Use "maidservants" in a sentence

1. 15 It was an everyday occurrence for the gentry to bed maidservants.

2. In ancient Egypt, operating the hand mill seems to have been the lot of maidservants.

3. Now if we had been sold for mere men slaves and for mere maidservants, I should have kept silent.

4. I was told that no one should be allowed to enter these chambers, except for guards and maidservants, as per the King's orders.

5. Ancillary Meaning: "subservient, subordinate, serving as an aid," 1660s, from Latin ancillaris "relating to maidservants,"… See definitions of Ancillary.

6. Artemisia painted subjects that were traditionally the preserve of male artists and for the male gaze; transforming meek maidservants into courageous conspirators and victims into survivors

7. The adjective Ancillary originally meant "relating to maidservants" from the Latin, but the element of a female servant has fallen away and now the word merely refers to …