Use "macroscopic" in a sentence

1. MAcroscopic supramolecular assembly is a promising method for manufacturing mAcroscopic, ordered structures for tissue-engineering scaffolds

2. In this video, I explained the mAcroscopic characteristics of forward n reverse reactions as well as mAcroscopic characteristics of dynamic equilibrium durin

3. MAcroscopic Examination Macroetch, Grain Flow, Surface Condition & More

4. Macroscopic situation worsening, also promotes the entire profession development.

5. This article is for reference in state macroscopic planning and decision.

6. The emergence of quantum effects on a macroscopic level.

7. Phenomenology of mechanical behavior of materials at the macroscopic level.

8. This problem was addressed by developing polarizable force fields or using macroscopic dielectric constant.

9. Non-clonal growth of macroscopic cell aggregates in methylcellulose cultures of abnormal marrow is described.

10. There is a steep macroscopic foliation in the adjacent rocks and in parts of the plutons.

11. The mechanism of hyperthermia and chemotherapy thethe tumor cells was explored at macroscopic and microscopic levels.

12. MAcroscopic fat in the adrenal mass on CT or MRI imaging is diagnostic for adrenal myelolipoma

13. This paper details a hybrid cellular/macroscopic finite element analysis of wood during the cutting process.

14. Examples of accepted techniques for identity testing include: HPLC fingerprinting, macroscopic and microscopic identification, and certificates of botanical origin.

15. The cultural administration is the combination of the macroscopic cultural administration system and the microscopic cultural administrative operation mechanism.

16. Air-cooled and quenched samples do not have any significant differences in these macroscopic mechanical properties.

17. This law applies to all magnetic materials regardless of their macroscopic order (ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic).

18. Conscious mastery of price circulation law is the guideline policy of government control macroscopic price fluctuation.

19. Say from macroscopic that there are the reasons building market environment and policies and regulations are uncomplete.

20. 4 The mechanism of hyperthermia and chemotherapy thethe tumor cells was explored at macroscopic and microscopic levels.

21. The Caecum has the macroscopic appearance of a comma, and it is located in the caudal abdominal cavity

22. Silver lining: MAcroscopic free-standing hierarchical 3D architectures can be directly built from monodispersed silver nanowires (AgNW) through …

23. Surface Asperities exist across multiple scales, and seismic asperity on a fault plane is at a macroscopic scale

24. Examples include macroscopic phenomena that can be very obvious, like corrosion, and subtler effects associated with heterogeneous catalysis.

25. The macroscopic anatomy of the cerebellum and the brain stem of the Chinese buffalo was studied in detail.

26. Although Coacervates usually take a homogeneous spherical shape with flowability, they have the potential to adopt unexpected macroscopic structures.

27. The original macroscopic descriptions were reviewed to ensure that the available slides represented an adequate sampling of significant pathology.

28. The clinical presentation together with macroscopic and microscopic findings in a case of epidural fronto-parasagittal hemangiopericytoma occurring in a 59 years old female are reported. Pathogenesis, clinical and macroscopic findings, and microscopicaspects of this tumor aspected with the angioblastic (angiomatous) meningioma are discussed.

29. Buoyancy can be used to purify any macroscopic object by placing the object in solution that continuously varies in density

30. The present paper deals with the correlation between chain scission in loaded Nylon 6 fibers and the macroscopic viscoelastic behavior.

31. However, a macroscopic analysis of urban Agglomeration fails to delve into the intricacies of economic inefficiencies that affect particular cities.

32. The macroscopic forms of aquatic vegetation denoted as aquatic macrophytes include macroalgae, some species of ferns and Angiosperms inhabiting a wetland

33. A Clamped hybridization chain reaction (C-HCR)-based strategy has been developed to guide DNA self-assembly to form macroscopic hydrogels

34. Risk factors associated with HSV bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HSV in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy.

35. A flexible spacing coating is shown to overcome undesired surface and size effects and to enable assembly of mAcroscopic cubes with host/guest groups.

36. If this macroscopic change altered the microscopic laws, these laws would eventually reach a form capable of supporting an H-theorem.

37. 27 Risk factors associated with HS bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HS in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy .

38. 21 Risk factors associated with HSV bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HSV in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy.

39. The bearing capacity of ductile composites was analyzed for variable loadings by using homogenization theory from micromechanics for the macroscopic plastic analysis.

40. The locally plasticized synthetic material is pressed into the porous material of the parts by applying the local pressure and forms local, macroscopic anchorings (10, 20).

41. The paper introduces the concept of using three independent, macroscopic factors affecting mutual orientation of the reactant molecules to accomplish absolute asymmetric synthesis.

42. The reasons why the failure of spring steel wire fractured were analyzed by fracture analysis, macroscopic examination, metallographic analysis and SEM-EDX analysis.

43. The space coordinate is established which are used to describe the macroscopic instability in the ionospheric F region at mid and low latitude.

44. MAcroscopic Examination, also called Macro Test or Macro Examination, evaluates the quality and consistency of a test sample using only low or no magnification

45. An aggregate model is introduced which enables transition to macroscopic behavior, including a prediction of pressure-dependence of yield surfaces in macro-stress space.

46. And the reason is, as we'll see shortly, it turns out that every single macroscopic thermodynamic function can be Derived by knowing just that.

47. It turns out that when you're talking about macroscopic properties of matter, you don't need very many variables to describe the system completely thermodynamically.

48. Copolymer sequence is another feature that can have an important impact on the macroscopic behavior of a polymer synthesized from more than a single monomer

49. Nevertheless, this may make it possible to predict the influence of forming processes on their macroscopic structure and be included in the design of more advanced micro-machining technology.

50. Furthermore, the image of contour picture of maximum shear stress change on orthographically rupture mode of Bohai earthquake in 1966 is closer with the macroscopic isoseismal picture.

51. In statistical mechanics, entropy is understood as counting the number of microscopic configurations of a system that have the same macroscopic qualities (such as mass, charge, pressure, etc.).

52. The macroscopic damage image of reinforced concrete slabs under impact effect are obtained through model test, and the residual velocity of the projectile are gained from the tests.

53. The occurrence of spontaneous or dynamic type 1 ST elevation, a macroscopic T wave alternans or pronounced inferior (lateral) J point/ST elevation are signs of acute electrical instability.

54. The ovaries, testes, accessory sex organs (uterus and cervix, epididymides, prostate, seminal vesicles plus coagulating glands), thyroid and all organs showing macroscopic lesions of all adult animals should be preserved.

55. The examination of 43 postoperative specimens and of 51 Biopsic specimens of the rectum concerning colic Crohn's disease (MCC) confirm the known macroscopic and histologic characteristics of this disease.

56. Microfluidic Biochips integrate different biochemical analysis functionalities (e.g., dispensers, filters, mixers, separators, detectors) on-chip, miniaturizing the macroscopic chemical and biological processes often processed by lab-robots, to a sub-millimeter scale

57. Additionally, macroscopic and microscopic observations of flooded trees indicated that acute injury occurred in the stem base and, under some conditions, the cortex in this region developed an aerenchyma induced by flooding.

58. Macroscopic spray characterisation including penetration, cone angle, tip speed, hole-to-hole and shot-to-shot dispersion and microscopic characteristics, such as drop size and velocity were investigated for different nozzle layouts.

59. The best way to Conceptualize Wilson’s renormalization group, said Paul Fendley, a condensed matter theorist at the University of Oxford, is as a “theory of theories” connecting the microscopic with the macroscopic

60. The expenses of taxation of our country exist a lot of drawbacks at present(, which makes the role of the leverage of the tax revenue and macroscopic controlling ability of the country drop.

61. Atom - Atom - Atomic bonds: Once the way Atoms are put together is understood, the question of how they interact with each other can be addressed—in particular, how they form bonds to create molecules and macroscopic materials

62. Chemical shrinkage is like a molecular-level volume change, and creates the underlying driving force for the occurrence of Autogenous shrinkage that is the macroscopic bulk deformation of a closed, isothermal, cementitious material system not subjected to …

63. Autoclaved Concrete Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), a form of cellular concrete, is a low-density cementitious product of calcium silicate hydrates in which the low density is obtained by the formation of macroscopic air bubbles, mainly by chemical …

64. "The Copenhagen interpretation considers two realms: there is the macroscopic, classical realm of our measuring instruments governed by Newton's laws; and there is the microscopic, quantum realm of atoms and other small things governed by the Schrodinger equation.

65. (Institute of Anorganic and Applied Chemistry, Hamburg University) Patrick Huber (Institute of Materials Physics, Hamburg University of Technology) We present time-dependent macroscopic dilatometry experiments on the deformation of nanoporous monoliths (carbon and silica) upon spontaneous, capillarity-driven invasion of water

66. The style of extensional quartz veins changed during deformation and metamorphism of greywacke–mudstones near Yellowknife, with successive types of veins accompanying a progression from steeply plunging, predominantly macroscopic F1, and F2 folds to mesoscopic F3 folds and subvertical S3 axial planar cleavages.

67. The best way to Conceptualize Wilson’s renormalization group, said Paul Fendley, a condensed matter theorist at the University of Oxford, is as a “theory of theories” connecting the microscopic with the macroscopic. HOW MATHEMATICAL ‘HOCUS-POCUS’ SAVED PARTICLE PHYSICS CHARLIE WOOD SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 QUANTA MAGAZINE

68. Methods: Included in the study were cats with ISSs undergoing macroscopic surgical removal and subsequent electron beam radiotherapy treatment with either a finely fractionated protocol (48 or 52.8 Gy over 4 weeks delivered in 12 or 16 fractions) or a Coarsely fractionated protocol (36 Gy over 3 weeks administered in six fractions)

69. Condensed matter physics is the field of physics that deals with the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties of matter, especially the solid and liquid phases which arise from electromagnetic forces between atoms.More generally, the subject deals with "Condensed" phases of matter: systems of many constituents with strong interactions between them.

70. ‘The most famous is Buckminsterfullerene, discovered in 1985, which is made up of 60 carbon atoms arranged in 12 pentagonal rings and 20 hexagonal rings.’ ‘This is how I think about the fact that Buckminsterfullerene, C 60, reached macroscopic stability - in the special reaction conditions of a carbon arc in a helium atmosphere.’

71. ‘The most famous is Buckminsterfullerene, discovered in 1985, which is made up of 60 carbon atoms arranged in 12 pentagonal rings and 20 hexagonal rings.’ ‘This is how I think about the fact that Buckminsterfullerene, C 60, reached macroscopic stability - in the special reaction conditions of a carbon arc in a helium atmosphere.’

72. MAcroscopic FLOW MODELS Mobility within an urban area is a major component of that area's level provides this measurement in terms of the three basic quality of life and an important issue facing many cities as they variables of traffic flow: speed, flow (or volume), and grow and their transportation facilities become congested.

73. In a 61 year old female patient who suffered from atypical chest pain we diagnosed long QT syndrome by QTc duration of 467ms, macroscopic T wave alternans and notched T waves in three leads and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with asymmetric thickening of basal parts of the septum (2.0 cm) without relevant outflow tract obstruction by echocardiography.

74. In biology, Coevolution is "the change of a biological object triggered by the change of a related object." [1] Coevolution can occur at many biological levels: it can be as microscopic as correlated mutations between amino acids in a protein, or as macroscopic as covarying traits between different species in an environment.Each party in a Coevolutionary relationship exerts selective pressures