Use "magnificently" in a sentence

1. 4 I thought she coped magnificently.

2. 1 This dictionary is magnificently printed and tastefully appareled.

3. * But the trained local brothers carried on magnificently.

4. 3 The teams responded magnificently to the challenge.

5. This dictionary is magnificently printed and tastefully appareled.

6. 2 The public have responded magnificently to our appeal.

7. 9 The resort has fifteen magnificently groomed ski runs.

8. This dictionary is magnificently printed and tastefully Appareled

9. 5 The team played magnificently throughout the competition.

10. But Anne gave both of us a magnificently considerate present.

11. 8 The castle is magnificently sited high up on a cliff.

12. 22 Magnificently built churches are still the nucleus of parochial work.

13. I find the following words of Churchill to be magnificently Apposite: 2

14. 6 The city boasts a wealth of magnificently preserved temples and palaces.

15. 7 His speeches were magnificently written but his delivery was hopeless.

16. 20 Shanghai Autoin Center is a magnificently decorated four-star tourist garden hotel.

17. 12 In their magnificently illustrated accounts, they had even published drawings and photographs of these remains.

18. A detached house of style cottage and magnificently fitted out adjoins the house of maitre.

19. 21 Literature often reacts magnificently to an ambience of unease or apparent breakdown.

20. Antonyms for Contemptibly include admirably, perfectly, wonderfully, commendably, delightfully, excellently, impeccably, well, great and magnificently

21. Synonyms for Bewitchingly include beautifully, superbly, wonderfully, magnificently, gorgeously, splendidly, elegantly, handsomely, appealingly and attractively

22. 25 Built in 1712- the church was flattened in the Blitz, but it has been magnificently repaired.

23. Synonyms for Admirably include excellently, wonderfully, superbly, magnificently, flawlessly, exquisitely, splendidly, incomparably, supremely and remarkably

24. All these temples are magnificently built, some of them in white marble or in sandstone.

25. Synonyms for Breathtakingly include amazingly, incredibly, brilliantly, fantastically, magnificently, mind-blowingly, astonishingly, electrifyingly, exhilaratingly

26. 14 Batty was magnificently constructive throughout but things refused stubbornly to gel up to the interval.

27. For this has shown today a Crescendoing and a magnificently reoccurrence of lasting peace in the country.

28. 19 The text is magnificently illustrated with photographs by Jerry Harpur, specially commissioned by the National Trust.

29. Antonyms for Annoyingly include well, marvellously, marvelously, beautifully, exceptionally, favourably, favorably, great, magnificently and nicely

30. 17 The Philharmonia plays magnificently - especially the brass and timpani - and the recording is excellent.

31. Batty was magnificently constructive throughout but things refused stubbornly to gel up to the interval.

32. 16 Not any more: your body is stretching magnificently and your muscles are getting into better shape every day!

33. 20 His entire performance is magnificently unsettling and is no sense the Liszt Sonata of received wisdom.

34. 30 No idea in science survives because it is esthetically pleasing, mathematically elegant, or magnificently general.

35. Magnificently rebuilt in Renaissance style, Bratislava Castle looks as though it has been transplanted from a children's picture book

36. Not any more: your body is stretching magnificently and your muscles are getting into better shape every day!

37. 22 He is magnificently dressed in damask decorated with peacock feathers, and wears the Order of the Golden Fleece.

38. 13 His entire performance is magnificently unsettling and is no sense the Liszt Sonata of received wisdom.

39. 26 Mandylor, also a writer, wears black fingerless gloves and broods magnificently while recounting stories of orgiastic dances in St-Tropez.

40. 11 It was magnificently low-slung, almost like a sports car, but with four plush leather seats and a thrusting bonnet.

41. 18 Gooch, who batted magnificently in both innings at Old Trafford, was responsible for 198 of his side's 542 runs.

42. 24 Its 200-foot-long waiting-room was surmounted by an arched gallery and a magnificently arcaded clerestory.

43. You can not but feel that Aisling O'Sullivan, moulting magnificently like a sick eagle, is having a high old time.

44. 15 He is magnificently dressed in damask decorated with peacock feathers, and wears the Order of the Golden Fleece.

45. 28 Certainly his skill as an administrator was a vital factor in ensuring that so much was built so quickly and magnificently.

46. 23 You can not but feel that Aisling O'Sullivan, moulting magnificently like a sick eagle,[] is having a high old time.

47. 10 The pupils responded magnificently under the direction of drama teacher Mike Quinn, with outstanding performances from all the cast.

48. It was magnificently low-slung, almost like a sports car, but with four plush leather seats and a thrusting bonnet.

49. (Psalm 104:18) Mountain goats, such as the magnificently horned Nubian ibex, are among the most surefooted of all mountain dwellers.

50. 27 The subsequent report on the incident showed that the company, its staff and workers responded magnificently in the difficult circumstances.

51. The rowers, magnificently Apparelled, and the crew were under the command of a prior of the order of the Knights of Rhodes

52. 29 You get the feeling that these apps are a bit of a kludge, but if Google added this to Android, it could work magnificently.

53. At their peak, Earth, Wind & Fire Bestrode the popular music scene like a troupe of magnificently attired angels of funk, upbeat and apparently perpetually partying

54. A shame so many get lured in, since authentic sites pertaining to WWII—Churchill's actual bunker and RAF Uxbridge's magnificently restored Battle of Britain Operations Room—are nearby.

55. Pachacuti also promulgated a comprehensive code of laws to govern his far-flung empire, while consolidating his absolute temporal and spiritual authority as the God of the Sun who ruled from a magnificently rebuilt Cusco.

56. A film set entirely within a coffin, with one central character, may not sound entertaining viewing but given the fact that most people fear being Buried alive [vampire mythology etc] it works exceedingly well and Reynolds plays his part magnificently, drawing us into his personal ordeal.

57. He found it difficult to get enough funds or enough pupils for his school , and had to sell his house at Puri and part of his personal library to meet the expenses , while his wife magnificently parted with her jewellery to help him carry on .

58. I noticed that she kept darting little glances at Senora Seixas, who was nearly as big as her husband, with a great trembling bosom and thick white arms Ajangle with bracelets, but who moved with the grace of a former dancer and carried her plain blue frock magnificently.

59. Bridewell Chapel was united with St Bride, Fleet Street in 1864.' 'Bridewell Chapel, is an antient, and was formerly a Royal Chapel; for this spacious Court was antiently the Royal Palace of King John, in 1210, and other Kings of England, where the Parliaments sate; and here King Henry Eighth most magnificently entertained the Emperor Charles

60. Shriek: An Afterword is a sinister and bewitching tour-de-force.” ― Elizabeth Hand, bestselling author of Mortal Love “Here is a desert island book, a tale you can lose yourself in for days, a novel of character in which the setting--the magnificently gritty city-state named Ambergris--proves as the light fails to be the finest character