Use "macaronies" in a sentence

1. French and English modes * fashion babies * Namby Pamby * Beau Nash * full-bottomed wig * corners * knotted wig * tie wig * Bagwig * solitaire * pig-tail wig * Ramillies wig * cadogan * Macaronies * pigeon's wings * Greek toupet * Adonis wig * white powder * Meissen porcelain 8 colored powder * decline of the wig * black silk bag * the flash

2. French and English modes * fashion babies * Namby Pamby * Beau Nash * full-bottomed wig * corners * knotted wig * tie wig * Bagwig * solitaire * pig-tail wig * Ramillies wig * cadogan * Macaronies * pigeon's wings * Greek toupet * Adonis wig * white powder * Meissen porcelain 8 colored powder * decline of the wig * black silk bag * the flash