make the program efficient, accountable, and sustainable in the long term.

10. This was a short-term measure while a major reconstruction of the North Promenade followed in 1923/

11. Though Carter's presidency was marked by several major crises, the final year of his term Arguably was his worst.

12. Anyplace makes it easy for you to find flexible-term furnished housing rentals in major cities around the world

13. Where Japan is concerned, new vistas have opened up that could have a major impact even in the short term.

14. They have major problems in forming new memories, as well as some difficulty with retrieving previously formed long-term memories.

15. Bipartisan is a term which denotes support by members of the two major political parties (the Democrats and the Republicans)

16. Your Concession trailer will become a long-term business investment, and making a purchase is probably a major step for you

17. Unemployment, especially among the young, and the depletion of both oil and underground water resources are major long-term economic problems.

18. A major short-term problem in the first half of 2002 was a sharp decline in the stock market, fueled in part by the exposure of dubious accounting practices in some major corporations.

19. The term ordinarily signifies the more important of the two, 1,3-Butadiene, which is the major constituent of many synthetic rubbers

20. We have separated two forms of Aromatase, a major (P2a) and a minor (P3) form, from human term placenta through s …

21. An Augmented triad is a chord, made up of two major thirds (an Augmented fifth).The term Augmented triad arises from an Augmented triad being considered a major chord whose top note (fifth) is raised

22. The 46-year-old first-term senator is the first African American to become the presumptive presidential nominee of a major American party.

23. Though the term, Acculturation is generally used to describe minority groups and immigrants, this process also takes place in major cultural groups as well.

24. The " whole " (omne) of the dictum, the major term, ceases to be taken in extension, and becomes intensive or Connotative, and the inference consists in subsuming the minor under (bringing it into connexion with) the major.

25. The Arela Opportunity Fund seeks to focus our investments toward high-quality business and real estate in major US cities with long-term growth potential

26. A major Category a major Category of vehicle Theft is one of the major categories of crime

27. Canis Major.

28. What major?

29. Major hangover.

30. Two major events precipitated a major resurgence in Norwegian literature.

31. Short-term, within one 24-hour day (diurnal period) within-person changes of the principal blood count Analytes in healthy subjects were studied at three major institutions

32. Major radius

33. Major arteries.

34. There are garrisons in major cities and major army bases.

35. Ocean Acidification is a term used to describe a major shift in the chemistry of the ocean caused by sharp increases in carbon dioxide in the global atmosphere

36. So, there are major issues involved including the issues of a long-term goal of technology and how it should be transferred, financing, both mitigation and adaptation activities, and on mid-term plans and goals on how to push this process forward.

37. The term Braking comes from the term brake

38. • Talk about long-term and short-term goals.

39. Major Requirements Concentrations

40. Armed adventurists, Major?

41. Major radius (z

42. Major radius (x

43. What kind of mixture of long-term, short-term...?

44. We want long-term solutions, not short-term palliatives.

45. Term loan

46. Elaborated long - term , metaphase, short - term and super - short - term trade reach corresponding electrovalency and settle accounts method.

47. The term “State functions” was not a term of art.

48. The term insanity is used technically as a legal term.

49. Major hull damage, Captain.

50. Major Government Benefits Programs

51. Catchphrase Game Major Features

52. Major-accident prevention policy

53. What's the drill, major?

54. Oh, major shampoo explosion!

55. We need long-term solutions, not short-term Band-Aid ones.

56. Spring term: teaching practice: Summer term: preparation for the probationary year.

57. What Is Normocephalic Atraumatic Normocephalic is a medical term referring to a person whose head and all major organs of the head are in a normal condition and without significant abnormalities

58. Major Ayurvedic classics: Brhattrayi

59. Major open access statements

60. * Major General John A.H.

61. – Architectural history major, Yale.

62. 'Halt!' the Major ordered .

63. It offers both a major and a minor in Archaeology, and a major in

64. The term Abutting implies a closer proximity than the term adjacent

65. You're a drama major?

66. He's a major asshole.

67. : Broader term, narrower term, and related term references for subject headings are created according to the following principles: Hierarchical references

68. 12 Concerti, Op.7; RV Anh.142 (RV 465), Oboe concerto in B ♭ major RV 188 in C major RV 326 in G minor RV 354 in A minor RV 285a in F major RV 374 in B ♭ major RV Anh.141 (RV 464), Oboe concerto in B ♭ major RV 299 in G major; RV 373 in B ♭ major RV …

69. The term Andragogy can be supposedly equivalent to the term pedagogy

70. Tensions crop up too between the short term and long term.

71. Therefore the term „keratitis“ should be replaced by the term „keratopathia filamentosa”.

72. Each Consolation is composed in either the key of E major or D ♭ major

73. They are classified into four major systems: Principal Arterials, minor arterial roads, major and minor …

74. Foreign debt Long-term Short-term Aaa P-1 AAA A-1+

75. We need long-term solutions[ ], not short-term Band-Aid ones.

76. One tends to overemphasize short - term payoffs and ignores long - term strength.

77. The term of the Chairperson coincides with the term of the Parliament.

78. Planners usually define short-term goals in relation to long-term goals.

79. Although Leonardo has attempted to enthuse his players further, he understands the task in hand involves a major push, as well as a degree of perfection from now until the end of term.

80. List of Major Trade Associations