Use "lycaonia" in a sentence

1. (Ac 14:6-11) The boundaries of Lycaonia fluctuated considerably throughout its history and are uncertain.

2. On hearing that a plot had been hatched to stone them, the two wisely fled and continued their work in Lycaonia, Lystra, and Derbe.

3. The apostles were not cowards, but when they learned of a plot to stone them, they wisely left to preach in Lycaonia, a region of Asia Minor in southern Galatia.

4. The original Attalid territory around Pergamum (Mysia) was greatly expanded by 188 bce with the addition of Lydia (excluding most Greek coastal cities), part of Phrygia, Lycaonia, and Pisidia (from 183 bce), all former Seleucid territories