Use "macerating" in a sentence

1. Originally developed in the Burgundy region of France during the 1800s, creme de Cassis is made by macerating neutral spirits with blackcurrants (AKA Cassis…

2. Achiote is a spice and coloring agent extracted from the seeds of the evergreen Bixa orellana shrub. After macerating in water, the pulp surrounding the seeds is made into cakes for further processing into dyes

3. Swiss La Bleue - Absinthe made by using traditional 19th century distilling methods - macerating Grand wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium), genepl, green anise,fennel and other plants in an eau-de-vie.The macerated charge is distilled in an original Absinth still

4. A method of manufacturing guacamole comprising preparing avocado comprising pitting, peeling and heating under alkaline conditions of greater than pH 8 to reduce the development of foul tasting flavors and reduce the development of brown coloration; macerating the avocado; and adding flavoring agents to the macerated avocado.

5. The amount of this Colorific matter may be estimated quantitatively by noting the quantity of the chloride of lime solution required to destroy this blood-red color in different cases: or the same result may be obtained by macerating for a short period in milk of lime -- filtering -- precipitating the filtered liquor by acetic or muriatic acid